Cable reel ideas for nursery

Have you ever wondered cable reel ideas for nursery to use an old cable drum for? These recyclable resources can be a great addition to your environment and can be used for so many different things. To obtain some of these cable drums why not contact your local DIY shop to see if they have any they do not need.

One repurposed resource which withstands a lot of wear and tear is the cable reel or drum that is used to store electrical wires. With sanding and painting, they can end up looking rather smart. Certainly a quick search on Pinterest will reveal all sorts of uses. I saw the rather lovely layout of painted reels above when visiting Christchurch, New Zealand many years ago.. Whilst rustic in their look, the play and learning value is high when their use is carefully considered. I want the children to come across objects and not take them just for what they are, but rather what they can be. The process of creating spaces is some of the most valuable learning I feel we have at Stramash for the children and staff.

Cable reel ideas for nursery

Shardi Vaziri Tuesday, March 29, Enabling environments full of rich, open ended learning resources are a vital feature of strong early years practice but how are we to provide that with an ever-diminishing budget? In this new series Shardi Vaziri provides ideas. Apart from the hut which was already there, everything you see in this photo was free! I found the play kitchen on the side of the road on the way to school and the round sink was from a free furniture website try your local Freecycle group. The herb planter was made from a palette screwed to the wooden crate check out Pinterest online for inspiration and the seating area was also made from wooden cable reels from an electrical supplier. We then asked our wonderfully supportive parents for donations of used pots and pans. This area was also created without spending a penny. The stainless-steel sink was found on a free furniture site and is sitting in an upturned music stand which was ready to be thrown out. The pots and pans are stored on an old drying rack and collected natural loose parts are in mushroom containers tied attached to the fence with cable ties. A few old tyres used as planters are positioned to cordon off the area and a herb planter simply fashioned from an old palette finishes off the space.

Source — via Pinterest Source — via Pinterest Who wouldn't want to sit outside reading here? Keep me posted x Like Like. Music, movement, singing and performance plays an integral part within the EYFS curriculum; igniting not only emotional, expressive and creative learning in children, but also providing perfect opportunities for speech and language development, as well as understanding.

I love finding inspiration and new ideas to repurpose wooden spools and cable reels into new equipment for play. They are a material that with a little creativity and thought can be turned into something that invites play, imagination, social interaction and more for just a few dollars! Spools and reels come in many different sizes and can be cardboard, wooden or plastic. All can be turned into something completely different to their original purpose. They can be hard to find though plastic ones are easier to nab than wooden by the way and I am often asked how to source reels to upcycle.

One repurposed resource which withstands a lot of wear and tear is the cable reel or drum that is used to store electrical wires. With sanding and painting, they can end up looking rather smart. Certainly a quick search on Pinterest will reveal all sorts of uses. I saw the rather lovely layout of painted reels above when visiting Christchurch, New Zealand many years ago.. Whilst rustic in their look, the play and learning value is high when their use is carefully considered. I want the children to come across objects and not take them just for what they are, but rather what they can be. The process of creating spaces is some of the most valuable learning I feel we have at Stramash for the children and staff. From creating the design through mainly a trial and error process, constructing the feature, risk assessing, and finally playing with! From afar, the main stash of cable drums look like a mottley collection.

Cable reel ideas for nursery

Whether you have an old cable reel, cable drum, wire spool It would even look great in a pub garden! Includes an easy step by step how-to video! Garden furniture doesn't need to cost the earth.

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Log in now. Already have a WordPress. Local recycling and revolve centres often based at local council dump and rubbish tips Ask your local tradespeople if you could have the empty reels when finished with them. So far this is all I have managed to do with ours… You can see how I have grafted in some little and big helpers. Understanding that print conveys meaning is a key element to early reading. Step 2 — Cut out a large circle piece to fit over the top of the spool so you should now have one for the top and one for the bottom. A brilliant addition to any water area within a learning environment, our water barrels with hand pumps provide children with hours of fun. Thus the need to provide nooks and crannies where children can hide away, out of sight can enable children to have private conversations and develop their social skills and imaginary play. Mud Kitchen Table- Use the drum as a table in your mud kitchen area. Good luck on your quest Dawn!

The huge wooden cable reels , on which the cable is usually wound, have no place in a landfill. Such coils can be an excellent material for creating functional and stylish things for the home and garden. Just look at what a wooden reel can be turned into.

Log Counting Resource. Sensory garden This was an old sand pit — the lid was broken and the base rotten and it was headed to the bin! Upon closer look, you can see that the cable reels have been opened up to create a series of miniature dens. Encourage and support Mathematics in your outdoor learning environments with a set of our Weighing Scales. Source — The Empowered Educator. It is also available with whichever combination of boards you would like for your setting. We then asked our wonderfully supportive parents for donations of used pots and pans. Check out the rather fine balance scale on top of this table:. Understanding that print conveys meaning is a key element to early reading. Simple but makes such a handy little table size for children! Loading Comments

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