australian classification board

Australian classification board

Curious about the Australian Classification Board ratings on games, movies, or TV shows, and want to know what they mean? Take a look at australian classification board list below. Source: Office of Film and Literature Classification.

Wikipedia has an article about:. Australian Classification Board. The Australian Classification Board is a statutory censorship and classification body formed by the Australian Government which classifies films, video games and publications for exhibition, sale or hire in Australia since its establishment in The Australian Classification Board was originally incorporated in the Office of Film and Literature Classification which was dissolved in The Attorney-General's Department now provides administrative support to the Board.

Australian classification board

In the OFLC was dissolved, and supervision of the Australian Classification Board was transferred to the Attorney-General's Department and received administrative support from the Department of Communications and the Arts until where it was merged with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. These three film certificates i. The Australian Classification Board was created in to classify or rate all films that came into Australia. In early , the NRC certificate was replaced with the PG certificate and the X certificate was introduced for sexually explicit content and briefly for violent content that would otherwise be refused classification. Also, the G and PG certificates remain the same. The other classification categories G, PG and M are merely recommendations, and they are not submitted to legal age restrictions. RC banned material cannot be sold, hired or distributed to any persons. A film or video game's context is crucial in determining whether a classifiable element is justified by the storyline or themes. Logopedia Explore. Browse wiki.

Themes may have a moderate sense of threat or menace, if justified by context. E Exempt from Classification - These films are granted permission to be sold without a specific classification, australian classification board.

The Australian Classification Board previously known as the Office of Film and Literature Classification is a statutory censorship and classification body which provides day to day administrative support for the Classification Board which classifies films, video games and publications in Australia, and the Classification Review Board which reviews films, computer games and publications when a valid application has been made. This Act also contains the National Classification Code. The Office of Film and Literature Classification has taken 'censorship' out of its title. However, it is able to censor media by refusing classification and making the media illegal for hire, exhibition and importation to Australia. As of May 24, , the Movie Ratings system has been color-coded and the presentation updated, following changes in the code. However, the previous classification symbols can still be seen on DVD and video packaging released before the change. Any film or computer game which is to be rated E must not exceed the PG rating.

The Australian Classification Review Board is a statutory censorship and classification body overseen by the Australian Government. The corporate body is responsible for reviewing classification decisions made by the Australian Classification Board concerning films , video games and publications for exhibition, sale or hire in Australia. Review decisions need to be initiated by an appeal from a previous applicant, most commonly referred to as "aggrieved party", or a Federal or State Attorney-General. As of [update] , the board comprises a convenor, deputy convenor and five other board members. The current convenor is former senator Sue Knowles , who was appointed in January to a two-year term. This Act also provides a basis for the National Classification Code which guides their decision making. As the State and Territory governments retain responsibility for enforcing censorship and could withdraw from, or ignore the national classification scheme if they so wished, any changes to the national classification scheme must be agreed to by all the State and Territory Censorship Ministers usually Attorneys-General. South Australia is the only state to maintain a separate Classification Council which can override national classification decisions applicable within the state. The Classification Review Board does not censor material by ordering cuts or changes.

Australian classification board

Although Australia is considered to have, in general, both freedom of speech and a free and independent media , [1] certain subject-matter is subject to various forms of government censorship. These include matters of national security, judicial non-publication or suppression orders, defamation law, the federal Racial Discrimination Act Cth , film and literature including video game classification, and advertising restrictions. Some forms of censorship are not administered directly by the government or courts. For example, some foreign websites have on occasion been blocked by Australian internet service providers. More recently, concerns have been raised as to the level of academic freedom enjoyed at Australia's public universities. Outside of these matters, standards for television, radio, recorded music, the press and most commercial advertising are enforced, in the first instance, by means of industry self-regulation.

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Exempt from classification. By contrast, the classifications below are legally restricted , as explicitly indicated by the black banner at the bottom of the classification label. The age reference created confusion for parents and guardians, creating some questions, such as why an M level film can still be accessed by a person under 15 without guidance because it is not a legally restricted category, when the impact of its material is higher than that of PG material. The ALRC considers that a C classification should not be introduced without fully examining its relationship to the CTS and is therefore not recommending a C classification at this time. Any advertising of unclassified films and games must display the CTC message on posters, trailers, on the Internet, and any other types of advertising. Sign in to edit. Retrieved December 21, Sexual activity should be mild and discreetly implied, and be justified by context. Mature M. RC banned material cannot be sold, hired or distributed to any persons. Australian Classification Board to offer expanded consumer advice for movie ratings. The content is very mild in impact. The ACB may require film festivals to have age-restricted entrance to a festival or screening.

Rightwing activist Bernard Gaynor applied to the board earlier this year to review the classification of Gender Queer by non-binary writer Maia Kobabe, a graphic novel-style memoir about gender identity.

Footer ABC News homepage. Explore Wikis Community Central. It is illegal to sell or exhibit material with these classifications to anyone younger than the stated minimum age. Retrieved 24 February These ratings are still shown on some older video games that are still on sale in Australia. The Australian Classification Review Board is a statutory censorship and classification body overseen by the Australian Government. This rating cannot be applied to video games. The content is high in impact. By contrast, the classifications below are legally restricted , as explicitly indicated by the black banner at the bottom of the classification label. The board operates on a procedure that primarily involves decision-making. The Daily Telegraph 1 — State ed. Sexual activity can be "realistically simulated", but depictions of " actual sexual activity " are not permitted.

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