Betting on zero online latino

Eligible info. Herbalife claims Ackman is simply a market manipulator out to make a fortune from short-selling their stock, but Ackman insists Herbalife deliberately targets low-income and immigrant communities and robs them of their life savings. Herbalife is joined on the counterattack by longtime Ackman nemesis and fellow Wall Street billionaire Carl Icahn, while Ackman finds an unlikely ally in Chicago activist Julie Contreras, who rallies the Latino community to get the Federal government to intervene. Blending tales of high-stakes corporate intrigue betting on zero online latino working-class people caught in the crossfire, Braun paints a stirring picture of the American Dream gone wrong.

Julio Ulloa, a native of Ecuador, had a construction business in the US that was doing very well. Then, one day in , a representative from the nutrition company Herbalife knocked on his door and offered him the opportunity to increase his revenues. So he switched from construction to a nutrition club that promoted the Herbalife brand, and bought products worth thousands of dollars. At last, the unavoidable truth hit him in the face: his American dream of easy money was nothing more than an illusion. Braun said it was difficult to string together the different parts of the story, especially since Herbalife refused to participate in the documentary. That space was filled with archival footage of Herbalife officials instead, and complemented with testimony by former distributors who explain how multi-level marketing corporations work.

Betting on zero online latino

Sign In. Betting on Zero Hide Spoilers. Entertaining, educational, with a dose of humanity. JohnDeSando 10 April William Ackman, quietly charismatic investor and producer of Inside Job, has made a short bet on Herbalife, which he claims is a pyramid scheme benefiting the rich at the top and stealing from the poor at the bottom. The ambiguity comes on two levels: Is Johnson a con man or a brilliant business man? Is Ackman in this game to bring down the price of Herbalife's stock and cause the company to close, or is he looking to make a huge profit he promises to spread his profit to the poor, mainly Latinos, who bought into the pyramid? This doc is not as pro-Ackman as you might expect. By tracking him coming to a meeting like a rock star out of a black SUV and increasing skepticism about his motives, it seems to support a balanced view. As with The Big Short and Margin Call, both about the bad mortgage game, the tension is ripe even though we know the outcome of a potentially nerdy story.

It's an interesting story, but there's 15 minutes of useful content in the story; the remaining ninety minutes is pure filler.

The doc, which screened at the Tribeca Film Festival last year , focuses on Herbalife. But it is the testimonials of the many Latinos who have been ravaged by their involvement in the company that really hits home. To many immigrant Latinos some of them undocumented , the idea of being able to make money quickly while being their own boss is a very seductive proposition. One, which is, as the documentary shows, rather unlikely. But the truth, as alleged in the FTC complaint, is that the overwhelming majority of distributors who pursue the business opportunity earn little or no money. That is what multi-level marketing companies are premised on even as their legality is up for debate.

The doc, which screened at the Tribeca Film Festival last year , focuses on Herbalife. But it is the testimonials of the many Latinos who have been ravaged by their involvement in the company that really hits home. To many immigrant Latinos some of them undocumented , the idea of being able to make money quickly while being their own boss is a very seductive proposition. One, which is, as the documentary shows, rather unlikely. But the truth, as alleged in the FTC complaint, is that the overwhelming majority of distributors who pursue the business opportunity earn little or no money. That is what multi-level marketing companies are premised on even as their legality is up for debate.

Betting on zero online latino

Eligible info. Herbalife claims Ackman is simply a market manipulator out to make a fortune from short-selling their stock, but Ackman insists Herbalife deliberately targets low-income and immigrant communities and robs them of their life savings. Herbalife is joined on the counterattack by longtime Ackman nemesis and fellow Wall Street billionaire Carl Icahn, while Ackman finds an unlikely ally in Chicago activist Julie Contreras, who rallies the Latino community to get the Federal government to intervene. Blending tales of high-stakes corporate intrigue with working-class people caught in the crossfire, Braun paints a stirring picture of the American Dream gone wrong.

Hebreo 4

Otherwise, I'm inspired that people are speaking up about being ripped off. But if someone promises you riches and a lot of money Giant Pictures Firm ,. The very moment I was introduced to Herbalife in the early s, I knew it was a pyramid scheme. A long but engaging and extremely even-handed documentary, and it's engaging in large part because it doesn't take obvious sides. Although Bill Ackman gets painted in a sympathetic light, the disenfranchised masses are those who retain all sympathies. Herbalife was given a fine, and worked with he FTC to clean up it's bad practices. Crucigramas minis. Title rated 0 out of 5 stars, based on 0 ratings 0 ratings You have not rated this title. Herbalife is joined on the counterattack by longtime Ackman nemesis and fellow Wall Street billionaire Carl Icahn, while Ackman finds an unlikely ally in Chicago activist Julie Contreras, who rallies the Latino community to get the Federal government to intervene. The movie does not explore this simple truth in any meaningful way. The documentary does well to show the corrosive effects that these fraudulent corporations can have on a community the helplessness that comes therein. In the end the first one was right, but didn't make money out of it, because he has a punchable face and nobody likes him and stock isn't about being right or wrong but about gambling and how good of a gamler are you. Devin Adair is founder of Adair Entertainment. Fill out my Wufoo form!


You're being scammed if you believe the cherry picking facts in this movie: "Herbalife doesn't let you use its name on your fitness clubs". I love how they went over the story without making you want to stop watching it out of boredom. Braun reports that Herbalife boycotted a screening of the film at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC in October, by getting a lawyer named Heather Podesta and her partners to purchase tickets, representing half of seats at the screening room, and then leaving the seats empty. I held them as they were shaking and crying. Prove it to me, this movie did not. For me, someone that studies banking and finance this movie could be a lot more attractive than for someone that is uninterested in finance or markets in general, my advice is therefore watch it if you are interested in the field of finance or like documentaries regarding economicies, else this is propably not worth it. Why isn't his construction business successful? That is what multi-level marketing companies are premised on even as their legality is up for debate. It shouldn't affect weather or not you see the film in my opinion. What they provide is law. It makes for a very juicy story and everybody wants a "hero" to root for. Great documentary thats tries to cover almost all perspectives pieterbmolendijk 11 February

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