2001 disney movies

This is a list of all of the movies and television shows that were broadcast on Disney Channel in

Da tutti i film della storia del cinema , hai selezionato 3 film distribuiti da walt disney. Serie TV. Il tuo profilo. Parte del gruppo e. Vai alla ricerca avanzata ». Caricamento in corso

2001 disney movies

The masterpiece. The milestone. The magic. Now you and your family can experience Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs -- the one that started it all -- in its most magical presentation ever! Walt Disney's revered animated masterpiece has been digitally restored for picture and sound that goes beyond its original brilliance, the way it was meant to be seen! Three Great Titles for Preschoolers! Hip, hip, Pooh-ray! First, from the heart of the Hundred Acre Wood, come two imaginative and magical videos honey-packed with fun-filled stories. Their Mission? To Save Summer! Summer vacation is in danger of being eliminated, and the kids from Recess are teaming up to save it in Recess: School's Out , the hit movie the "Washington Post" calls "great fun! Red Alert!

Atlantis: The Lost Empire. TV-G 85 min Comedy, Family.

After setting the standard for animated feature films in the 20th century, Walt Disney Animated Studios continues to take the world by storm well within the new millennium, with hit after all-star hit. For the famed animation company, with the new era came a new sense of innovation, exploring themes and genres new to the brand. Over the years, the brand has made exciting leaps in inclusivity, which can be seen in its increasingly diverse portfolio. From the years to predetermined dates still yet to come, Disney Animated Studios continues to be the go-to for quality family entertainment the world over. The film follows a group of explorers as they uncover the long-forgotten secrets of the legendary lost city of Atlantis. The heartwarming comedy follows a broken family who unwittingly takes in an alien fugitive, ultimately learning the true meaning of the word "ohana.

When a little girl named Boo wanders into their world, it's the monsters who are scared silly, and it's up to Sulley and Mike to keep her out of sight and get her back home. Rated: G December 19, Sulley's scare assistant, best friend, and roommate doesn't want any interruptions in his life—especially in his relationships. Although Mike thinks Boo is a "killing machine" at first, he later finds she's a great audience for his natural comedic talent. Occupation: Scare Assistant Description: One-eyed, green sphere with arms, legs and small horns. Sulley may be the most celebrated monster in Monstropolis, but that doesn't make him mean. When the softhearted monster has to care for Boo, he discovers that love and laughter are more powerful than making kids scream. They just don't scare well. Purple one-eyed monster with five snakes for hair.

2001 disney movies

Atlantis: The Lost Empire is a featured article , which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. This article is about the film. For other uses, see Atlantis. Set in , the film tells the story of a young man who gains possession of a sacred book, which he believes will guide him and a crew of adventurers to the lost city of Atlantis. Development of the film began after production had finished on The Hunchback of Notre Dame Instead of another musical, the production team decided to do an action-adventure film inspired by the works of Jules Verne. Atlantis was notable for adapting the distinctive visual style of comic book creator Mike Mignola.

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March 24, It does not include films produced or released by other existing, defunct or divested labels or subsidiaries owned by Walt Disney Studios i. Votes: 1, Jafar, an evil royal vizier, tells Aladdin he can help him if he can retrieve a magic lamp for him. Retrieved June 4, Read View source View history. Past Lives. Peppa's Cinema Party. Fun and Fancy Free Archived from the original on July 25,

This is a list of films produced by and released under the Walt Disney Pictures banner known as that since , with Never Cry Wolf as its first release and films released before that under the former name of the parent company , Walt Disney Productions —

In the original Brothers Grimm fairy tale, the dwarfs are indistinct, interchangeable characters. Stone , Rene Mujica , Hynden Walch. TV-G 84 min Comedy, Family. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Davy Crockett and the River Pirates. Recensione Cast Rassegna stampa Forum. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. Saludos Amigos The Misadventures of Merlin Jones. At the movie's December 21, , premiere at Hollywood's Carthay Circle Theater, the celebrity-packed audience rose to its feet and cheered at the film's conclusion. Audrey kellerstedt on January 17, at pm. Race for Glory - Audi VS. Retrieved August 17, The film follows a group of explorers as they uncover the long-forgotten secrets of the legendary lost city of Atlantis.

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