civil war box plate

Civil war box plate

The box plate is lead filled stamped sheet brass. It has 2 brass loops on the back for attaching to the cartridge box. Proudly Made in USA.

Civil War Relicman , Harry Ridgeway. Research Center: PlateNewYork. P Militia, Eagle Early two part waist plate, wreath only. P Militia-Rectangle Militia rectangle panel plate, eagle facing right with relaxed wings surrounded by 13 stars. Militia rectangle panel plate, eagle facing right with relaxed wings surrounded by 13 stars This stock militia panel plate was available for purchase by the militia units, in the 's or s. It employed a general patriotic design, an eagle facing right, with relaxed wings, surrounded by 13 stars. Most lost in the field were used by southerners, although they were originally supplied to units in both the north and the south.

Civil war box plate


Shield bears bars only.


During the American Civil War, every enlisted infantryman was issued a cartridge box as part of their accoutrements. Initially, the M pattern cartridge box was utilized. Constructed from leather, it featured a large outer flap which was secured to the base of the box via a sewn-on latch tab and a brass finial. The box also included an inner flap with side ears to help keep out water and dirt, as well as an implement pouch for holding musket tools such as a two-blade screwdriver and nipple wrench, extra nipple, and worm. Within the box were two magazine tins that were designed to hold 20 cartridges of. The back of the box featured two vertical sewn-on leather belt loops for wearing on the waist belt, as well as two horizontal loops for a shoulder sling, which was also issued with an ornamental Eagle Breast Plate. In , a new pattern, known as the M, was adopted to accommodate the new.

Civil war box plate

The box plate is lead filled stamped sheet brass. It has 2 brass loops on the back for attaching to the cartridge box. Proudly Made in USA. The oval cartridge box plate is lead filled stamped sheet brass. Stamped sheet brass, lead filled. Two loops are embedded into the lead to facilitate fastening the plate on to your cartridge box strap. This plate is supposed to be right in the center of your chest when mounted on the sling per US regulations. Exact copy of the originals.

Motor opel insignia a20dth

Reference: O'Donnell Campbell, Plate , , or This die pattern is noted for sharp narrow letters. Manufacturing attribution to W. Dug plate, arrow hooks intact. Dug plate, arrow hooks intact, with fragment of leather. Click on the picture for more images. Dug plate, breaks and bends, plate is rough but representative. P Militia-Rectangle Militia rectangle panel plate, eagle facing right with spread wings surrounded by 13 stars. Plate is configured as a right handed buckle, studs under the "S", three brass hooks are attached from an "A" frame imbedded in solder backing, two oval washers are peened over the studs, filled with lead and originally covered with a brass cap, thick single hook bent and tapered to a point. Tongue is integral and bent. Marks: "W. P Federal oval plate, US, cartridge box plate, manufacture not determined. This plate is supposed to be right in the center of your chest when mounted on the sling per US regulations. Dug plate, hooks intact.


This plate is supposed to be right in the center of your chest when mounted on the sling per US regulations. Recovered: Groveton, Virginia, Manassas campaign, or Manufacture not known. Click on image for larger pictures. Manufacturing attribution to W. Reference: O'Donnell Campbell, Plate The small size was used, similar to other US plates produced in the 's, it was generally soldered filled and employed a single arrow hook, tongue is flat with no bevel. Dug plate, both hooks, marked. The box plate has 2 brass loops on the back for attaching to the cartridge box. Plate is die stamped, solder filled, configured as waist belt plate with two stud hooks usually covered with brass cap peened onto the studs, covered with thin coat of lead and brass, tongue is thick and tapered. Attribution to E Gaylord is estimated, Gaylord produced large quantities using many dies with small variations. Manufacture: J. Nondug , white around the hooks is corrosion of the solder. Research Center: PlateMilitia-Rectangle. Cartridge boxplates of the same die design were attached to the flap of the cartridge box.

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