belinda montgomery actress

Belinda montgomery actress

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Sonny Crockett Don Johnson , an undercover cop for the Miami Vice Department and Ricardo Tubbs Philip Michael Thomas , a New York street cop, unwillingly team up on assignment to apprehend a Colombian cocaine smuggler in this two-hour pilot episode of the explosive, groundbreaking detective series, "Miami Vice". Tubbs works to save Crockett and family from falling victim to an Argentine assassin hired by drug boss Calderone. Crockett Don Johnson and Tubbs Philip Michael Thomas set out to find a group of drug rip-off terrorists responsible for killing one young undercover policeman, and seriously wounding another. Jessica and her niece Pamela go on a cruise. Pamela has just been released from a sanitarium after her husband Johnny committed suicide, and now it seems that someone is trying to terrorize Pamela on board. While on the trail of Calderone in Bimini, Tubbs falls in love with a woman who forces him to consider his loyalties.

Belinda montgomery actress

Belinda Montgomery born July 23, is a Canadian-American actress. She initially attracted notice for playing Cinderella in the television film Hey, Cinderella! She starred as Dr. Elizabeth Merrill in the science-fiction series Man from Atlantis —78 , and as Katherine Howser, Doogie's mother, in the medical comedy-drama series, Doogie Howser, M. Montgomery was born in Winnipeg , Manitoba. She is the daughter of actor Cecil Montgomery. During the s, Montgomery played many leading roles in made-for-television movies, including D. In the early 's, Montgomery began to be credited as Belinda J. I was told five years ago, If I kept my name as it was, I would have lots of accidents, I'd be accident prone. I had a lot of brushes with accidents — landing gear collapsing on an airplane — so I added my middle initial and things have been better. It's in the numerology. Montgomery also had a recurring role on the Miami Vice , and has made over 80 guest appearances on television, including appearances on Ironside , T.

Katherine Howser. Montgomery was born in WinnipegManitoba.


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Belinda montgomery actress

With her distinct husky voice, young Belinda often played male characters, marking the beginning of her acting journey. While acting remained a significant part of her life, Montgomery never abandoned her love for painting. Inspired by a Van Gogh exhibit she visited as a child, she continued to paint throughout her acting career. She even sold her first artwork at the age of 10, further fueling her passion for the arts. While she did a chocolate TV commercial with her sister, most of her time in London was spent focusing on academics. This project introduced her to the world of the Muppets, and she fondly remembers working with iconic characters like Kermit the Frog. Over the next two decades, Montgomery amassed dozens of acting credits in both television and film. Some highlights before landing her breakout role on Doogie Howser M. The show revolved around a teenage genius who, despite his young age, was a licensed physician in a challenging residency program.

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Contact info Agent info Resume. How old is Belinda Montgomery? Burke's Law 6. Edit page. Crockett Don Johnson and Tubbs Philip Michael Thomas set out to find a group of drug rip-off terrorists responsible for killing one young undercover policeman, and seriously wounding another. Alternative names Belinda J. Pilot, Pt. Spain Germany United States. Calderone's Return, Pt. Sonny Crockett Don Johnson , an undercover cop for the Miami Vice Department and Ricardo Tubbs Philip Michael Thomas , a New York street cop, unwillingly team up on assignment to apprehend a Colombian cocaine smuggler in this two-hour pilot episode of the explosive, groundbreaking detective series, "Miami Vice". Lyons in which her sister, Tannis G. Montgomery was born in Winnipeg , Manitoba. New Customer?

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JAG 6. Belinda Montgomery I Actress Soundtrack. The Indianapolis News. Learn more about contributing. TRON: Legacy 6. See our predictions. Billed often as "Lee Harcourt Montgomery", he would become best known for befriending the title rodent in the cult horror thriller Ben It wasn't surprising that, later, she found herself acting in such daytime sudsers as Days of Our Lives Expand below. Camouflage 4. She showed her strong, professional side as well as the scientist who rescues and protects superhuman Patrick Duffy in the one-season adventure series Man from Atlantis Contact info Agent info Resume. Jessica and her niece Pamela go on a cruise. Edit page.

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