3/16 x 1 1/4 aluminum rivets

3/16 x 1 1/4 aluminum rivets

Natychmiast dostępny, czas dostawy 2 - 3 days 1.

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3/16 x 1 1/4 aluminum rivets

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Call us today for all of your rivet and special fastener needs. For more information on the types of solid aluminum rivets that we offer use the menu below. Note: Not responsible for errors in data tables. Please check with our sales department to confirm specs. Available aluminum.

3/16 x 1 1/4 aluminum rivets

Made of aluminum, these blind rivets are lightweight and corrosion resistant. The domed head gives your project a finished appearance. Select a color to make your rivets stand out or blend in. These rivets are lightweight and have good corrosion resistance. These rivets grip a much wider range of material thicknesses than standard blind rivets. Also known as micro rivets, these are our smallest-diameter rivets and are often used in electronics assembly. Lightweight and corrosion resistant, these blind rivets are made of aluminum. Grip a much wider range of material thicknesses than standard blind rivets.

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