2 broke girls cast

2 broke girls cast

Max Black Episodes. Caroline Channing Episodes. Earl Washington Episodes. Oleg Golishevsky Episodes.

Main Details. List Gallery Table. Beth Behrs. The show ran for six seasons and earned Behrs praise and nominations for Kat Dennings. Matthew Moy. Matthew James Moy born February 3, is an American actor and artist.

2 broke girls cast

Television Stats. The show revolves around the lives of two waitresses, Max Black and Caroline Channing, as they navigate their way through the challenges of life and work in New York City. Max, played by Kat Dennings, is a street-smart, tough-talking girl with a talent for baking. Caroline, played by Beth Behrs, is a former socialite who lost her wealth and is now trying to start a new life. Together, they dream of opening their own cupcake business. Kim Kardashian, who portrays the character Herself, is currently the most popular cast member today. The cast of 2 Broke Girls including daily popularity data. Updated on February 23, Sort cast by:. Actor Popularity.

Marcus Choi Michael 2 1 episode, Darin Brooks Frank 1 episode, Michelle Nader Executive Producer 43 Episodes.

Two young women waitressing at a greasy spoon diner strike up an unlikely friendship in the hopes of launching a successful business - if only they can raise the cash. Sophie Kachinsky : I'll be in my booth! Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer

The season focuses on Max Black, a sarcastic below-the-poverty-line waitress, and Caroline Channing, a disgraced New York socialite turned waitress, as they continue their cupcake business venture, opening a store for Max's Homemade Cupcakes. The season premiere debuted to The season averaged In this second season,Max and Caroline are continuing to hustle and putting themselves in hilarious situations to keep their dream cupcake business going. Caroline soon discovers love with Andy Ryan Hansen , but she has to choose between him or her future. The first season employed a cast a six main actors. Actresses Kat Dennings and Beth Behrs return to portray their respective roles as Max Black, a sarcastic below-the-poverty-line waitress, and Caroline Channing, a former socialite who is bankrupt following her father's arrest for his involvement in a Ponzi scheme.

2 broke girls cast

Max Black 22 Episodes. Caroline Channing 22 Episodes. Earl Washington 22 Episodes. Oleg Golishevsky 22 Episodes. Han Lee 22 Episodes. Sophie Kachinsky 22 Episodes. Joedth 5 Episodes. Nash 4 Episodes. John 3 Episodes.

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The series premiere was watched by Percy A. Eddie Pepitone. But neither Oleg nor Sophie are impressed with Caroline's work. Jennifer Coolidge Sophie Kachinsky. Deke 8 Episodes. Deborah Baker Jr. Episode 4. Jackson Rogow Geek 3 1 episode, October 6, [91].

Elizabeth Ann Behrs born December 26, is an American actress. The show ran for six seasons and earned Behrs praise and nominations for the Teen and the People's Choice Awards.

Ben Lawson Tim 1 episode, Together, they dream of opening their own cupcake business. Beth Crosby Woman Executive 1 1 episode, Vega Juice Guy uncredited 1 episode, Dale Dickey — 1 Episode. Graham Campbell Adam 1 episode, Tara Inden Police Officer uncredited 1 episode, Josie Totah Elliot 1 episode, Craig Ricci Shaynak Singing Inmate 5 1 episode, Max also enrolls in, and Caroline goes to work for, the Manhattan School of Pastry, where Max finds a love interest, Deke, marking the first time in the series that Max gets emotional for a man after the second episode when she broke up with her then cheating boyfriend, Robbie. Gwenn Day Cupcake Girl 1 episode, Earl T. Jen 1 Episode. Ed Quinn Randy.

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