chinese multicolor spinach

Chinese multicolor spinach

A heat- and drought-tolerant green in spectacular splashes of color! Known as bireum in Korea and as xian cai in China.

Amaranths are green, leafy vegetables and grain crops. Leaves of vegetable amaranths and seeds of grain amaranths are high in protein. More commonly known in the United States is the amaranth used as a bedding plant called. Amaranth varies greatly in foliage color, leaf shape and plant height. The cloverlike flowers are small but occur in such large numbers that their effects is outstanding. Amaranths, both vegetable and grain types, are easy to grow.

Chinese multicolor spinach


AgriLife Extension Service.


Chinese Amaranth spinach is a leafy green vegetable popular in many Asian cuisines. It is also known as Chinese spinach, yin Choy, or kankun. Amaranth spinach has a slightly sweet flavour and is often used in stir fry dishes. The leaves are a deep green colour, and the plant grows to about two feet. The amaranth spinach plant is native to Asia and has been cultivated for centuries. Amaranthus Dubius red spinach , is a leafy vegetable with a similar taste to spinach. Others call it yin-choy, hon—toi-moi or yin-tsoi. There are two main Chinese spinach varieties. One has plain green leaves, and the other has pink or purple highlights.

Chinese multicolor spinach

Chinese Amaranth spinach is a leafy green vegetable popular in many Asian cuisines. It is also known as Chinese spinach, yin Choy, or kankun. Amaranth spinach has a slightly sweet flavour and is often used in stir fry dishes. The leaves are a deep green colour, and the plant grows to about two feet. The amaranth spinach plant is native to Asia and has been cultivated for centuries. Amaranthus Dubius red spinach , is a leafy vegetable with a similar taste to spinach. Others call it yin-choy, hon—toi-moi or yin-tsoi.

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Brownstown Pa. Requires full sun. Harvest greens 5 to 6 weeks after sowing. Web Site Maintenance: Administrator. Vegetable Resources. Key Largo, FL. Keep amaranth greens refrigerated or iced during shipment or storage. Pesticide Application Appendix 5. Descriptions of geographic regions in Texas Appendix 2. Amaranth greens are grown like other green crops. The only that I can recall the leaves can get big if you don't harvest them! Amaranth Seeds. Seed Orders Shipped in days from our seed store! This warm season crop grows from 2 to 4 feet or more. Needs warm weather and good moisture.

A heat- and drought-tolerant green in spectacular splashes of color! Known as bireum in Korea and as xian cai in China.

Mild taste. More commonly known in the United States is the amaranth used as a bedding plant called. Yarrow Seeds. Surface sow seeds directly in the garden after danger of frost, barely covering. Sort by. Easy to grow when the weather warms up. Verified Review. The grain varieties are usually erect. Amber 5. For some, the presence of amaranth in Asia is considered a living piece of evidence that pre-Columbian transatlantic trade indeed happened. East to grow, takes the heat. Harvest greens 5 to 6 weeks after sowing. Amaranth greens are grown like other green crops. Descriptions of geographic regions in Texas Appendix 2.

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