cartmans dad

Cartmans dad

Eric Theodore Cartmancommonly referred to by his last name, [1] is a fictional character in the adult animated sitcom South Parkcreated by Trey Parker cartmans dad Matt Stone. He first appeared with the name Kenny in the short film The Spirit of Christmasand later appeared in the film of the same title before debuting in " Cartman Gets an Anal Probe ", cartmans dad, the first episode of the series, on August 13,

The 15th episode of the series overall, it premiered on Comedy Central in the United States on April 22, The episode concludes the storyline of the season one finale " Cartman's Mom Is a Dirty Slut "; Mephesto is suddenly shot, just as he is about to reveal the identity of Eric Cartman 's father. Upset viewers wrote over 2, complaints to Comedy Central within a week of its premiere date. Just as Mephesto is about to announce who Eric Cartman 's father is, the electricity goes out, the room is darkened, and two gunshots are fired. As the lights come back on, everyone discovers that Mephesto has been shot. Chef notes that he is still alive and, along with the boys, rushes him to the hospital.

Cartmans dad

The odyssey of Eric Cartman's true lineage was a huge mystery in South Park 's first season. Mephisto doing a DNA test. It was a necessary test -- because almost any man in town could have been Cartman's father, including the roster of the Denver Broncos. That episode ended on a cliffhanger with the series promising to announce the truth four weeks later at the start of South Park Season 2. But when Season 2 debuted a few weeks later, it wasn't the episode that fans were expecting. Instead of learning who fathered wannabe authority figure Cartman , viewers received an epic April Fools' joke featuring Terrance and Phillip. Rather than finding out who Cartman's father was, South Park gave its fans a standalone episode featuring two supporting characters. Viewers who tuned in to the Season 2 premiere were greeted with a title card announcing an episode called "Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus. Terrance and Phillip had previously been introduced as the stars of an in-universe TV show that South Park's kids loved. However, this was the first time an episode had been entirely devoted to them.

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Cartman's Father is a deleted character who appears in the pilot episode, " The Unaired Pilot ". He was seen at the scene where the Cartman family is dining in the dining room but does not move and speak, along with Cartman's Sister. He has curly gray hair around his head and a gray mustache. He was seen wearing a light blue short-sleeved shirt similar to Randy Marsh 's original outfit and yellow pants at the dinner scene. In the family portrait, he was wearing a light blue buttoned-up collar coat, a black belt, dark-gray pants, and black shoes. However, shortly after Comedy Central adopted the series in , they decided to downgrade Cartman's family to consist of only Eric and Liane because Cartman did not need a large family and thus Cartman's Dad along with Cartman's Sister was cut from the series. South Park Archives.

Cartman is sometimes the main antagonist of an episode, for example " Trapper Keeper ". None of the other three main children really consider Cartman their friend and do not know why they started hanging out with him in the first place, but a certain form of unstable friendship ends up being born between them. However he is usually Kyle's first choice when he breaks his friendship with Stan. In earlier episodes, Kenny was his best friend, however, in later seasons, Butters Stotch is usually depicted as such. Cartman was the first one of the boys to be shown without his hat, as seen in " Merry Christmas Charlie Manson! He also weighs 90 pounds, as revealed in " Weight Gain ". According to the creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone , they thought it would be impossible to put a character like Archie Bunker on lateth century television. But then they came up with the idea that it might be allowed if the character were an animated nine formerly eight year-old boy living in the mountain town of South Park, Colorado.

Cartmans dad

Cartman bought Scott Tenorman's pubic hair in " Scott Tenorman Must Die ", thinking that it was the means by which to reach maturity. Finding out that he was mistaken, he attempts to get revenge on Scott. After several fruitless attempts, Cartman creates an elaborate scheme in which he tricks Scott into convincing his parents to "save" a pony from being slaughtered at Bill Denkins 's ranch. In the meantime, he told Denkins that Jack and his wife were both a pair of demented pony-killers who should be shot on sight. When Scott's father Jack and his mother attempted to save the pony, they were shot dead by Denkins. While he filed a report to Officer Barbrady , Cartman gathered their bodies and then proceeded to grind them up and feed them to Scott as chili. The fact that his parents were murdered and that he later ate them, drove Scott completely insane. In " " and " ", it is discovered that during his time in a mental institution, Scott began to research Cartman's history in the hopes of exacting revenge upon him. During his research, Scott discovered that his own father Jack Tenorman had played right tackle for the Denver Broncos during his younger years and that during the night of the Drunken Barn Dance , he had sex with Cartman's mother Liane resulting in her getting pregnant with Eric.

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The series had already proven to be daring throughout its first season. January 22, Finding out that he was mistaken, he attempts to get revenge on Scott. The group's administrator, a year-old from Vancouver Island , said the group was only intended as a joke, and apologized for the offense it caused. Internet Life". Archived from the original on February 8, In the family portrait, he was wearing a light blue buttoned-up collar coat, a black belt, dark-gray pants, and black shoes. Retrieved October 10, South Park Archives Explore. In Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew ed. Comedy Central. Hybrid drivers". Where Kyle is restrained by firm morals, Cartman indulges in sadistic hedonism. For Cartman 's real father, see Jack Tenorman.

Mitchell "Mitch" Conner , previously known by his false alias Jennifer Lopez pronounced Hennifer Lopez , is Eric Cartman 's left hand; given a personality, backstory, and a painted-on face. He appears in " Fat Butt and Pancake Head ", " ", and " ".

ABC News. Archived from the original on September 9, Due to the fact that the Denver Broncos had been having a really good year, they all believed that revealing that Jack Tenorman having a bastard child who wants to meet him could be enough to distract him from the football season. Fuck you! South Park Archives Explore. Retrieved October 10, Cartman is sensitive and in denial about his obesity. The Age. Cartman, a staunch antisemite , reflects most of his hatred towards the Jewish Kyle, such as deliberately infecting him with HIV " Tonsil Trouble ". The Johns Hopkins News-Letter. In the following episode, " ", it is revealed that Cartman's true biological father is Jack Tenorman, a former player for the Denver Broncos whom he arranged to have killed in " Scott Tenorman Must Die "; Scott Tenorman, Jack's son, is thus revealed to be Cartman's half-brother. As he is overweight, his body is wider and his hands noticeably larger than those of the other children, and his head is more elliptical.

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