baldurs gate canon party

Baldurs gate canon party

Skift sprog. Installer Steam. Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Butiksside. I'm running a full canon party in my first playthrough.

They're only the "canon" party because of a shitty novel and because the intro to BG2 was lazy and poorly implemented. People think Dynaheir sucks because they can't play the game without summoning monsters to fight their battles for them. Plus the abundance of invoker in a stick wands of fireball, lightning bolt, magic missile mean there is no need to worry about losing those spells. There is no real mention that Dynaheir is killed just before BG2 as far as I know. Sow thats the first slot And I think the ToB book is not really bad. The prologe is pretty good if you ask me.

Baldurs gate canon party

In some contexts canon can also refer to Forgotten Realms canon. While the player is allowed to speak with various members of the party as if they do not remember them, this is employed as a method to give players a brief summary of the events of the first game, and does not seem intended as a way for the player to dispute their past connections with these characters. However, it is not made clear whether Gorion's Ward traveled with these companions exclusively throughout their adventures in Baldur's Gate , only that they traveled together for some amount of time. Jaheira's introductory dialogue to a player who claims not to remember her states that "we have traveled together for some time, and the places we have gone number too many to name," [1] so it's not unreasonable to assume that a lot of time was spent with Jaheira and Khalid at least, but still no definite conclusions can be drawn. No returning party members in Baldur's Gate II except Imoen make any reference to being present for the slaying of Sarevok at the conclusion of Baldur's Gate. Therefore it cannot be stated definitively that Baldur's Gate II establishes a canon party for the first game, but it is not out of the question to accept the returning characters as such. One other note on the subject of canon for Baldur's Gate is that many possible companions from the first game do return in Baldur's Gate II as non-playable characters. It could be considered canon that those characters did not die permanently even if the player killed them or allowed them to die in the first game. The player is even sometimes able to comment on this, e. The original release of the expansion included a pre-existing save file called the Mission Pack Save, intended to allow players to skip the content of Baldur's Gate and play the new content directly.

So Khalid actually beats them both slightly. Imoen was only added to the game extremely late in development because they realized there was no "good" thief option early in the game.

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Baldur's Gate Playing with canon party? Is this a stupid idea?

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Baldur's Gate Good equipment for canon party? Dynaheir - meh, Mage robe of the Good Archmagi For those that can wear heavy armour just equip whatever is best, giving the best to whoever frequents your front lines. Latronis 13 years ago 3. So i'd be inclined to SK profeciencies to give him longbow and longsword single weapon style Alternatively if you wanna be backstabing with imoen she can use the dagger of venom instead though i'd just keep her with shortbows and keep her out of the fray. Otherwise equipping mages doesn't make a whole lot of difference.

Baldurs gate canon party

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Was looking for suggestions or advice on a good class to fill-out a canon party playthrough. A 2nd thief is probably not required. And with 3 characters than can melee, I don't think any classes of the warrior archetype would be needed. I'm leaning towards a cleric or mage. If I take a cleric, I would be primary healer and support and Jaheira can focus on more offensive druidic spells controlling enemies, summons, etc.

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It may not be optimal or your personal choice, but it doesn't suck by a long shot Garrick, Eldoth, Skie, Tiax and Quale as a party would suck. And I don't think I can break up my party except for booting Imoen entirely? He would go on to become a political leader in Baldur's Gate and consequently be killed, seemingly, by the only other remaining Bhaalspawn in the Murder In Baldur's Gate campaign. At low levels, a multiclass is only ever one level behind a pure class, so Jaheira really does not suffer at all. Once registered you will have access to search the forums, create and respond to threads, PM other members, upload screenshots and access many other features unavailable to guests. The biggest problem with the "canon party", imo, is that it comes with so many damn pairs. Healing is best done by potions anyway rather than spells. August Branwen I take to fight Tranzig. Aliteri Member Posts: Sometimes I moved my wall of Jaheria to help Ask A Question. There should've been canon characters who are close to the PC with at least 2 slots being left for "experimentation", a happy middle ground allowing you to be "canon" while also having some fun on the side. August edited August in Archive General Discussion. Minsc understands now.

In some contexts canon can also refer to Forgotten Realms canon. While the player is allowed to speak with various members of the party as if they do not remember them, this is employed as a method to give players a brief summary of the events of the first game, and does not seem intended as a way for the player to dispute their past connections with these characters. However, it is not made clear whether Gorion's Ward traveled with these companions exclusively throughout their adventures in Baldur's Gate , only that they traveled together for some amount of time.

Edit source View history Talk 1. Kalesfury 14 years ago 7 So Khalid actually beats them both slightly. That is nothing more than a recipe for suicide. Wouldn't a 'canon' party be one that was entirely composed of clerics? I did it as soon as I could. Healing is best done by potions anyway rather than spells. Ask A Question. I agree I'm a cleric fan. Felinoid , Sep 3,

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