Calamari cruiser

Predominantly blue and grey hull plating. Round stern. Ten cylindrical thruster nozzles.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! First used as transports, designed by the Mon Calamari and primarily built in their shipyards , these were the first large capital ships available to the Alliance Fleet , giving it for the first time the ability to rival the larger Star Destroyers of the Imperial Navy. More advanced versions of Mon Calamari warships continued to fill major roles in the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances fleet. A MC30c frigate. The Mon Calamari cruisers were originally built for civilian purposes, serving in numerous peaceful roles like passenger ships and deep space exploration vessels by the Mon Calamari species. Yet, when the Galactic Empire invaded and conquered their home system and enslaved their people, the Mon Calamari converted their ships to capital warships.

Calamari cruiser

The MC80 Mon Calamari Cruiser originally was a luxury, deep-space exploration and colonization vessel until it was converted, with supreme effort into a pure combat vessel. After Mon Calamari joined the villainous Rebellion, they handed over a number of their ships for use as the Rebels saw fit. This series of Mon Calamari vessels was among the first to undergo war conversion, and would later form the core of the Rebel fleet. Efficiency, structural strength and aesthetic appeal is what these ships are designed for. When these vessels were first encountered by Imperial forces, their capabilities were greatly underestimated, much to the chagrin of the Imperial Navy. After several individual engagements in which even our mighty Imperial -class Star Destroyers came out more bloodied, the Imperial Navy reassessed the MC80 to a far more serious threat level. These vessels not only serve in the direct combat role, but also serve as starfighter carriers, support ships, and medical ships. At first glance, it appears that this design was grown instead of constructed. Each Mon Calamari Cruiser is distinct, each with its own smooth, aesthetically-pleasing shape, since each vessel is hand-crafted and individually designed. Its organic-like features include blisters, bumps, bulges, and pods that seem to be randomly placed. Originally, these features were transparent viewports for grand observation decks. They have long since been covered with hull plating, heavy blastdoors and anything else available; and now contain recessed armaments, shield generators, sensor arrays, and observation decks.

They have long since been covered with hull plating, heavy blastdoors and anything else available; and now contain recessed armaments, shield generators, sensor arrays, and observation decks. Produced no later than Battle of Hoth, calamari cruiser. Most calamari cruiser carried the standard complement of four squadrons.


These immense vessels were a startling contrast to the angular-shaped Imperial -class Star Destroyers , which were favored by the Imperial Fleet. Whereas the Imperial warship resembled a pointed dagger in shape, a Mon Calamari cruiser lacked hard angles and was covered with ovoid forms suggesting an organic sculpture. There were pods attached all around the ship, containing turbolasers, sensor arrays and viewing ports, the latter fulfilling the ships' original intended role as an exploration and observation vessel. Each cruiser was of a unique design. After the execution of king Lee-Char was broadcasted across Mon Cala , in which he was killed by stormtroopers , the crew of the Mon Cala Mercantile Fleet began to rebel. With the help of the Alliance, the fleet escaped the Imperial blockade and retreated with the Alliance. The rebels were able to escape, but only after most of their ships were destroyed.

Calamari cruiser

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! First used as transports, designed by the Mon Calamari and primarily built in their shipyards , these were the first large capital ships available to the Alliance Fleet , giving it for the first time the ability to rival the larger Star Destroyers of the Imperial Navy. More advanced versions of Mon Calamari warships continued to fill major roles in the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances fleet.

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Some MC80B cruisers and later designs could be refitted to carry as many as eight. Three thruster nozzles in single bank. They have long since been covered with hull plating, heavy blastdoors and anything else available; and now contain recessed armaments, shield generators, sensor arrays, and observation decks. In some, all engines are found in the aft, while in others engines are aft-ventrally placed with flanking forward-dorsally placed engines, or the reverse of that configuration aft-dorsally and flanking forward-ventrally. Wingless, tubular hull shape. The individualization that marked the Rebellion-era designs all but disappeared in an effort to simplify the New Republic's logistics. Cancel Save. Unfortunately, these ships have proven instrumental to a number of Rebel victories. Meanwhile, the bridge is dorsally placed, with it in the aft third of the design. Ten cylindrical thruster nozzles. Each Mon Calamari Cruiser is distinct, each with its own smooth, aesthetically-pleasing shape, since each vessel is hand-crafted and individually designed. This design boasts three times as many shield generators for a Imperial ship of comparable dimensions. Greatly enlarged fantail vertically subdivides thruster bank. Starfighter Squadrons :. Their cruisers protected our fleet at the Battle of Endor, allowing the starfighters to penetrate the second Death Star's core.

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TJ incorrectly states "the great skill with which the Mon Cal control their fire nearly brings the firepower of the two ships [ISD] into parity. By the time of the New Republic, the Mon Calamari had begun to produce military-optimized designs that were no longer modified civilian designs. Greatly enlarged fantail vertically subdivides thruster bank. They in turn donated their fleet of cruisers to the Rebel Alliance, while many Mon Calamari joined to serve in the Rebel Fleet. Length m Interrupted hull plating near the stern. Their surprisingly effectiveness on the battlefield is primarily due to superior crew training. There is some debate amongst fans to the various sizes and powers of the assorted Mon Cal cruisers. Sign In Register. Produced 5. Supposedly from 48 to 96 starfighters supported. Predominantly blue and grey hull plating. Mon Calamari Star Cruiser. Each ship is fitted with a large number of redundant systems, which makes the MC80 extremely reliable and painstaking to disable in battle. As the modules were interchangeable, the cruisers were very versatile, able to be fitted for pleasure cruises, scouting missions and frontline capital ships. Armour continuous except small thruster cavity.

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