aries god of war

Aries god of war

Ares was the Greek god of war, a true wild child who aries god of war the spirit of battle and warfare. Son of Zeus and Hera, Ares was reckless, bloodthirsty and brutal, representing all the worst and most terrifying aspects of battle. Ares is most famously known as the God of War.

ARES was the Olympian god of war, battlelust, courage and civil order. In ancient Greek art he was depicted as either a mature, bearded warrior armed for battle, or a nude, beardless youth with a helm and spear. Ares had an adulterous affair with the goddess Aphrodite but her husband Hephaistos trapped the pair in a golden net and humiliated them by calling the rest of the gods to witness. When Aphrodite fell in love with the handsome youth Adonis, the god grew jealous, transformed himself into a boar, and gorged the boy to death as he was out hunting. Ares transformed his daughter Harmonia and her husband Kadmos Cadmus of Thebes into serpents and had them carried away to the Islands of the Blessed. The god slew Hallirhothios to avenge the rape of his daughter Alkippe.

Aries god of war

It is a comprehensive A -- Z guide to Greek and Roman mythology. All major myths, legends and fables are here, including gods and goddesses, heroes and villains, dangerous women, legendary creatures and monsters. Now in its eighth edition, this magisterial work offers a comprehensive survey of the stories of Greek myth, from the Olympian gods, through the lesser gods and deities, to the heroes, adventures, and foundation myths of the ancient Greek world. The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology sets out to provide a comprehensive history of the divine order and mythical prehistory of Greece, as systematized on a genealogical basis by Hesiod and the ancient mythographers, while also taking into account the ways in which individual myths have changed and evolved over time in different genres of literature. This new edition has been extensively rewritten and reorganized to make it more accessible to readers who may have no particular knowledge of the ancient world and Greek mythology, and to ensure that information on each myth or mythical figure is easy to find within the book. This new edition of the handbook continues to offer an essential reference resource for all students of Greek mythology, and it provides an accessible and comprehensive overview of these stories for anyone with an interest in the classical world. Contains extensive entries, including detailed entries on all the major gods and heroes, from Athena and Zeus to Achilles, Odysseus and Tarquin and biographical listings of all the key authors, such as Homer. Reference Ares Ares was one of the twelve great Olympian gods, and the Greek god of war. While ATHENA presided over the disciplined and rational use of war to protect the community, Ares stood for the bloodlust and mindless frenzy of battle, delighting in the blood and slaughter, and relishing all the tumult, confusion and horror of war. Hephaestus caught the lovers in the act by trapping them beneath a magical, invisible net, then called in the other gods to witness their humiliation.

When Hephaestus caught them in an intimate embrace, he trapped them in an invisible net and invited all the gods of Mount Olympia to come aries god of war gawp at them, to cause maximum humiliation and embarrassment. One of the worst was during the Trojan War.

He is one of the Twelve Olympians , and the son of Zeus and Hera. The Greeks were ambivalent towards him. He embodies the physical valor necessary for success in war but can also personify sheer brutality and bloodlust, in contrast to his sister, the armored Athena , whose martial functions include military strategy and generalship. An association with Ares endows places, objects, and other deities with a savage, dangerous, or militarized quality. Although Ares' name shows his origins as Mycenaean , his reputation for savagery was thought by some to reflect his likely origins as a Thracian deity. Some cities in Greece and several in Asia Minor held annual festivals to bind and detain him as their protector.

Ares The Original God of War. This article contains lore based on real-life sources of the Greek mythology as introduced from the God of War Greek era. Ares was the oldest child of Zeus and was commonly referred to as the most hated god on Mount Olympus by every god, even before being killed by Kratos. He was born after the Great War of the Gods and Titans and served his father faithfully for many years. He was also a rival of Athena, his sister, because they were both gods, one of War, the other of Wisdom, and wished that the other would stand down. His Roman counterpart was Mars.

Aries god of war

Although he was successful in war, his worship by Greeks was ambivalent, and he was the least loved of the gods. Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera. According to Homer, his fellow gods and even his parents were not very fond of him. In early times in Sparta, human sacrifices were made to Ares from among those captured from war. In addition, there was also a nightly offering of dogs made in Enyalius in his honor. In fact, Aphrodite was known locally in Sparta as the goddess of war, cementing her status as his lover and mother of his children. The most famous myth that involves Ares is his battle with the demigod, Hercules. This earned the ire of Apollo and to deal with this, he sent Hercules to kill Kyknos. Hercules was protected by Athena and wounded Ares. Ares has a rather small role in Greek mythology, and this is perhaps because Athena was always considered superior to him.


As the battle progresses the house will break apartand the overall map will be reduced. Zeus blamed Hera for Ares quarrelsome personality. Ares had an adulterous affair with the goddess Aphrodite but her husband Hephaistos trapped the pair in a golden net and humiliated them by calling the rest of the gods to witness. Heracles fought him and, in one account, killed him. Like most Greek deities, Ares was given animal sacrifice; in Sparta, after battle, he was given an ox for a victory by stratagem, or a rooster for victory through onslaught. Homer, Iliad There was an archaic Spartan statue of Ares in chains in the temple of Enyalios sometimes regarded as the son of Ares, sometimes as Ares himself , which Pausanias claimed meant that the spirit of war and victory was to be kept in the city. Cite this Article. Kratos gained the upper hand during the fight, but Ares trapped him in an illusion where his family was attacked by an army of clones of himself representing his mistake of killing his wife and child and stated that there were more effective ways of killing someone than just physical harm. The furious Ares turned the sleepy Alectryon into a rooster which now always announces the arrival of the sun in the morning, as a way of apologizing to Ares. Category Ancient Greece portal. His warriors also have a natural bond with fire and heat , which makes them even more fierce by allowing them to keep burning and harming enemies even after an attack. Qualities that are intrinsic to Ares and his nature of war. In some parts of Asia Minor, Ares was a prominent oracular deity , something not found in any Hellennic cult to Ares or Roman cult to Mars. Hecate Hesperus Phosphorus.

ARES was the Olympian god of war, battlelust, courage and civil order. In ancient Greek art he was depicted as either a mature, bearded warrior armed for battle, or a nude, beardless youth with a helm and spear. Ares had an adulterous affair with the goddess Aphrodite but her husband Hephaistos trapped the pair in a golden net and humiliated them by calling the rest of the gods to witness.

In the Illiad , Ares helps the Trojans because of his affection for their divine protector, Aphrodite; she thus redirects his innate destructive savagery to her own purposes. September Learn how and when to remove this template message. In one archaic myth, related only in the Iliad by the goddess Dione to her daughter Aphrodite, two chthonic giants, the Aloadae , named Otus and Ephialtes, bound Ares in chains and imprisoned him in a bronze urn, where he remained for thirteen months, a lunar year. Cadmus placed himself in the god's service for eight years to atone for killing the dragon. The names of Ares and Aphrodite appear as witness to sworn oaths, and there is a Victory thanks-offering to Aphrodite, whom Millington believes had capacity as a "warrior-protector acting in the realm of Ares". The war-god disappeared off to Thrace — a favourite country of his, full of warlike peoples — while Aphrodite went to her sacred precinct on Cyprus. Online version at Harvard University Press. Littlewood follows Artemidorus claim that to dream of sour apples presages conflict, and lists Ares alongside Eris and the mythological "Apples of Discord". When Aphrodite fell in love with the handsome youth Adonis, the god grew jealous, transformed himself into a boar, and gorged the boy to death as he was out hunting. AD [99] Thrassa Tereine Ant.

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