Bbc somali

You can listen to the radio programmes using the free bbc somali player or by using the telephone dial-up option standard geographic charges from landlines and mobiles may apply. Check with your provider before calling. A unique identifier relating to your device will be stored and shared by Zeno Media LLC, bbc somali, allowing advertising to be served within the app.

Most of the listeners live in the Horn of Africa and nearby regions. Established on 18 July with two weekly programmes of 15 minutes each, the station made the broadcasts daily by September , and on 1 July the two parts were joined and the programme time increased to 30 minutes. Increases in broadcast frequency have been made since. The station has been developing local networks in all over Somali speaking areas in Somalia , Djibouti , the Somali region of Ethiopia and North Eastern Kenya plus the Somali diaspora all over the world. First, Andres Ilves had been appointed as acting head of the service for nearly two years then Josephine Hazeley, deputy head of BBC Africa, had been appointed as a caretaker. A new role was created and advertised for a joint Swahili and Somali service based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Bbc somali

A military court in Somalia has sentenced six Islamic State fighters from Morocco to death. The men will be executed by a firing squad if their appeal, which they have one month to file, is unsuccessful. The men's lawyer said they had been misled into joining IS and were seeking to be deported to Morocco. It is the first time authorities in the semi-autonomous Puntland region have charged or sentenced foreigners for joining IS. The military court also gave an Ethiopian and a Somali year prison sentences each, while freeing another Somali defendant due to insufficient evidence. The mountains are a stronghold of Islamic State, which has a base there. The Somali branch of IS was formed in by a group of defectors from the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Shabab group - the largest jihadist group in Somalia. It is notorious for extorting locals and mainly carries out small-scale, sporadic attacks, according to the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Somalia typically issues the death penalty for crimes connected to terrorism. The practice has been condemned by several local and international human rights groups, including The Coalition of Somali Human Rights Defenders. Last month, the coalition and other rights groups said in a report that Somalia had carried out at least 55 executions last year. It said that 23 of the executions done last year were carried out by military authorities in Puntland and Somalia's capital, Mogadishu. Focus on Africa podcast. Last year, Somali authorities executed at least 16 people believed to be al-Shabab or Islamic State fighters, according to local rights groups.

Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeUK. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data, bbc somali. Dadka ugu buurbuuran adduunka iyo halka ay Soomaaliya kaga jirto oo la shaaciyay 2 Maarso

Everyone info. You can to listen to the radio programmes using the free audio player or by using the telephone dial-up option standard geographic charges from landlines and mobiles may apply. Check with your provider before calling. A unique identifier relating to your device will be stored and shared by Zeno Media LLC, allowing advertising to be served within the app No other personal data relating to you such as a username or email address is processed. Such information will only be processed in line with ZenoMedia's Privacy Policy Notifications may include alerts, sounds and icon badges. These can be reconfigured in Settings notifications. Details of data this app collects, including the unique identifier relating to your device and your location data, is also found under Settings.

Maamulka iskuulka uu wax ka baranaayay ayaana ku dhiirigeliyay in uusan noqon mid quusta ee uu dacweeyo Golaha Caafimaadka India. Sida ay sheegtay wakaaladda wararka ee Anadolu, Turkiga iyo Soomaaliya ayaa ka wada hadlay iskaashi dhanka tamarta oo u dhexeeya labada wadan. Kooxdan ayaa markii ay xukunka qabsatay waxay meel fagaaro ah ku gubeen agab muusiko. Jimicsiga - wuxuu faa'iido u yeelan karaa nooca 2-aad ee sonkorowga, laakiin jimicsiga ayaa waxtar yar u leh dhimista cudurrada marka loo eego cuntada. Si loo xoojiyo dhaqaalaha waddamada iyo horumarkooda, ururka EAC ayaa sameeyay suuq gaar ah oo shaqeynayay tan iyo Labada dhinac ayaa sidoo kale la sheegay in ay ku heshiiyeen hoos u dhigista nooc kamid ah shidaalka oo uu qiimo korokiisa sababay lacagta waddankaas oo sicir barar ku dhacay. Aabbaha ayaa faahfaahin ka bixiyay waxa ay ka yeelayaan meydka gabadhiisa oo muddo ku jirta qaboojiyaha. Qiyaastii , oo qof ayaa hadda ku go'doonsan waqooyiga Gaza, halkaasoo hay'adda WFP ay sheegtay in gaajada ay gaartay heer masiibo ah. Majaajiliistahan ayaa hore uga sheekeeyay noloshiisa aysan dad badan ka warqabin. Waayadan dambe, dagaalka Qasa waxa uu caqabado aan hore loo arag ku noqday qaar ka mid ah Muslimiinta kunool dalalka Yurub.

Bbc somali

Most of the listeners live in the Horn of Africa and nearby regions. Established on 18 July with two weekly programmes of 15 minutes each, the station made the broadcasts daily by September , and on 1 July the two parts were joined and the programme time increased to 30 minutes. Increases in broadcast frequency have been made since. The station has been developing local networks in all over Somali speaking areas in Somalia , Djibouti , the Somali region of Ethiopia and North Eastern Kenya plus the Somali diaspora all over the world. First, Andres Ilves had been appointed as acting head of the service for nearly two years then Josephine Hazeley, deputy head of BBC Africa, had been appointed as a caretaker. A new role was created and advertised for a joint Swahili and Somali service based in Nairobi, Kenya. Caroline Karobia was named editor of the new service.


Muddo ka badan shan iyo toban sano ayaa lagu tirinayay inay geeriyootay Mulki Buraale, oo ah gabadh heesaa ah, oo ka tirsanyd kooxdii Waayaha Cusub ee hormuudka mar u ahayd fanka casriga ah ee Soomaalida. Somalia NGO Consortium. Toggle limited content width. Xildhibaanka kamid noqday boqolaalkii shacabka ahaa ee ku xanibmay garoonka diyaaradha iyo wixii uu arkay 6 Maarso Dhab ahaantii, hurdo la'aantu waxay kordhisaa khatarta ah inaad ku dhacdo xaalado caafimaad oo halis ah, oo ay ku jiraan cayilka, sonkorowga iyo cudurada wadnaha, sida uu qabo Harvard Medical School. Languages English. Wiilka Soomaaliga ah ee jabiyey rikoorka maaratoonka Sweden 19 Febraayo The practice has been condemned by several local and international human rights groups, including The Coalition of Somali Human Rights Defenders. Ma run baa in taleefanka qoya lagu qallajin karo bariiska 22 Febraayo Archived by WebCite on 9 November Article Talk. Waa mid ka mid ah Culimada Diinta Soomaalida ee doorka weyna ku leh dacwada diinta ee Bariga Afrika,wuxuu lahaa aasaaska mid ka mida Iskuulada Islaamiga ee ugu weyn Kenya gaar ahaan Nairobi.

Abdirahman Ali Dhimbil. BBC News.

Ulster Foyle. Zed Books. Daraasad: Sokorowga si fudud ayaa loo daweyn karaa waana laga hortagi karaa Jimicsiga - wuxuu faa'iido u yeelan karaa nooca 2-aad ee sonkorowga, laakiin jimicsiga ayaa waxtar yar u leh dhimista cudurrada marka loo eego cuntada. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. Created in from a former British protectorate and an Italian colony, Somalia collapsed into anarchy following the overthrow of the military regime of President Siad Barre in Since , when a new internationally-backed government was installed, Somalia has been inching towards stability, but the new authorities still face a challenge from al-Qaeda-aligned Al-Shabab insurgents. Such information will only be processed in line with ZenoMedia's Privacy Policy Notifications may include alerts, sounds and icon badges. You can to listen to the radio programmes using the free audio player or by using the telephone dial-up option standard geographic charges from landlines and mobiles may apply. The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:. Qiyaastii , oo qof ayaa hadda ku go'doonsan waqooyiga Gaza, halkaasoo hay'adda WFP ay sheegtay in gaajada ay gaartay heer masiibo ah.

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