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Carolyn jones naked

A sickly carolyn jones naked from Amarillo, Texas, the darkly alluring beauty knew she wanted to be onscreen from an early age and pursued her ambition through the ranks of B-movies, such as the 3-D House of Waxthe classic horror flick Invasion of the Body Snatchersand the Elvis Presley vehicle King Creole

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Carolyn jones naked


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A sickly child from Amarillo, Texas, the darkly alluring beauty knew she wanted to be onscreen from an early age and pursued her ambition through the ranks of B-movies, such as the 3-D House of Wax , the classic horror flick Invasion of the Body Snatchers , and the Elvis Presley vehicle King Creole She hit the big time as the matriarch of The Addams Family TV series, where her passionate love for husband John Astin lured many a prepubescent boy to the gothic side. She even had a recurring role on the Batman series, as Marsha, Queen of Diamonds. Made with love in Chicago since ! All Rights Reserved. Our Trademarks exempt. Toggle navigation. Free Live Cams. Free Signup.

Carolyn jones naked

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Carolyn Sue Jones. Mini Bio. Carolyn Jones was born April 28, , in Amarillo, Texas. Her mother was Jeannette and her sister was Bette Moriarty. She was an imaginative child, much like her mother. In , her father abandoned the family and her mother moved them in with her parents, also in Amarillo.

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