adult movie data base

Adult movie data base

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The Adult Film Database AFD is an English-language adult website database that attempts to keep records of all pornographic movies and adult film stars. This includes filmographies, partial biographies, reviews, labeled and categorized adult film stills, as well as a regularly updated adult industry blog which features the latest news about adult performers, movies, directors, studios , web site updates and sundry adult news from around the world. It was created in under the name Sodomite by a college student. In its name was changed to the AdultFilmDatabase. Today, the AdultFilmDatabase. Run by a husband and wife team, the Adult Film Database was the first online adult database to include both straight and gay videos and performers.

Adult movie data base

The Internet Adult Film Database IAFD is an online database of information pertaining to the pornography industry : actors , actresses , directors , studios , distributors and pornographic films. IAFD was started by Peter van Aarle, who had collected data on adult movies since , when he began keeping notes on index cards on adult movies he had seen or were reviewed in Adam Film World. The two exchanged databases and began work on a WWW -based database. Van Aarle later collaborated on this Web database with Ron Wilhelm, who went by the pseudonym of "Heretic". After Wilhelm left the Internet to join the military, the site eventually fell victim to link rot. Vanzetti was looking for a project on which to teach himself on-line database programming using SQL Server, and this seemed like a natural fit, since they were both co-moderators of the newsgroup rec. The beginning of brought the first steps towards the relaunch of the IAFD. Initially, search boxes only searched females, and data was restricted to movies released post In those early days of the IAFD I had made one stipulation: I did not want the movie info on movies before to be available. The idea behind this was basically that if I would ever decide I wanted to do something commercially with my database it would be a good idea to keep the most valuable parts of it off limits. The data on older titles was clearly the most difficult to compile and very few people I ever talked to had much info on the older stuff, with a few notable exceptions like Jim Holliday , and therefore the more valuable part of the data. The cut-off date of was a compromise to include at least the titles of Buttman , who was one of the most popular directors of the time. Van Aarle died on September 18, , at the age of 42 from a heart attack. On March 1, , the IAFD rolled out information on over 18, gay titles and some 39, gay performers. According to Vanzetti, IAFD adds about new titles a month and processes thousands of corrections—corrections that anyone can submit for review.

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The Adult Film Database AFD is an English-language adult website database that attempts to keep records of all pornographic movies and adult film stars. This includes filmographies, partial biographies, reviews, labeled and categorized adult film stills, as well as a regularly updated adult industry blog which features the latest news about adult performers, movies, directors, studios , web site updates and sundry adult news from around the world. It was created in under the name Sodomite by a college student. In its name was changed to the AdultFilmDatabase. Today, the AdultFilmDatabase. Run by a husband and wife team, the Adult Film Database was the first online adult database to include both straight and gay videos and performers. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history.

Adult movie data base

Simon Regal. Updated on: November 28, A pornstar directory is a great way to find juicy clips and hidden gems from the adult performers you love. Since Wikipedia knows everything, right? You might find some background info, but the Internet is awash with porn videos, clips and feature length movies. The good thing about a porn database is it connects you straight to the good stuff. Some offer galleries and clips as well as full filmographies and links to official websites, Twitter pages and more.

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The topic of this article may not meet Wikipedia's notability guideline for web content. Private Ninn 3 - Your Time is Up. Private Solid Gold 1. Private Life of Lea De Mae. Private Bukkake 3 - Milk Shake. Private Black Label 22 - Intrigue and Pleasure. Pirate 5 - Love Me Deadly. Private Stories 24 - Riding High. Private Blockbusters 5 - Billionaire 2. Black DP's. Private Movies 15 - Ghost Bangers. Christmas Teen Hangover. Filthy Webcammers. Private Reality 2 - Pure Pleasure.

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