Baby exposed to loud music at wedding

July Loud music at wedding s. Hi, keen to get some advice here. Bub is now 14 weeks and we have a wedding to go to next week. Is it safe for bub to listen to the loud music at the reception?

We recently took our 7 month old son to a wedding reception where the music was quite loud db according to the sound meter app on my iPhone. My wife took him outside of the banquet room for part of the duration and he maybe sustained 10 minutes at this sound intensity. For the whole duration of the wedding, including the introduction of the bridal party and associated music, he maybe sustained 30 minutes at this slightly lower intensity. Is this going to contribute to his cumulative hearing damage? Are babies at a higher risk for hearing damage because of their anatomy? Thank you from a paranoid first time parent. Interesting question and particularly interesting for me as I have a 6 week old baby who we also took to a wedding this past weekend.

Baby exposed to loud music at wedding

One of my DH and I's closest friends is getting married the first weekend in September very close to our home. I am not so much concerned about the wedding because it is close and small, and I will be able to sneak away if the baby starts to cry for any reason. I am worried about the reception. Would wedding reception music like the DJ be too much for a newborn baby? I don't want to damage the baby's hearing for any reason. Also, would you take your baby out to a wedding so soon after birth? I am still debating on this, he is due the 18th and hasn't shown up yet, so I am not sure exactly how old he will be at the time of the wedding. I bet the music wouldn't get super loud until you were well on your way home. The weddings I've been to don't get too crazy until after all the traditional things have already happened. So as long as you are okay with taking off before any major partying starts, you should be fine.

Think about turning down the car radio when you have a baby on board. Need some advice? Do you have a baby carrier?

Fri, Oct 04 , am. Fri, Oct 04 , pm. Simcha Section. Interesting Discussions. Music and Performing Arts.

Or, have you received an invitation to a wedding and are apprehensive about taking your baby with you and exposing him to the loud music? It is very natural for you to be worried about exposing your baby to loud sounds, as infants are such delicate beings incapable of withstanding some intense sensory inputs like adults. There are two ways it can happen. One is continuous exposure to noises over 85 dB in intensity , like amplified music at parties, over some time, causing damage to the hair cells in the inner ear. Or one-time exposure to noise over dB , like an explosion, rupturing the eardrum and damaging tiny bones called ossicles in the middle ear. These thresholds of noise intensities can be even less for infants due to the smaller volumes of their tiny ear canals. This can include stress and anxiety, which can be particularly problematic, for infants are unable to understand or cope with these emotions. Also Read: Baby back cracks when picked up. Infants communicate and bond through sound and touch, and loud music can interfere with their ability to form strong emotional connections with their caregivers. Furthermore, the constant noise and stimulation provided by loud music can cause sensory overload, causing infants to withdraw or lose interest in their surroundings.

Baby exposed to loud music at wedding

Image Source. Some studies advocate that listening to music during pregnancy helps in the brain development of the child. Music is a mood enhancer and can help in lifting the mood of the mother even during pregnancy. It just does not perk up the mood but the benefits of listening to music during pregnancy are many. Are you wondering if the baby can listen to music in the womb, or will it develop a similar musical taste later in life? There are ongoing researches that are trying to discover the answers. So, how does that affect its development?

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Introduce yourself Ask a question Share your experience Receive updates from this group. You can undo the damage. She stayed in the kiddie room for the rest of the time, where she could eat, play, and sleep in peace. My ds2was premature and only a month old at a wedding we went to. Loud noise levels are dBA which are things like street traffic, heavy trucks or a live concert. My dad actually lives 2 hours from SF, and my mom lives 90 min from us at home. I would definitely want to still go, but would sit in the very last row, on the aisle, by the door so that I could zip out of there if the babe started to complain about anything. You can buy waxy kind of things in any pharmacy and roll them up and stick them over the ear. Me three. Do not attend live music or go near construction unless your baby is wearing ear protection. I will bring the bassinet and hope she passes out at some point. Parenting Follow topic. Anything louder than a normal conversation for a long period more than 30 mins cam cause damage. Nicalotto, Hi!!

When the noise level is very high it may increase your chances of having a baby with hearing problems. Learn more about noise at work and what you can do to reduce your exposure. Skip directly to site content Skip directly to search.

Plus I will be too preoccupied with her and I would like to have a bit of fun!! WTE Must Reads. She stayed in the kiddie room for the rest of the time, where she could eat, play, and sleep in peace. Our baby will be 11 months. Customise Getting started FAQ's. As long as it is it isn't stupid loud I've never been to a wedding where it was bub's ears won't be damaged. If you can't get a babysitter, then I think your choices are limited to either you and DH taking turns staying outside the main hall with your baby or talking to your pediatrician about earplugs. Do you want to cause your guests to experience hearing loss? That was the only part of the wedding DD attended. He was 4 months at the weddings and is 5 months now so I can't definitively say his hearing hasn't been affected, but he seems absolutely fine and woke up this evening when DH burped too loud!

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