Cynonari doujinshi

General Mahamatra is a name that sparks fear among anyone but behind piercing eyes cynonari doujinshi intimidating gaze, Tighnari finds a delicate soul, searching for warmth. The path down the Akademiya towards Sumeru City is usually crowded. While Tighnari isn't fond of the noise of chatter, cynonari doujinshi, he eventually learnt to tune it out.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. What brought you here, I wonder. Along with you, of course.

Cynonari doujinshi

You can use flowers for the border of his new card back. He wants Dvalin to be the centerpiece so you should choose a Mondstadt flower to match. Tighnari walked along the cliff with Albedo. The view was breathtaking and he wished that he could share it with Cyno and Collei. They were both busy with their own sightseeing though. A pleasant breeze passed him and filtered through the swaying Cecilias. He wanted to collect a few flower samples to bring back to Sumeru and study. During the hike, their conversation naturally drifted to Cyno. Cyno was not how I imagined the General Mahamatra to be. He suspected me of academic corruption and investigated my study group.

Notes: I'm not pretty sure how far will this fic goes, but we'll see by how much imagination i've gained throughout the days. I recommend being careful of those around you, cynonari doujinshi. The Cecilia flower is said to represent cynonari doujinshi once wayward heart transformed by the power of love.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Sounds have been silenced. Memories have been erased. But Tighnari remembers

Cynonari is the slash ship between Cyno and Tighnari from the Genshin Impact fandom. Cyno and Tighnari are shown to be very close friends. They have a mutual trust for each other, and often ask each other for assistance in various matters. They share a lot of similarities, as the two of them both take their jobs seriously and are shown to care deeply for others even though it may seem at first that they aren't as caring. Both of them are also graduates from the Akademiya, although they did not attend school at the same time. Cyno works as the General Mahamatra, whose duty is to enforce the Akademiya's rules and regulations, while Tighnari works as a Forest Watcher, who helps maintain and protect Avidya Forest. They are both quite intimidating with their jobs, with people cowering in fear at the sight of the General Mahamatra and the Forest Watcher giving stern lectures to anyone who does foolish things in the rainforest. However, Tighnari is not fearful of the other's title as General Mahamatra and Cyno has stated there is no need for the other to lecture him.

Cynonari doujinshi


The silver mine pawn shop

In the dark of night, when the two of them are alone and doing what lovers do, Cyno likes to bite. He quickly realized that was impossible because Albedo continued to probe him with questions. There have been times when Tighnari wanted to be selfish and ask for more. He practically drops to the space next to Tighnari. A small smile dances on his face. Tighnari sighs, watching as the crowd disperse as the matra leaves. He would reach lengths that no one would glance at, for those he cares about. Al-Haitham only hums. He seems to have finally let his guard down, not that a visionless student like Tighnari could ever defeat him. Any clever person wouldn't let this chance pass by. A story about two old friends: Cyno, the General Mahatra; and Tighnari, the Forest Watcher, meeting again after years of missions and studies around. Along with you, of course.


When he blinked more, his eyes fell in his direction. Royalty Prince Tighnari x Thief C It is mainly self indulgent writing for myself, but figured someone might want to read it. While Cyno boldly sits at the same table, Tighnari wishes not to draw attention to them. Tighnari has to admit that the General looks attractive in anything he wears. These would be great for my research once we return to Sumeru. Matra are forbidden from having relationships with students and researchers. Rational decisions cannot be made when there is bias favouring one party, or so the Sages say. Perhaps it happens after he starts conducting small class to help those who reach out to him. After a long three days of headache after headache, Tighnari is looking forward to having a moment of peace and quiet to himself. What brought you here, I wonder.

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