Bantam talk
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Bradford City Talk. Bantam Talk. Football Stuff. Reply Bantam Talk. Posts: 6, Apr 14, GMT Lofty said:. This is Bingley Bantams tier arse licking.
Bantam talk
Welcome to Bantam Talk Why not register for an account? Oh man! Ad-blocking software has been detected! This website is run by the community, for the community Please disable your ad-block, or become a premium member to hide all advertisements and this notice. Bantam Talk - Bradford City Forum. Not only can you then get fully involved in the community but you also get fewer ads. Premium Membership now Available Please see this thread for more details. Hide Shoutbox. Site Announcements. Site Announcements 28
As Bradford City forums we should be sticking together at times like these. JonButterfield Jul 20,
Designed by students for students , the Bantam Network helps students build their on-campus network of care. We do so by using a comprehensive Nest system. Through the Nests, students join a unique support system of Nest Advisors and Community Mentors encompassing staff, faculty, and peers. S tudents also engage in opportunities that foster their academic achievement and personal development, while building community and creating traditions that last a lifetime. We guide students through their Trinity experience, from matriculation to graduation!
Bantam talk
Welcome to Bantam Talk Why not register for an account? Oh man! Ad-blocking software has been detected! This website is run by the community, for the community
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Rahic is a cunt who deserves everything he gets. Replies: 7 Views: Shout as:. Only if God tells me to. This website is run by the community, for the community Flip side it's 13, people who will watch any old shite. Petrov Mar 8, at AM. Stafford Bantam Mar 6, at AM. Quick, someone edit the link before anyone sees it! We are on here, a place frequented by normal people not on a place which is full of the reasons why we are dog shit. Latest: Moderation NorthernMonkey , Feb 19, We won't because Rupp won't pay for it despite saying he'd fix it. Order threads in: Descending order Ascending order. Digital Content Creator Storck , Jan 22, Apr 20, GMT Bacon said:.
Welcome to Bantam Talk Why not register for an account? Oh man!
No, you'll be too busy murdering prostitutes or something. Football Stuff. AnimatedBantam , Jul 9, City Talk Discuss Bradford City. Fantastic support etc. Kevin Mar 8, at PM. Welcome to Bantam Talk Why not register for an account? Are you regretting not getting a season ticket this year yet? General Sport A place to discuss any sport that isn't football 61 1, By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies.
I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are not right. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.