1901 indian head penny

1901 indian head penny

Longacre and released in as a replacement for the Flying Eagle motif, which debuted in and became the nation's first small cent, 1901 indian head penny. Interestingly, the Indian cent name is a misnomer, as the female figure on the coin's obverse is not a Native American but rather a Caucasian figure of Miss Liberty wearing a feathered headdress meant to depict, if inaccurately, a style 1901 indian head penny head adornment similar to those worn by some native peoples.

By creating an account, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. For collectors, it is important to get their hands on coins from this year as it will be necessary to complete any collection. Of course, even more important is getting your hands on one of these coins in excellent condition. Being that they are well over years old, however, it is not so easy to attain a Indian Head in well-preserved shape. As part of American minting history, the Indian Head draws attention from a lot of collectors. Because of this, these coins are becoming increasingly scarce with each passing year, so it is important to get your hands on them while you can.

1901 indian head penny

Flying Eagle and Indian Head Cents. Die Variety Search:. Varieties by Year:. Select a category Flying Eagle Cents 65 24 Obverse of 1 Obverse of 23 41 Large Letters 18 Small Letters 17 Unknown Hub Type 6 Indian Head Pennies 1, 9 9 Pointed Bust 2 Rounded Bust 7 4 37 76 64 CN 15 L 23 No-L 25 Unknown Hub Type 1 44 Fancy 5 25 Plain 5 16 Unknown Punch Type 3 26 11 18 26 42 10 15 13 Close 3 3 Open 3 10 13 25 2 2 7 5 31 8 10 22 11 5 21 Type 1 Hub 9 Type 2 Hub 12 20 35 47 23 27 21 23 6 32 33 31 48 40 33 29 29 38 29 48 76 69 47 S 10 2. About Contact. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Do not sell my personal information. Cookie Settings Accept. Manage consent. Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website.

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A close inspection determines if your Indian head penny value is above average. Most of these old pennies surviving today are heavily worn, finding one with the majority of the design remaining is worth double the others. Indian pennies began as finely detailed coins, the headdress and headband, curls and ribbon in her hair, all well defined. However, circulating in everyday use, wear from handing quickly smoothes and flattens the high points and finer parts of the design. Pictured is an "uncirculated" penny, there is no wear to the surfaces. Looking closely, all features are crisp and sharp.

By creating an account, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. For collectors, it is important to get their hands on coins from this year as it will be necessary to complete any collection. Of course, even more important is getting your hands on one of these coins in excellent condition. Being that they are well over years old, however, it is not so easy to attain a Indian Head in well-preserved shape. As part of American minting history, the Indian Head draws attention from a lot of collectors. Because of this, these coins are becoming increasingly scarce with each passing year, so it is important to get your hands on them while you can.

1901 indian head penny

A close inspection determines if your Indian head penny value is above average. Most of these old pennies surviving today are heavily worn, finding one with the majority of the design remaining is worth double the others. Indian pennies began as finely detailed coins, the headdress and headband, curls and ribbon in her hair, all well defined. However, circulating in everyday use, wear from handing quickly smoothes and flattens the high points and finer parts of the design. Pictured is an "uncirculated" penny, there is no wear to the surfaces.


Your use of this site indicates full acceptance of these terms. Or Return to Log in. Nice, original honest coins are in the greatest demand. The grade of the coin in question will almost always determine how much you will pay. By creating an account, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. A close inspection determines if your Indian head penny value is above average. Overall a nice coin with a pleasing appearance. While judging your coins, add pleasing eye appeal as an indicator pointing to above average Indian head penny value. Of course, even more important is getting your hands on one of these coins in excellent condition. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The prices listed in our database are intended to be used as an indication only. Notice a slight flattening to the cheek below her eye, and the ribbon trailing below her headdress.

In , the circulating 1c coin wore pearls and feathers. How odd! Today, we would call it a Native American Head Penny.

Others Others. Also true, lightly circulated examples are still very collectible. New to JM Bullion? Show More Hide More. Die Variety Search:. For coins as old as the Indian Head Penny, collectors care most about the condition the coin is in. Check Order Status. Overall, however, there is very little aesthetically wrong with Extremely Fine Indian Heads. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Last Name. Accept all cookies. Being that they are well over years old, however, it is not so easy to attain a Indian Head in well-preserved shape. Functional Functional. For example, finding small details remaining within the feathers especially towards the tips indicates better condition. Select a category Flying Eagle Cents 65 24 Obverse of 1 Obverse of 23 41 Large Letters 18 Small Letters 17 Unknown Hub Type 6 Indian Head Pennies 1, 9 9 Pointed Bust 2 Rounded Bust 7 4 37 76 64 CN 15 L 23 No-L 25 Unknown Hub Type 1 44 Fancy 5 25 Plain 5 16 Unknown Punch Type 3 26 11 18 26 42 10 15 13 Close 3 3 Open 3 10 13 25 2 2 7 5 31 8 10 22 11 5 21 Type 1 Hub 9 Type 2 Hub 12 20 35 47 23 27 21 23 6 32 33 31 48 40 33 29 29 38 29 48 76 69 47 S 10 2.

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