Cenla report
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Cenla report
Skip to content. Daily Pledge. Weather Lab. Lakes and Rivers Report. First Alert Storm Tracker. Cenla Alerts. Local Scores. Francis Cabrini 5th Quarter. Golden Shield. Legal Advocate. Love the Locals. Great Health Divide.
Daniel Anthony Jackson, white, male, Ethan Ray, white, male,
All persons accused of a crime are to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Arrested were:. John Whitaker, white, male, Arrested on charges of poss of sch 2. Arrested by MPD, he remains in jail.
Baldridge Dumas Communications and Observations announce the launch of a new Observations website effective next week. Observations is written by longtime journalist and former Sabine Index owner Robert Gentry. It is now in its 66th year. Since November , Observations has been hosted on the BDC website, receiving thousands of views each week. With the launch of a new site, the column will now have its own platform, and a link to each weekly publication will be offered on The Cenla Report , depended on across Louisiana and throughout the South for trusted news. Robert Gentry may be reached at or robertrgentry gmail. Elections in Sabine Parish continue to have less voter participation. There are 14, registered voters and only 6, voted. Compare that to who voted in the Oct.
Cenla report
Central Louisiana is poised for continued economic growth and progress, according to city development leaders. Jim Clinton, president and chief executive officer of the Central Louisiana Economic Development Alliance CLEDA , believes a constant in economic development is the reality that growth from within is almost always more important than recruiting industry from elsewhere. Economic growth has been modest in the region for the past 18 to 24 months. The downturn in oil markets that affected so much of South Louisiana finally made its way to the Cenla region in the form of both layoffs at Union Tank Car, Inc. Crest Industries has continued to grow its operations. RoyOMartin is a major economic contributor, both through its manufacturing operations and its effect on the timber industry. These and other manufacturers make outsized contributions to the economy because of the way they interact with and support other businesses in the region, notes Clinton. Central Louisiana is emerging as a hub for start-up and entrepreneurial activity. These companies are spread throughout the region and range from a greenhouse manufacturer to small farmers to software developers to retailers. The Cenla region is home to a growing number of software and technology companies.
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Daysha Randolph, black, female, Daniel Anthony Jackson, white, male, By Michael Simoneaux. VPSO reports school bus crash in Pickering, 3 injured. Cenla Alerts. Arrested on charges of illegal supplying felon with ammunition, poss with intent to distribute sch 1, contraband in a penal institution prohibited. By Bonnette Auctions. Teresa Ferguson, white, female, HWY Early Voting by Parish in-person Saturday, Sept. Arrested by Florien PD, he remains in jail. Chick-fil-A recalls Polynesian sauce over allergy concerns. Lee Arthur Williams, black, male, Lakes and Rivers Report.
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Golden Shield. Lakes and Rivers Report. Desha Laneece Waller, black, female, Share on X formerly Twitter. Jerry Crnkovic, white, male, A man has been arrested in connection with an overdose death in Many. Cory Manshack, white, male, Digital Marketing. State officials are discouraging people from open burning but stopped short of issuing an all out burn ban. A Pollock woman was killed in a two-vehicle crash that happened on U. Contact Us. RPSO has announced that a crime suppression operation conducted between Feb. Ville Platte men arrested in attempted murder investigation. The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development is taking steps to restrict pedestrian access to the Nantachie Lake spillway in Grant Parish to improve safety at the structure.
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