Cure magazine japan

After almost 20 years, famous visual kei magazine Cure will suspend publication. The magazine's last issue is the June volume which will be published on April 21st. The featured artists in the issue will be announced shortly before, on April 19th, cure magazine japan.

Cure is a Japanese rock music and fashion magazine published monthly. It features the latest visual kei bands [1] [2] as well as fashion and styling tips. It also has the latest news and trends on the visual kei music scene. Different artists are featured on the front and back cover every month. The magazine originally focused on lesser-known visual kei bands than those covered by magazines like Shoxx. The magazine also features fashion snapshot cruisings of fans from all over the world attending visual kei and Jrock shows. Originally a print publication, it switched to an online, digital format in

Cure magazine japan


Although the reasoning is vague, it seems to boil down to the lack of readership for magazines in general. Like vkgy? This is so depressing.


Sad to hear but has anyone really bought Cure in recent years? Still sad to hear it is closing up. I also have some older issues which are way more interesting because of the vk boom and the fashion back then, plus the bonus posters and makeup tutorials. I think even for newer fans it just sucks to see yet another thing to, too. Seems like hardly any western outlets, if any at all, carried the magazine anymore? In the mid s, it was quite easy to buy them from places like Jpophouse, or your local anime convention, etc. I kind of stopped buying them because of the high shipping costs. And there are no stores in my country who sells them. Cure never sold to overseas fans themselves which is a pity. Also cure was great in discovering fun new bands while now mostly only already well know bands got interviewed as featured artists.

Cure magazine japan

Cure is a Japanese rock music and fashion magazine published monthly. It features the latest visual kei bands [1] [2] as well as fashion and styling tips. It also has the latest news and trends on the visual kei music scene. Different artists are featured on the front and back cover every month.

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Retrieved What a huge fucking loss for vk. Official website. Help us grow! See tips for writing articles about magazines. Categories : establishments in Japan disestablishments in Japan Defunct magazines published in Japan Magazines established in Magazines disestablished in Magazines published in Tokyo Monthly magazines published in Japan Music magazines published in Japan Online magazines with defunct print editions Magazines published in Japan stubs Music magazine stubs. However, we have decided to temporarily suspend publication with our upcoming June issue. The magazine originally focused on lesser-known visual kei bands than those covered by magazines like Shoxx. Tokyo , Japan. Japanese rock music and fashion magazine.


Contents move to sidebar hide. Read Edit View history. Add a handle name, or register, below. After almost 20 years, famous visual kei magazine Cure will suspend publication. Please consider supporting us on Patreon if you can! Article Talk. The magazine originally focused on lesser-known visual kei bands than those covered by magazines like Shoxx. The announcement is no surprise to longtime fans, as Cure had reduced the size of their issues in recent years. What a huge fucking loss for vk. The magazine organized a visual kei festival in April , with foreign visual bands attending, as well as Japanese bands like Diaura , Mejibray and Clowd. Commented anonymously. It also has the latest news and trends on the visual kei music scene. Further suggestions might be found on the article's talk page. Categories : establishments in Japan disestablishments in Japan Defunct magazines published in Japan Magazines established in Magazines disestablished in Magazines published in Tokyo Monthly magazines published in Japan Music magazines published in Japan Online magazines with defunct print editions Magazines published in Japan stubs Music magazine stubs.

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