celebrity playboy pictures

Celebrity playboy pictures

Celebrities without paparazzi. Asa Akira in Steal the Moment November 2,

For many icons, from Madonna to Naomi Campbell, a Playboy cover is a rite of passage. The photos are visceral, tantalizing, and for many celebrities, incredibly empowering. Marilyn Monroe kicked off the trend in as the first-ever Playboy cover star, and dozens of icons since have adorned the cover of the magazine, now a byword for unapologetic sexiness. If you forgot about the icon covers from Kim Kardashian, Anna Faris, Brooke Shields, and more, well—we're here to remind you. Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we? Marilyn Monroe became the first-ever Playboy cover girl for the magazine's inaugural issue.

Celebrity playboy pictures

Since its inception in the mid s, Playboy magazine has courted fascination as well as controversy. The stunning blonde beauty was, and largely remains, the epitome of sex appeal. There have been so many famous faces on the cover of this magazine, and some of them might surprise you. Take a look at our roundup of 25 famous women who posed for Playboy. One of the first women to grace the cover was none other than Marilyn Monroe , photographed here for the magazine. Decades later, country singer Dolly Parton made her Playboy debut in For the January issue , Goldie Hawn posed in a giant martini glass on the cover of Playboy. Madonna looked like an absolute pop diva on her September cover, decked out in high-waisted trousers, a lace and sheer corset top, and blazer. In July , Cindy Crawford stripped down for her Playboy photo shoot. Known as one of the Playboy playmates that most achieved success, Jenny McCarthy graced the cover of the magazine many times. Charlize Theron went topless for her May Playboy cover. For the December issue , Naomi Campbell wore a barely-there bra and underwear set with a luxurious white fur wrap. Paris Hilton looked fun and flirty in a red corset and black fishnet tights for the March issue of Playboy. Mariah Carey sported a cut-out one-piece on the cover of the March issue of Playboy. Playboy kicked off with Carmen Electra as their cover star, posing for the January issue and so many more.

Pamela Anderson Returns December 12, Drew Barrymore went meta for her cover shoot, donning a Playboy bunny shirt, a coy celebrity playboy pictures, and a lacy pair of pink panties.

Our editorial content is not influenced by any commissions we receive. When hot celebrities pose nude for Playboy, the world stops to get a copy of the magazine. Over the years a lot of hot, nude women have graced the pages of Playboy. And as much as warm-blooded folks all like getting a peek at the Playmate—dreamed up by Hugh Hefner to be the girl next door, stripped bare for your convenience—nothing has the gawk factor of celebrity skin. Movie icons, TV stars, athletes, supermodels—fans know them with their clothes on, and a lot of those fans want to see them with their clothes off.

Our editorial content is not influenced by any commissions we receive. When hot celebrities pose nude for Playboy, the world stops to get a copy of the magazine. Over the years a lot of hot, nude women have graced the pages of Playboy. And as much as warm-blooded folks all like getting a peek at the Playmate—dreamed up by Hugh Hefner to be the girl next door, stripped bare for your convenience—nothing has the gawk factor of celebrity skin. Movie icons, TV stars, athletes, supermodels—fans know them with their clothes on, and a lot of those fans want to see them with their clothes off. Playboy launched in December with a celebrity on the cover and in the pages—Marilyn Monroe who didn't actually pose for the mag —but the magazine really didn't trade in famous nudity for its first couple of decades. The girls in Playboy usually had names like Phyllis and Melba, and though they were supreme beauties, they weren't famous outside of the brand. Around the turn of the '80s, that changed. Playboy got hip to the value of naked famous ladies. Pictorials by Bo Derek , Barbara Carrera , and Kim Basinger were some of the earliest examples of celebrities who decided to "do Playboy ," a phrase that is now a ubiquitous suggestion for every starlet with a movie or two under her belt.

Celebrity playboy pictures

After all, the Playboy founder was was 91, and had been keeping a low-profile for years, leaving the magazine to his youngest son , Cooper. But the Twitterverse reacted in shock, no doubt assuming he would somehow always be found partying in the grotto. Hef might be gone, but his memory lives on in the A-list stars he convinced to cover his magazine over the years. Naturally, most of them took to Instagram to share their condolences for the late icon. Scroll through for a look back at his most notable celebrity covers, from a photo of Marilyn Monroe taken for rent money to 68 pages devoted to a year-old Kate Moss. We get it: you like to have control of your own internet experience. But advertising revenue helps support our journalism. To read our full stories, please turn off your ad blocker. We'd really appreciate it.

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The girls in Playboy usually had names like Phyllis and Melba, and though they were supreme beauties, they weren't famous outside of the brand. The cover, naturally, went down in Playboy history. Issue : December , July Farrah was an icon of the '70s thanks to a poster that sold 12 million units and the alpha-babe role on Charlie's Angels , but she resisted requests for nudity all her career—until, at age 48, she decided to get naked for Playboy. The sex symbol, in her tight red swimsuit, always left things to the imagination, even in the issue. Playboy is an American lifestyle magazine made for men. Chelsea Handler brought her signature wit to her December Playboy cover. Clearly not hide anything from the cameras, the photo shoot was documented in her reality series, Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Such a bad girl. Desert Fox - Jaime Pressly December 30, Actresses - Bai Ling May 31, Charlize Theron went topless for her May Playboy cover.

In October , after losing millions of readers to easily available Internet pornography, Playboy announced that it would be doing away with nudity in favor of partially clothed, raw intimacy. Not a bad idea considering that web traffic to Playboy's site jumped from about 4 million to 16 million when it removed nudity last year.

Issue : December Katarina Witt will go down in history as a great Olympic figure skater. Even with no clothes on, she still slays us. Lindsay Lohan let her inner Mean Girl out for her turn on the cover of Playboy. It is ironic that even the iconic magazine for men does what feminist want them to do. Issue : December The sexy burlesque dancer, famous for her relationship with Marilyn Manson, posed for the mag several times, but this was her first cover. When she showed up nude in Playboy—even though it was just three pictures in a larger pictorial promoting "safe sex"—all your hopes were confirmed. Pop Culture - Heidi Montag August 13, The original fitspo, Kiana Tom, covered Playboy in gold underwear in Paris Hilton Issue: March Paris Hilton wore the sexiest fishnets in the photo for her cover. Visit our corporate site. In July , Cindy Crawford stripped down for her Playboy photo shoot. It did not end amicably. Issue : December Back in December , Richards was still with Charlie Sheen and she had just given birth to their daughter five months before that.

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