Cajero ing. elche fotos

This list is by no means exhaustive. It started about halfway this episode when Songhwa got annoyed with childish prank of IJ and asked him if they were still in Reply

I did a quick rewatch of certain parts while folding the laundry. I realize the show gave us many clues wrt various characters that I missed out during the first watch, because my initial approach was to watch the show as a fluffy romcom. Plonking my notes on some characters here:. Jun was said to have rescued Mr Kim from an accident and cared for him, and the shop was left vacant. The old Man was also watching the Photographer that afternoon when all four gentlemen were at the observation deck.

Cajero ing. elche fotos

I like it when the writer or director takes the time to put a title to the episode. I treat the title as a jumping-off point. It helps us viewers optimize our understanding of the show. The original movie made in The movie became a franchise. The book and the original movie had the same premise. Four teenagers accidentally killed an individual in a car accident, and a year later, somebody was out to punish them. But the villain in book and movie was different. Spoiler alert! In the book, it was the older brother of the dead seeking revenge. The third version is a new series out on Amazon Prime. Again, same premise: car accident, dead person.

Korea is 17 I think? Yeonsu: I knew it. There goes my wedding dreams.


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Cajero ing. elche fotos

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Hence, his reluctance to do the documentary. They may really never end up as a couple but friends. There are no regrets and no tears. He had kept his word. Any girl would fall for him. Unless SHwa says something or picks up something from his reactions, I think JWon will just remain silent about what is in his heart. So, what DID they do last summer? I find that secretary is very suspicious too, and may have had a hand in the death of that man? Ung continues to fold it in silence How cute. These are her notes. Ah thanks for answering my question, I was going to ask you what you think now with the age difference. That is what makes timing. She sounded like she genuinely admired him. In fact, we saw him grilling meat for her.


But the villain is different. So, what DID they do last summer? Same here, lovebangwon. Ah thanks for answering my question, I was going to ask you what you think now with the age difference. As the camera pans around the room, we see many photographs of Rara likely printed off social media , as well as a shelf full of photographic equipment with a camera similar to the one this guy was using, as well as binos, telescopes etc. He had a successful tv show career when he was a teen, and the documentary was still the talk of the town after 10 years. He was actually just doing what JU manipulated him into deciding to do. Even the cheerful yellow shirts they wore represented something illusory … they were not of like mind, therefore it was apt that YS took her shirt off. It took him several times to reverse park. JT7 October 22, at am. And he gets a young playmate. Boss: I hate pathetic stuff like that. Yes, he died a couple of days before Christmas

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