altoona mirror obits

Altoona mirror obits

Craig Steven Ruch Oct. Winslow Ruch and the late Joseph Barry J.

Search by Name. Get notified when a new obituary is added. Sort By:. High Schools. Funeral Homes. Friday, March 8,

Altoona mirror obits

Welcome to our look-up and email transmission service for obituaries posted in the Altoona Mirror. Please follow the steps below to submit a request. Since , we have sent requests to all 50 states and to 10 countries! Please be aware that the library is not responsible for the content of the obituaries. Obituaries vary greatly by scope and length. The library is not responsible for assuring your request is the person you are looking for. There are no refunds. Obituaries are usually processed within one to three business days. Search the database by typing a last name into the first search field. You can narrow the results by adding information to the following fields. Our employees and volunteers work very hard to process the obituaries as fast as possible, but they may take several days. If you found this service useful and would like to show your appreciation, please consider an additional donation to the library. Obituary Requests.

Duane R. Annabelle Constance Shura. Randall DaNiell March 6, 59 years old View obituary.

Search by Name. David Ivan Summers. Altoona, PA. See All Obituaries. Naomi Barber King — , civil rights activist. Akira Toriyama — , creator of Dragon Ball media franchise. Steve Lawrence — , Steve and Eydie singer and actor.

Search by Name. Get notified when a new obituary is added. Sort By:. High Schools. Funeral Homes. Wednesday, March 13, Saturday, February 3, Tuesday, January 30,

Altoona mirror obits

Search by Name. Get notified when a new obituary is added. Sort By:. High Schools.

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David H. Donnelly October 27, January 9, Phyllis M. Penny L. Monday, December 4, Ferguson February 13, 96 years old View obituary. Mary Jo Shamas. William E. Alice M. Robinson McGarvey. Phyllis M.

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Clair D. Michael J. February 12, 82 years old. Oliver Perry Wance. Kay Park. Tara Elaine Ryan. Wednesday, January 17, Wednesday, November 29, Martha J Rickabaugh. Cancel Submit. Lois K.

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