china balm flying tiger

China balm flying tiger

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Group Your bag is empty! W: 38mm D: 16mm L: 38mm. Look for the FSC mark on our products and read more at flyingtiger. Buy from the country of your choice. Remember that we can only ship your order to addresses located in the chosen country. It looks like you are browsing from UAE. Do you want to stay on Global website or go to the UAE website?

China balm flying tiger


Formulated as vegan, perfume-free, and free of artificial colours, it provides nourishment without any added chemicals.


Have some feedback? Want to see a feature? Spotted a bug? Get in touch! Login or Sign Up. Browse products by Category. Browse products by Popular Ingredients. Quick product notes are a great way to check if a product is free from commonly avoided ingredients by skincare enthusiasts. Just because a product is not free from a common preference does not mean it's a bad product!

China balm flying tiger

It is used for external pain relief. In , the product was renamed "Tiger Balm" in order to gain broader appeal. The brothers moved to Singapore in the s due to problems with the colonial British government. Boon Haw also established newspapers in China and Singapore; his daughter said that he spent so much money on advertising that "he thought it would be cheaper to just open a few newspapers". In , there were 10 products being sold under the Tiger Balm brand, [10] in over countries.

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Be the first to write a full review! Account My account. China Balm Flying Tiger Copenhagen. Bad for Sensitive Skin. As a result, please note this is only an experimental label that can be best used to possible identify problematic products you have used in the past. You can make a personal decision whether or not you want to use a product that contains these ingredients or not - click the labels of the preference to read more about them. Just because a product is not free from a common preference does not mean it's a bad product! If not, don't worry about it - they do have had one of the longest safety records as preservatives! Used this product before? Browse products by Popular Ingredients. One of the best ways to use this section is to troubleshoot products you've had bad experiences with in the past. Buy from the country of your choice.

Get weekly top picks and exclusive, newsletter only content delivered straight to your inbox. A logo of a leaping tiger guards the tiny hexagonal jar and the healing red paste inside.

This can cause irritation which can also lead to other skin complications. Click on the arrow next to the Skin Type! Email Whatsapp icon Whatsapp icon. Sold out. However one type of alcohols, simple alcohols can be quite drying to the skin because it evaporates very quickly. Bad for Oily Skin. Which ingredients are classified as sulfates? It is possible for cosmetics to contain one of the suspect ingredients without it appearing on the ingredient list due to it not reaching the concentration threshold to disclose it and cosmetic manufacturers choice to not disclose it. Group Your bag is empty! Frequently bought together. It will continue to be worked on as more information and research comes to light. Have some feedback?

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