criminal imdb

Criminal imdb

Psychological games abound between detectives and suspects in a tense interrogation room, where the search for answers sometimes comes at a moral cost, criminal imdb. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Two con artists try to swindle a currency collector by selling him a counterfeit copy of an extremely rare currency bill. Rodrigo : I have something for you. Valerie : You do? Rodrigo : Yeah, it's very special. Rodrigo : It belonged to my grandmother and her mother before her.

Criminal imdb

Sign In. Kevin Costner Jerico Stewart. Gary Oldman Quaker Wells. Tommy Lee Jones Dr. Ryan Reynolds Bill Pope. Gal Gadot Jill Pope. Amaury Nolasco Esteban Ruiza. Alice Eve Marta Lynch. Antje Traue Elsa Mueller. Scott Adkins Pete Greensleeves.

Read all After witnessing the sudden death of a woman, criminal imdb, who was unable to afford hospital treatment, Criminal imdb. While annoying some pundits by killing off Ryan Reynolds in the film's beginning, the movie's main failure was to try and make it uncomplicated and more action oriented for the American audiences.

Sign In. Criminal Hide Spoilers. I despise movies where the premise is beyond credible. So after reading the reviews I decided I did not want to see another Face Off type transplant story. But wow, was I ever wrong. What I was missing is one of the best characters ever created by an actor and that was Kevin Costner's doing.

The recently released true-crime movie The Good Nurse tells a spine-chilling story of murder and deception. For viewers looking for the top crime movies, IMDb users have made it easy for fans to discover the best that the genre has to offer. The highest-rated crime movies on the platform for film buffs include numerous award-winning classics like The Godfather and more recent international hits like Jai Bhim. These genre-defining titles that have made it into the top 10 crime movies of all time on IMDb should be considered essential viewing for fans of crime movies. A Clockwork Orange depicts an unsettling dystopian version of England, where the disturbing story of Alex Malcolm McDowell and his "Droogs" takes place.

Criminal imdb

It comes down to this: "Criminal" is an English-language remake of " Nine Queens ," an Argentinean film I saw in and remember well. As the recycled characters, dialog and events turned up, there seemed to be an echo in the room. The film may work for you.

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Top Gap. Cafe Customer uncredited Tony Cran The idea of the movie - a psychopath being injected with the memory and abilities of a secret agent - is indeed a great one. Armstrong Driver Black Jaguar uncredited. The cast is superb, and everyone did their OK jobs for the material, except for Tommy Lee Jones - this is "you got to be kidding me" type of performance - he goes with one facial expression during whole flick, expression that says "what am i doing here? Reilly Diego Luna Maggie Gyllenhaal. Related news. Pilot uncredited Semina Lewis More like Face off, just that here it's not the face but the mind that's been swapped from a CIA operative to Costner. Gary Oldman is loud, but delivers. After CIA operative Bill Pope is killed while still in possession of essential information, he is subjected to an experimental procedure wherein his memories are copied across to the partially unused brain of amoral jailbird Jericho. Dolby Atmos. Box office Edit. Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations.

Criminal is a series of four Netflix police procedural anthology TV series set in four countries. Each episode is a stand-alone psychological drama , consisting of the interrogation of an individual by a team of police investigators.

Mark Kempner Black Cab Driver. A hacker named The Dutchman Michael Pitt and a large amount of money goes missing. Franks Tommy Lee Jones , who has been tinkering with the concept of transferring the memories from one man to another person. See our picks. Cause of Death: Shweta's postmortem report should have revealed that she died of injuries on her head. Create account. Amaury Nolasco Esteban Ruiza. F16 Fighter Pilot uncredited Valeria Dundere Costner's criminal escapes and goes on a bit of a rampage through London whilst also wrestling his own violent nature against Reynolds softer character traits seeping through so basically he's got a bit of a split personality going on. Did you know Edit. Official Netflix. See our picks. Apparently, I'm in the minority, as the box-office and the 'critics' maligned the film rather harshly. Criminal Not Rated 2h 3m.

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