call of duty modern warfare 2 actors

Call of duty modern warfare 2 actors

Here's the voice cast and confirmed actors for Modern Warfare 2. Throughout the history of the Call of Duty franchise, several stars have shared their voices for a character whether it's for a single-player campaign or one of many multiplayer Operators. As players continue dropping into Modern Warfare 2 and its campaignmany are beginning to wonder who is part of the Modern Warfare 2 voice cast, call of duty modern warfare 2 actors. There are a few names voicing the legendary members of Task Force alongside other characters featuring in Infinity Ward's latest single-player blockbuster.

The Modern Warfare series is back — and so are some iconic characters from the Call of Duty franchise. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 , the sequel to the reboot, sees Captain Price joined by two very familiar faces as both Simon 'Ghost' Riley and Johnny 'Soap' McTavish appear prominently in the campaign as playable characters. The characters and their appearance have gone down in video game history but who are the voice actors behind the legends? The reboot has gone for a different cast than the original series, but Soap's iconic Scottish timbre is still there — here's who brings the characters to life in Cod MW2. Call of Duty is one of the biggest video game franchises in the world, so it's only fitting that you'd recognise a few of the cast from other movies, games and TV shows. He is currently starring as Jeff Sadecki in Yellowjackets.

Call of duty modern warfare 2 actors

Task Force faces its greatest threat yet - a newly aligned menace with deep, yet unknown, connections. Simon 'Ghost' Riley : Be careful who you trust sergeant, people you know can hurt you the most. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Action Adventure Crime. Director Jeffrey Keith Negus. Brian Bloom. See production info at IMDbPro. Top credits Director Jeffrey Keith Negus. Photos

Calculate how much you could release Discover how much money you could access through equity release with our free online equity release calculator. Dave Mallow Additional Voice Talent voice.

Sign In. Lance Henriksen General Shepherd voice. Keith David Sergeant Foley voice. Barry Pepper Corporal Dunn voice. Roman Varshavsky Makarov voice.

Sign In. Alejandro Vargas voice Barry Sloane Captain John Price voice Ramon Fernandez Diego Salgado voice Claudia Doumit Farah Karim voice Glenn Morshower General Shepherd voice Ibrahim Renno Hassan Zyani voice Neil Ellice Kate Laswell voice Elliot Knight Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick voice Stefan Kapicic Nikolai voice Ace Marrero

Call of duty modern warfare 2 actors

The Modern Warfare series is back — and so are some iconic characters from the Call of Duty franchise. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 , the sequel to the reboot, sees Captain Price joined by two very familiar faces as both Simon 'Ghost' Riley and Johnny 'Soap' McTavish appear prominently in the campaign as playable characters. The characters and their appearance have gone down in video game history but who are the voice actors behind the legends? The reboot has gone for a different cast than the original series, but Soap's iconic Scottish timbre is still there — here's who brings the characters to life in Cod MW2. Call of Duty is one of the biggest video game franchises in the world, so it's only fitting that you'd recognise a few of the cast from other movies, games and TV shows. He is currently starring as Jeff Sadecki in Yellowjackets. Farah Karim actress Claudia Doumit will be familiar to most for playing Victoria Neuman in superhero series The Boys , but also starred in sci-fi series Timeless and three episodes of Scandal. Sign up to be the first to know about breaking stories and new series!

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Throughout the history of the Call of Duty franchise, several stars have shared their voices for a character whether it's for a single-player campaign or one of many multiplayer Operators. The likes of Pete Davidson and Steve Aoki have already featured in promotional material, will they also feature? Jim Ward Additional Voice Talent voice. New Customer? Justin Theroux Additional Voice Talent voice. Michael Cudlitz Additional Voice Talent voice. It takes you to many new locations, like Al Mazrah, which is the setting for the new Warzone 2 map at launch. Photos Brian Bloom. Sign In.

Task Force faces its greatest threat yet - a newly aligned menace with deep, yet unknown, connections. Simon 'Ghost' Riley : Be careful who you trust sergeant, people you know can hurt you the most. Sign In Sign In.

Kirk Thornton Additional Voice Talent voice. Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. Our editorial is always independent learn more. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. See the list. There are a few names voicing the legendary members of Task Force alongside other characters featuring in Infinity Ward's latest single-player blockbuster. Jordan Marder Additional Voice Talent voice. You May Also Like. Edit page. The best TV and entertainment news in your inbox Sign up to receive our newsletter! Task Force faces its greatest threat yet - a newly aligned menace with deep, yet unknown, connections. Related news.

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