american horror story hotel imdb

American horror story hotel imdb

Alex enlists John's help in containing an outbreak; Donovan learns The Countess' true intentions; Liz and Iris plan to leave the hotel for good. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Fashion mogul Will Drake brings couture to the Hotel Cortez. A model catches the Countess' eye. John learns about the hotel's sadistic first owner. The Countess : He's full of rage. I can still smell it. Like copper. Sign In Sign In.

American horror story hotel imdb

I will update this with all casting information as it is revealed to the public. There are other more popular lists with inaccurate information so I wanted to make one that was actually legitimate. Soundtrack A Star Is Born. Lady Gaga, born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, is an American songwriter, singer, actress, philanthropist, dancer and fashion designer. Lady Gaga was the first official cast member announced back when the title of AHS: Hotel was revealed, marking her first major television series debut. Her character will somehow be involved in fashion. Actor In Time. After school, he attended Carnegie Mellon University in Not much is known about his character other than being somehow involved with Lady Gaga's character. Actor American Beauty. Wes Bentley is an American actor who first became well-known via his role in the Oscar-winning film American Beauty , in which he played the soulful, artistic next-door neighbor Ricky Fitts. Actress 12 Years a Slave. Actor X-Men: Apocalypse.

Max Greenfield is an American actor. Actress The Fabulous Baker Boys.

Iris and Liz oversee a new era at the Cortez. John and Alex struggle to adapt to life outside the hotel. Hypodermic Sally : Oh, come on. You telling people to stop killing is like Colonel Sanders telling us to stop eating chicken. James March : I'm not familiar with your military friend and his fondness for poultry, but my killing days are over. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

A hotel devious for all kinds of supernatural phenomenon. Obviously the already missed Lange isn't coming back but we've still got a whole cast to appreciate! Actor X-Men: Apocalypse. Evan Peters was born in in St. Louis, Missouri to Phil and Julie Peters. When his father's job was transferred, the family moved to Grand Blanc, Michigan.

American horror story hotel imdb

An anthology series centering on different characters and locations, showcasing different aspects of horror. Cordelia Foxx : In the absence of the council, as reigning Supreme of this coven, I hereby decree Myrtle Snow, are hereby sentenced to death by fire. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer Drama Horror Sci-Fi.

Tanya james

Wes Bentley John Lowe. Alex Lowe. Featured review. Loni Peristere. Did you know Edit. See production info at IMDbPro. Evan Peters James March. Wes Bentley is an American actor who first became well-known via his role in the Oscar-winning film American Beauty , in which he played the soulful, artistic next-door neighbor Ricky Fitts. United States. Tell Your Friends Share this list:. Sevigny has spent her career working with innovative and revolutionary filmmakers and artists including Lars von Trier, Jim Richard Timothy Jones is a American actor.

Detective and family man John Lowe investigates a chain of gruesome murders in Los Angeles.

Fashion mogul Will Drake brings couture to the Hotel Cortez. New Customer? Create account. Frances Conroy Actress Six Feet Under Award-winning stage actress Frances Conroy was introduced and encouraged by her parents to explore the elements of theater. Actor In Time. Recently viewed. United States. Helena Mattsson Agnetha. Connections References Nanny McPhee Hypodermic Sally : Oh, come on. Actress 12 Years a Slave. Actor Dallas Buyers Club.

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