asami avatar

Asami avatar

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Sin embargo, el hecho de que su padre siempre hubiera guardado rencor contra todos los Maestros desde su muerte fue desconocido por la joven Asami. Mako y Asami se besaron apasionadamente cuando se reunieron. Asami miraba con ojos tristes y llenos de dolor, mientras Mako dejaba a Korra en la montura de Oogi y suavemente le apartaba el pelo de la cara. Al decir esto, Asami estaba tomando su primer bocado. Ella estaba presente cuando el General Iroh hizo que Gommu enviara un telegrama al Comandante Bumi para detener su avance hacia la capital.

Asami avatar

This is a partial character sheet for The Legend of Korra. Subjective trope and audience reactions should go on the YMMV page. People usually assume that I'm daddy's helpless little girl, but I can handle myself. A young non-bender and the pampered daughter of wealthy industrial mogul Hiroshi Sato. Despite being a delicate looking beauty, she can look after herself. She was trained in self-defense since she was little, is an avid fan of pro-bending and an excellent automobile driver. She quickly catches the eye of Mako and develops a relationship with him. When her father is revealed to be a high-ranking member of the Equalists, Asami decides to join the New Team Avatar instead of helping him. A-F The Ace : Asami is a Head-Turning Beauty , rich, owns her own company, an expert martial artist, a highly skilled engineer, and can drive anything. Ace Pilot : Her father did invent the things, after all. She conducts a bombing raid against Unalaq's defenses unescorted through heavy anti-aircraft bombardment. Action Girl : In a series full of people who can harness one or more elements at a whim for the purpose of attack, it says a lot that Asami has a decent track record in holding her own in a fight, especially considering that she's the only one in her group without any of said powers. More specifically, she has the best track record against the Equalists, never getting chi-blocked and dropped The Lieutenant in seconds , which only Korra could match in a sneak attack or Naga being, well, Naga. Subverted for Korra, who by Book 4 is about as nice and sensitive as Asami is because of her Character Development. All-Loving Hero : Asami is one of the most kind-hearted individuals in the series.

For most of the series, she did work darn hard to distance herself from her father. Asami deals with this in a reasonable way, while she is annoyed at the Ship Asami avatar between Korra and Mako, asami avatar, she admits that she still likes Korra — it's Mako she has a problem with, shown in "Turning the Tides" where she confronts him about the kiss and tells him to own up to his actions. Start a Wiki.

She is voiced by Seychelle Gabriel. The series' final scene, indicating the beginning of a romantic relationship between Asami and the female lead character, Korra , was unprecedented in its representation of LGBT persons in western children's television, [3] [4] [5] with the characters' relationship fully explored in the comic continuations Turf Wars — , Ruins of the Empire — , and Patterns in Time — She is the only child of wealthy industrialist Hiroshi Sato, who invented the "Satomobile" car and whose company, Future Industries, is headquartered in Republic City. Asami has been well-received with publications. Many reviewers were content with her growth past being a love interest for Mako, and felt the relationship was not worth reviving. However, reception to her relationship with Korra was mostly positively received. Asami was initially conceived to be a duplicitous spy for the Equalist movement — antagonists in the first season — embedded within Team Avatar.

Asami Sato is a businesswoman, industrialist, engineer, and the only child of the former wealthy industrialist Hiroshi Sato [6] and his wife, Yasuko Sato , an architect. Two weeks after Harmonic Convergence , she joined her friends in the search for the new airbenders. However, their search stopped when the Red Lotus attempted to kidnap Avatar Korra in Zaofu and they worked to bring the organization down instead. Three years later, in AG , Asami assisted in defeating Kuvira and began a romantic relationship with her best friend, Korra. Asami and her mother, Yasuko Sato. Asami was born at Republic City [10] in AG.

Asami avatar

The Legend of Korra is available now to stream on Netflix, allowing fans to once again revisit the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Korra is tasked with keeping the peace between the four nations in the brand new Republic City—founded by Avatar Aang—which acts as a place for people of all nations to congregate. The sequel series, which ran from to , stars a cast of teenagers and young adults; because of that, the themes and conflicts are a tad more mature than those of the previous series. And for many fans, the romantic relationships formed between various characters were some of the highlights of the show's episode run. One of those relationships was a big deal back when the show ended in —and now, many new viewers will be able to get familiar with the couple that fans dubbed "Korrasami. Over the course of the series' four seasons, Korra becomes friends—and then much more—with the smart and inventive Asami. While "Korrasami" became canon by the end of the series, creators Bryan Konietzko and Michael DiMartino revealed once the series was over that it wasn't always intended as such. In fact, Asami's role in the series was envisioned as being much different. In a Tumblr post , Konietzko revealed that Asami was intended to be a double agent working against Korra and the gang, but that changed as they developed her character. Those who have seen the first season know that Mako eventually develops a romantic relationship with Asami while Korra pines over him.


Archived from the original on April 17, As Korra and Wu left to convince Toph to join, Asami, Mako and Bolin planned to escort Kuvira to confinement in Zaofu for the rest of the election cycle. Archived from the original on July 14, Fantasy Sci-fi. Pair the Suitors : Her romantic rivalry with Korra over Mako eventually ends with Korra and Asami becoming a couple in the show's finale. The second time is in front of their friends, who didn't know they were together yet. Number Two : Particularly in Book 3, whenever the foursome splits up the brothers go together with typical Number Two Mako in charge of the B team with Bolin and Asami as Korra's right-hand woman, and nominal second-in-command on the A-Team. Episode 7. The Gamer. Despite the Red Herring that she's a dangerous Femme Fatale , she stays being one of the heroes and and eventually decides to defy him when she finds out that he secretly supplies weapons and Mini-Mecha to the Equalists. Princess Yue The Moon Spirit. Clothes Make the Superman : Starting with the later part of season one, she acquires an equalist shock glove that she continues to use over the course of the series and apparently made a sleeker model during the Time Skip. Transcript for - Day of the Colossus. This makes her one of the tallest women in either series - the tallest apart from P'Li and Avatar Kyoshi, making her the tallest non-bender woman.

People usually assume that I'm daddy's helpless little girl, but I can handle myself. Republic City , United Republic.

In response, Asami relates her own positive feelings for him and kisses him on the cheek, ending their romance on a good note. Future Industries spent the three years of Korra's absence incorporating them into the infrastructure and again post-Book 4 that works better for both humans and spirits. Sci Fi Wire. Recognizing him as the captain of the pro-bending team "Fire Ferrets", she invites him out to dinner by way of apology. Badass in a Nice Suit : Not the usual tuxedo or pant suit normally associated with this trope but for the majority of Book 4 she's seen in a very classy business woman's suit as befitting someone who's become a captain of industry and it doesn't seem to slow her down at all in kicking ass in the few fights she gets into during "Reunion". She even ends up falling in love with Korra. Upon discovering her father's role, Asami joins with Korra, Bolin, and Mako, to form the Team Avatar, turning against her father. With nowhere else to turn, Asami sold a majority stake of Future Industries to Varrick. She watched her close friend whom she'd probably fallen in love with at that point Korra nearly die by the Red Lotus's hand, and subsequently become wheelchair-bound and catatonic for weeks , and has to wait three years with hardly any sign of where Korra was or how she was doing. Princess Yue The Moon Spirit. Night Shyamalan's Last Airbender". Asami and her company were thanked by President Raiko in his speech for helping to modernize Central City Station , before she had the honor to cut the ribbon. Current Wiki.

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