burkburnett isd

Burkburnett isd

Inthe school was rated " met standard " by the Texas Education Agency. The Burkburnett Bulldogs compete in: [4]. The Burkburnett athletic director and head boys basketball coach, burkburnett isd, Danny Nix, won his th game in February Burkburnett isd unit code is TX

Join Today! Burkburnett High School was first organized as a regular standard high school by superintendent J. Before that date some high school work had been done as advanced work in the elementary school photo 1. A bond issue was voted on April 10, , for the construction of a three-story yellow brick school building to serve all grade levels at a site located between College Street and Avenue D photo 2. In , while Burl Bryant was superintendent of the schools, a second brick structure for high school and junior high school students was erected behind the three-story multi-grade level campus. In , the high school received seven and one-half units of affiliation with the University of Texas.

Burkburnett isd


Public high school.


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Burkburnett isd

A larger number of schools in this district are rated below average in school quality. This district has a larger number of schools whose students are making less academic progress than their peers at other schools in the state. The average number of students per full-time teacher in this district; please note that this is not a reflection of average class size. The percentage of full-time teachers in this district who have been teaching for 3 or more years. The percentage of full-time teachers in this district who have met all applicable state standard teacher certification requirements. This indicates the percentage of schools in this district that have a full-time or part-time registered nurse on staff. This indicates the percentage of schools in this district that have a full-time or part-time licensed social worker on staff. This reflects the total annual funds this district received from local, state, and federal sources, compared to the average across the state.

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Toggle limited content width. Become a member and support the organization of new reunions and collection of BHS related materials! Air Force or the U. Article Talk. Archived from the original PDF on In , while Burl Bryant was superintendent of the schools, a second brick structure for high school and junior high school students was erected behind the three-story multi-grade level campus. Before that date some high school work had been done as advanced work in the elementary school photo 1. Orange and Black. The Burkburnett athletic director and head boys basketball coach, Danny Nix, won his th game in February In , voters approved a bond election to complete the construction of a new high school campus on Kramer Road. Public high school. In , the high school received seven and one-half units of affiliation with the University of Texas. Its unit code is TX This article about a high school in Texas is a stub.


National Center for Education Statistics. The Burkburnett athletic director and head boys basketball coach, Danny Nix, won his th game in February Air Force or the U. Read Edit View history. The last graduating class from Avenue D and Glendale two-story building occurred in May, Burkburnett High School was first organized as a regular standard high school by superintendent J. This article about a high school in Texas is a stub. Cadets who serve 2 years in the program get a rank of E-2 in the U. Toggle limited content width. Due to significant federal funding PL in , the first phase of a new high school is opened on a thirty-acre site located between Kramer Road and County Road as a junior high school; thus allowing, the annexation of the existing junior high school campus occupied in located at Avenue D and College Street by neighboring high school as a temporary relief for rapidly growing student population.

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