Alice tv show cast

The durable sitcom about a single mom who slings hash at Mel's Diner is based on the movie 'Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore' and ran for nine seasons.

The misadventures and trials of an aspiring singer and her co-workers at a greasy-spoon diner. Florence Jean Castleberry : Kiss my grits! Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer

Alice tv show cast

Sign In. Walden episodes, Vic Tayback Mel Sharples episodes, Beth Howland Vera Louise Gorman episodes, Polly Holliday Flo Castleberry 90 episodes, Celia Weston Jolene Hunnicutt 90 episodes, Marvin Kaplan Henry 82 episodes, Duane R. Dave Madden Earl Hicks 35 episodes, Charles Levin Elliot Novak 25 episodes, Diane Ladd Belle Dupree 23 episodes, Ted Gehring Charlie 16 episodes,

Boyd Bodwell Sam Fox 1 episode,

Alice Hyatt Linda Lavin. Mel Sharples Vic Tayback. Vera Gorman Beth Howland.

Sign In. Edit Alice — Series Directed by Marc Daniels Mel Sharples episodes, Beth Howland Flo Castleberry 90 episodes, Celia Weston

Alice tv show cast

Alice Hyatt Episodes. Mel Sharples Episodes. Vera Louise Gorman-Novak Episodes.

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Karlene Crockett Melody 1 episode, Chet Dowling. Alice Hyatt Episodes Claude Stroud Happy Schuster 1 episode, Bragg 3 episodes, Howard Liebling. Clinton Derricks-Carroll Policeman 1 1 episode, Angela Aames Tawny 1 episode, Diane Ladd. Dee Biederbeck Woman 2 1 episode, In the original film, Flo, as played by Diane Ladd, tells Mel in one scene to "Kiss me where the sun don't shine. Allan Rich Mr. Jim Varney Milo Skinner 1 episode, Steve McGriff Jake Jr. Though she dates from time to time, Vera lives alone but has one major love interest towards the end of the series: Elliot.

The misadventures and trials of an aspiring singer and her co-workers at a greasy-spoon diner.

Production Company 1 Credit. Charles Isaacs. Oz Scott. Trailer Evan Cohen Artie 1 episode, Jay Leno Bones 1 episode, Kent Perkins Jasper 1 episode, Create account. Thomas Byrd Rudy 1 episode, Alice Hyatt. Lou Criscuolo Joe Capri 2 episodes, Polly Holliday left the show to star in her own spin-off series, Flo.

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