blaise harry potter

Blaise harry potter

Blaise Zabini is a character from the Harry Potter books. Blaise is a Slytherin in Harry Potter 's year, and is mentioned in the sorting scene in the first book as the final student to be sorted. Prior to Half-Blood Prince there was no other mention of Blaise in the books, blaise harry potter, causing much blaise harry potter speculation. Fanon characterization of Blaise is the subject of much discussion.

Blaise Zabini is a Hogwarts student in Harry's year. He is a member of Slytherin House. Zabini's claim to fame is apparently that his mother is a famously beautiful witch, whose seven successive husbands all died mysteriously and left her pots of Galleons. Harry follows Blaise back to his compartment on the Hogwarts Express, hoping to overhear some conversation with Draco Malfoy that would give him some clue as to what Malfoy had planned. Malfoy drops some hints, but does not say anything particularly helpful, perhaps because he has seen Harry's foot as Harry climbed into the luggage rack. Later in the book, Harry notices Zabini "lolling against a pillar" near where he is standing, and makes sure not to say anything incriminating. Blaise Zabini is intelligent.

Blaise harry potter

He was sorted into Slytherin house [1] and seems to have been friendly with the fellow Slytherins, Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson. Blaise Zabini is the son of a famously beautiful witch who had been widowed seven times over by Each husband's death both occurred under suspicious circumstances and left the already wealthy Ms. Zabini and her son richer. It is unknown if Blaise's biological father was one of the seven late husbands. Blaise may be a pure-blood wizard;as he dislikes "blood traitors" and people who associate with Muggle-borns. He is stuck-up and does not befriend Muggles. Due to Blaise's reserved nature, he kept to himself most of the time and didn't really make friends with other Slytherins, nor other students in his year—though this may have been because he was prejudiced against Muggle-borns and " blood traitors. In his second year at Hogwarts , Blaise may have joined the duelling club as a precaution, to learn defence against any possible danger that the Chamber of Secrets presented. In his fourth year, Hogwarts held the Triwizard Tournament and Blaise attended the Yule Ball , just like any other student fourth year and above. Because he was fussy and aloof with girls, he may have attended the ball solo. At the end of his fourth year, Cedric Diggory was killed and it was announced that Lord Voldemort had returned to power. Blaise was one of the students who received an invitation from Professor Horace Slughorn to join him for lunch on the Hogwarts Express journey. Slughorn was sizing up the student body for potential new members of his famous Slug Club which he started when he last taught at Hogwarts.

Once they arrived at Hogwarts, Blaise apparently christian song the litmus test that Slughorn had set, as he continued to receive invitations to Slughorn's parties after the school year began. And now let me repeat what I said before, blaise harry potter, and see if this time someone will actually bother to try and understand instead of going off at irrelevant tangents about Cameroon or promiscuity. Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

However, one little known or talked about example is the way that the Harry Potter fandom from practically went to war over the one-line reveal that Slytherin Blaise Zabini was actually Black. However, people instantly made up all sorts of headcanons for this character based off of a name and Hogwarts house. Blaise had hundreds of stories where he was primarily shipped with Draco, Hermione, Ginny, or Harry. He was to Draco in fandom, what Ron and Hermione were to Harry in canon. Once Blaise was revealed to be Black, his value to fandom plummeted and people bent over backwards to find excuses for. The thing that stands out to me about the notable backlash to Blaise being described as a Black man and then played by one — Louis Cordice in the film series — is that it showed really plainly in the antiblackness from fans in fandom when it came to things like… shipping.

There were a lot of students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who we came to know and love or hate over the years, and who, on movie screens, we got to watch grow up. He was very cute and very evil, though. Per the internet, he's not acting anymore, but that's cool. If your only acting gig is playing a Slytherin in the Harry Potter series, you're doing quite all right for yourself. In fact, his Instagram bio sadly his account is private, like he wants "privacy" or something, smh says "Just that guy from Harry Potter. He's not super active on Twitter either , although Cordice does use it to show his intense British-ness, because most of his tweets are about football like, soccer football , none of which I even remotely understand. It also looks like he recently had a baby girl. If you want to revisit Blaise in the HP films, he doesn't do a whole lot of talking, sadly, but he is in some crucial scenes.

Blaise harry potter

He is a member of the Slug Club due to his famous mother, who has had seven husbands. After the meeting with Professor Slughorn on the Hogwarts Express, Harry followed Blaise back to the Slytherin compartment to eavesdrop. Because of the ambiguity of his first name, many fans believed Zabini to be a girl until Half Blood Prince was published. Tags: arrogance fame hatred prejudice. Blaise Zabini. Affiliations Slug Club. Related Entries.

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This is why Trayvon Martin is dead. Consistently, endlessly , transformative or generative fandom that makes all sorts of queer or shippy content on a regular basis, chooses not to give a shit about Black characters. I can say THIS is true. Blaise had hundreds of stories where he was primarily shipped with Draco, Hermione, Ginny, or Harry. Harry Potter followed Blaise back to this compartment under his Invisibility cloak in an attempt to hear Draco's conversation and give him some perspective as to what Draco had been planning over the summer. Due to Blaise's reserved nature, he kept to himself most of the time and didn't really make friends with other Slytherins, nor other students in his year—though this may have been because he was prejudiced against Muggle-borns and " blood traitors. It is unknown if Blaise's biological father was one of the seven late husbands. People in fandom chose to write tens of thousands of words where Blaise was all of those things up there in the bullet points based off of two details about his life. It has nothing to do with race, religion or any of the other fetishes that people like to wave at you when they have no arguments to offer: it has to do with the capacity to be easily identified and understood as a person. Click here for related articles on Fanlore. When questioned on his family, Blaise talked about his mother and the line of husbands she had who had all left her large amounts of galleons in their wills after their suspicious deaths.

Blaise Zabini b. He was Sorted into the Slytherin house, [5] and was on friendly terms with multiple fellow Slytherins, including Draco Malfoy and his gang , as well as Pansy Parkinson. Blaise Zabini was the son of a famously beautiful witch who had been widowed seven times over by

Fandom was never perfect. The fans got really racist. Aang did not have to change his personality to be accepted but people in the media and the audience always demanded Korra change when she did not do anything wrong. It seemed he was so arrogant that he was more or less indifferent and dismissive of everyone, regardless of status. Hello, Blaise Zabini. The ease with which one identifies their types is not the ease of stereotype, but of archetype; several of them have entered the language e. He rarely expressed his often disdainful opinions in a confrontational manner, and preferred to simply scoff or show disbelief when someone said something he disagreed with. Reading room forum Community portal Bulletin Board Help out! As a consequence of the lack of canonical information before Half-Blood Prince , a number of alternate fanon characterizations of Blaise exist in fanworks. Blaise was prejudiced against Muggles , Muggle-borns , and those who were accepting of them. Zabini's claim to fame is apparently that his mother is a famously beautiful witch, whose seven successive husbands all died mysteriously and left her pots of Galleons. Nothing else in the picture of Hogwarts is unlikely, not with the kind of unlikelihood that demands a sub-story to be explained.

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