best defense for black against e4

Best defense for black against e4

So after a long time with 1.

So, why gamble at chess when you can learn the black openings against e4 and win the upcoming tournaments? When I began playing chess , my first response to 1. If white responds with 2. Nf3, then your best shot is Ruy Lopez opening. The moves are:.

Best defense for black against e4

You sit down at the board or your computer and wait to see how your opponent will start the game. As they reach for the e-pawn, in your mind you roll your eyes and mutter, "Here we go again. With that quick sulk out of the way, it's now time to choose how to meet the most popular opening move, 1. As I discussed in my previous article about White's 20 options , you have 20 options with the black pieces, but some are better than others. In parentheses is the name of each move. Check out FM James Canty 's awesome video:. These moves either displace a pawn that was just fine where it was or, even worse, gives it away for free. A move so bad it doesn't even have a unique name. Also hangs a pawn, also for no reason. It's like a worse version of the Latvian Gambit A disaster in slow motion for anyone planning to play Ra6 next, when White's bishop on f1 already attacks this square. Named for Preston Ware, not short for "Beware this move.

Giuoco Piano is a variation of the Italian game. Re1 O-O 8.


There are several popular and effective options for black in this situation, each with its own strategic implications. One of the most popular and aggressive responses to e4 is the Sicilian Defense. This opening immediately stakes a claim on the center of the board and denies white the opportunity to establish a strong pawn structure with double pawns on e4 and d4. The Sicilian Defense can lead to complex and tactical positions, making it a favorite choice for many aggressive players. Another solid and reliable response to e4 is the French Defense. The French Defense often leads to closed positions with strategic maneuvering and pawn breaks becoming key factors. The Caro-Kann Defense is another popular choice for black. This opening focuses on solidly defending the e5 pawn and establishing a strong central pawn structure. The Caro-Kann Defense is known for its solid and reliable nature, making it a favorite of many positional players. For those looking for a more dynamic and tactical response, the Pirc Defense can be a great choice.

Best defense for black against e4

You sit down at the board or your computer and wait to see how your opponent will start the game. As they reach for the e-pawn, in your mind you roll your eyes and mutter, "Here we go again. With that quick sulk out of the way, it's now time to choose how to meet the most popular opening move, 1. As I discussed in my previous article about White's 20 options , you have 20 options with the black pieces, but some are better than others.

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Then comes the exchanges 3. Nf6 the Alekhine defense , Exd5 Qxd5. You will be assimilated Read now. That would be like me saying that because I play the French, everyone should play the French. CarlsenMagni 15 min ago. There are three ways to answer to 1. It is also seen in top-level games. And the symmetrical response isn't it. Try'em all. At least maybe your opponent won't play d4 before you play Rh6.

So, why gamble at chess when you can learn the black openings against e4 and win the upcoming tournaments?

It's a serious opening, although you wouldn't necessarily know it from this video. Pretty clear demarcation we have between C and D tiers. Here, yes. The series of moves are: 1. Brush up more on Positional themes or casual pawn structure. Most Recent. Nc3 g6 4. Free Pawn! This is not a "new" concept. It is important to note, however, that e5 is the best response to e4 for beginners. Nf3, then your best shot is Ruy Lopez opening. To level up your defense against 1. It's just when I looked on YouTube for an answer It's like a worse version of the Latvian Gambit

2 thoughts on “Best defense for black against e4

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