characters from yo gabba gabba

Characters from yo gabba gabba

Yo Gabba Gabba! It is co-produced by the Magic Store and Wildbrain Entertainment. Its first episode premiered on Nickelodeon on August 20,as a part of its Nick Jr.

Yo Gabba Gabba! Join our host DJ Lance Rock as he introduces us to friendly toy monsters in a magical land full of music, dance, and color. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer

Characters from yo gabba gabba

DJ Lance Rock "Hello, friends! A male DJ who is the series' host and a friend of the Gabba Gang. Character Catchphrase : The show's Title Scream. Excited Kids' Show Host : Type 1. He's always excited and shouting. This has no effect on the main plot. Nerd Glasses : He wears a pair of nerd glasses. Costume Evolution : Their costumes have been updated over the course of the show, most notably Brobee's. One noticeable difference from their Season 1 costumes is when they were sleeping, special felt was put over their eyes to make them appear closed to the viewer. Nice Guy : All of them, even when they make mistakes.

Josh Bally Muno. Only Brobee has a definite age revealed so far 3 in Season 1, 4 as of "Birthday".


The following is a list of main and recurring characters in the Yo Gabba Gabba! Nick Jr. Wiki Explore. Allegra Eureeka Oobi Shane Stephanie. Nick Wikis. Nickipedia Nick Jr. Explore Wikis Community Central. Don't have an account?

Characters from yo gabba gabba

As an affiliate, we may earn a commission from qualifying purchases. We get commissions for purchases made through links on this website from Amazon and other third parties. Yo Gabba Gabba is one of the most popular animated television shows of all time. It features an array of unique and entertaining characters that have captivated audiences since its debut in

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Connections Featured in Screenwipe: Episode 5. Muno "Yo, right! Do-Anything Robot : Befitting his status as a magic robot, he can do anything, from play music from his speakers, beam people into Gabba Land, and store anything in his belly. Pufnstuf , among other television shows. Verbal Tic : Though he usually speaks with a normal human attitude, he tends to slip into a robotic tone of voice on occasion example: announcing "Fun Game Time" in "Move" and commenting on the oskie bugs in "Friends". Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal : Moochie wears a pink star on her head and Pooty wears a purple tie. The television program spawned a touring live stage show, several toys, and branded clothing. True Blue Femininity : Inverted. Top Gap. We should be nice to everyone! The years include — Episode guide. Shares these with Brobee.

Yo Gabba Gabba!

Tools Tools. Perpetual Frowner : His default facial expression is a frown. Very catch stuff and some are pretty sophisticated musically. Episodes To be frank, you have a better chance of finding a good song in this show than on the radio these days. Reused Character Design : His design is actually based off of Muno. This has no effect on the main plot. After each main segment, a short clip is shown that shows a child dancing around. Archived from the original PDF on March 12, Did you know Edit. DJ Lance Rock. Pink Means Feminine : Of course! They covered not one, but at least two songs by an obscure group called The Free Design. One by one, DJ Lance places them in their respective realms and shouts their names , causing them to transform. Time magazine's James Poniewozik, who said the show "will convince you someone slipped something into your Fruity Pebbles" named Yo Gabba Gabba!

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