awkward pics

Awkward pics

Christmas is a time for awkward pics, when everyone from the far reaches of the world gather together to catch up, feast and commemorate the holiday spirit with some good old family photos. While some families end up with heartwarming pictures others might be a more chaotic reflection of the nature of the people being photographed. Image source: JunachoSemiautomatic, awkward pics.

Nowadays, people capture every moment, whether big or small, in their lives. It begins with the special occasions they share with family, moments they want to remember when they look at these photographs in the future. Some photos are posed, while others are taken spontaneously. Then, there are all those snapshots taken for various reasons that often end up unused but consume a significant portion of our smartphone storage. Today, we'd like to focus on a category of photos that encompass a wide range of moments - both staged and candid, taken without warning, resulting in humorous images.

Awkward pics

When we showed up for pics at Glamor Shots, my mama let me pick one of the outfits. Blanche Devereaux would be so proud. As we walked into the park my sister saw a baby goat and picked it up while I was feeding one of the deer. Next thing I know I am bombarded by deer and goats. My parents snapped the photo of my cute sister without seeing me in the background. Why did the photographer think this was a good idea? Why did her mom decide to order the pictures? No photoshop, and I assure you I am neither possessed by a demon nor anywhere near that flexible. The two older women in the background look generally concerned, and with good reason. Yeah I see where I get my extreme enthusiasm for jorts. Lucky for me she has a good sense of humor and allowed me to share it with you.

Image source: PastaManSan. VioletHunter : Poor Mum is the only one playing along! Follow demilked.


These are some of the photos who entered the Hall of fame on "Awkward Family Photos". We can't stop laughing! Rather than cancel, I brought a "replacement". This is what went in all our Christmas cards. My husband's family was not amused and he wouldn't talk to me for days. I'm a stay-at-home Mom. We have 5 kiddos, 4 of them adopted through foster care.

Awkward pics

Nowadays, people capture every moment, whether big or small, in their lives. It begins with the special occasions they share with family, moments they want to remember when they look at these photographs in the future. Some photos are posed, while others are taken spontaneously.

Bazic lounge

Image source: jeniferboycephotography. When we showed up for pics at Glamor Shots, my mama let me pick one of the outfits. Tags fails , family , family photos , funny , funny photos. Image source: fatassroshi. Yeah I see where I get my extreme enthusiasm for jorts. Image source: milkyboi1. Multa Nocte : I love that everyone switched costumes! Register a new user Already have an account? Image source: PastaManSan. Kirsten Kerkhof : Everybody is so into it! VioletHunter : Poor Mum is the only one playing along!


Today, we'd like to focus on a category of photos that encompass a wide range of moments - both staged and candid, taken without warning, resulting in humorous images. Dad looks like he just saw the repair bill for that car accident that gave him the plaster on his head. Image source: WakaFlockhart. Eva-Katherine Smith : You made a lovely family photo. Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. Most Popular Hog Wild. Fails , Funny. Image source: neworleansbounce. BigCityLady : Well you certainly captured the last 15 years brilliantly with just one shot!! Image source: jeniferboycephotography. I only see hair…. While some families end up with heartwarming pictures others might be a more chaotic reflection of the nature of the people being photographed. Image source: EmmeElleJay.

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