baldurs gate 3 wiki

Baldurs gate 3 wiki

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Baldur's Gate 3 is the official third adventure in the venerable Baldur's Gate role-playing series. A malevolent presence has returned to Baldur's Gate, intent on devouring it from the inside out, corrupting everything that remains in the Forgotten Realms. The fate of the Forgotten Realms lies in your hands as your choices shape the tale! Our wiki guide provides everything you need to know about Baldur's Gate 3, including a full walkthrough of all main quests and side quests , an interactive map for all key locations and treasures, a full list of companions and party members , and more! And if you're just struggling with one quest, click through the link below to find some help.

Baldurs gate 3 wiki

Baldur's Gate 3 is a role-playing video game developed and published by Belgian game developer Larian Studios. A partial version of the game was released in early access format for macOS and Windows in October Baldur's Gate 3 received critical acclaim, with praise for its gameplay, narrative, and production quality. Baldur's Gate 3 is a role-playing video game with single-player and cooperative multiplayer elements. Players can create one or more characters and form a party along with a number of pre-generated characters to explore the game's story. Optionally, players are able to take one of their characters and team up online with other players to form a party. The game implements a flexible quest system with various approaches to resolving most quests. Players can eliminate almost any non-player character , regardless of their importance to the storyline, yet still continue to advance through the game. Within these acts, the game adopts a non-linear format, permitting players to tackle quests in virtually any sequence. Each class focuses on a different aspect of the combat system, such as the wizard , who focuses on spells, casting a large variety of spells or the barbarian , who focuses on unarmoured melee combat. The game incorporates a roster of ten companion characters who are available for players to enlist into their party. Each of these characters has a personal story and a narrative that the player can explore further. The player can develop relationships with companion characters based on plot and dialogue choices made. Some of the companion characters are only accessible provided that the player makes specific plot or dialogue choices. All characters, both major and minor, are fully voice acted and motion captured , amounting to approximately 1.

Creatures Companions Creatures by alignment Creatures by class Creatures by genus Creatures by lore Creatures by organization Creatures by race Creatures by type Creatures by game, baldurs gate 3 wiki. Baldur's Baldurs gate 3 wiki 3 features an extensive Character Creation menu that lets you fully customize not only the looks of your character, but also their background and identity. The Twitch channel Critical Role has me very excited to play this video game.

It was released on Windows on August 3, As of yet, not much is known about the plot, since the prequel Descent into Avernus waits for its release as well, on September 17, Battles took place in the city's streets, Flaming Fist mercenaries fall victim to ceremorphosis , and mind flayers invade with their nautiloids. Baldur's Gate Wiki Explore. Creatures Companions Creatures by alignment Creatures by class Creatures by genus Creatures by lore Creatures by organization Creatures by race Creatures by type Creatures by game. World Map Areas by game Areas by type.

Act One of Baldur's Gate 3 begins immediately after the events of the Prologue , with the crash landing of the Nautiloid and the player character waking up on the Ravaged Beach. While the player gathers allies and searches for a cure from their illithid tadpole, a conflict is building between the Emerald Grove and a goblin army gathering under the banner of the Absolute. Tensions are also high between the tieflings who have sought refuge at the Grove, and its druidic protectors, who believe the refugees' presence will bring outside threats. It is up to the player who to side with and who to side against, or whether to ignore it all and head straight towards Baldur's Gate. The following companions can be recruited in Act One, with each of them also having an associated quest. As the first act of the game, Act One sets the scene for Baldur's Gate 3. The main quest at the beginning of Act One is Find a Cure. This quest tracks the search for ways to remove the Mind Flayer Parasite. As the player interacts with the world around them, more subquests will open up. These subquests will lead to characters with unique insights into the party's condition.

Baldurs gate 3 wiki

Baldur's Gate 3 is a fantasy roleplaying videogame developed and published by Larian Studios. It is the third mainline installment of the Baldur's Gate series, which takes place in the Forgotten Realms setting. Gather your party and return to the Forgotten Realms in a tale of fellowship and betrayal, sacrifice and survival, and the lure of absolute power. Mysterious abilities are awakening inside you, drawn from a mind flayer parasite planted in your brain. Resist, and turn darkness against itself. Or embrace corruption, and become ultimate evil. It can be played solo with the possibility to include up to 3 additional playable characters into the party, or online with up to 3 other players. The player character can be one of the pre-made characters or a custom origin the default name is Tav, however the player can name their character whatever they like. They have implanted the protagonist, as well as a host of other creatures, with illithid tadpoles, parasites capable of enthralling and transforming their hosts into other mind flayers; however, before the mind flayers could transform their victims, the nautiloid flying ship upon which they are all aboard comes under attack from githyanki warriors and their red dragons, and flees through multiple realms, including Avernus, the first of the Nine Hells. As the protagonist searches for a way to remove their parasite, they encounter other survivors of the wreck: the half-elf cleric Shadowheart , the human wizard Gale , the high elf rogue Astarion , the githyanki fighter Lae'zel , the human warlock Wyll , and the tiefling barbarian Karlach.

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Neil Newbon Astarion. Some attacks require Saving Throws from opponent s instead of an Attack Roll. Forum Posts. No matter how many times I hear people talk about'em I'll never be a Dark Urge player. Know Your Subclass: Fighters have several subclasses, each with unique abilities. All the award-winning releases at the Lenovo 3DJuegos Awards ". Learn about the wide variety gameplay mechanics featured in Baldur's Gate 3. So there's no more need to get your Charisma up to a pesky 13 if you decide to make a soul pact with a playful Archfey or dangerous Fiend. After defeating the Elder Brain, the protagonist can choose to either kill it and every illithid tadpole with it, ending the threat forever, or betray their comrades and rule as the Absolute. Act Three.

Feats are features that grant a character unique improvements.

Meaning you can stick roughly that many items in a single container before the game just goes "Nope. Retrieved 28 December Archived from the original on 2 July Pleased to say it is very close to live role play, it is feeling very realistic. Gayming Awards. Some require you to choose a sub-Class in Character Creation, while others only give you a choice after reaching a certain character level. I want to be a goblin berserker; and I want to be punted and thrown at my enemies. MeriStation in Spanish. Ranger Decide on your preferred fighting style, such as archery or two-weapon fighting. Split your party, prepare ambushes, sneak in the darkness -- create your own luck! Retrieved 4 January

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