desiring god articles

Desiring god articles

June 20,

Article by Greg Morse Staff writer, desiringGod. Of all those who finally travel the broad way to destruction, are any so wretched as those who sang Christian songs, prayed Christian prayers, and sat under countless Christian sermons along the way? The man sipping sand in the desert, because he thinks he holds a cup of water, is the most tragic and pitiable of sights. To plunge thoughtlessly into the next life is one horror; to play the saint, and still be deceived, is another. Certainly, all who audibly called upon Jesus as Lord would be saved — why else would anyone show up every Sunday? But God, as I pray for many who read this, woke me up through his word. At the end of the greatest sermon ever preached, Jesus exposed three fatal dreams that I dreamt as one of the religious lost: dreams that mere intellectualism, mere emotionalism, and mere activism are solid grounds for the hope of my salvation.

Desiring god articles

We encourage you to order through them as you consider supporting faithful, independent Christian booksellers. Jon Bloom Why do earnest Christians long for revival? Greg Morse Politeness and niceness are not the only categories of godly speech. Sometimes, the painful word is best, even if it incites offense. Marshall Segal If you want to assess the health of a soul, try asking these four questions from Tim Keller: Are you sailing? Are you rowing? Are you drifting? Or are you sinking? Scott Hubbard When Paul mentioned hell, he warned not only the lost, but believers. Why might that be, and should we be warning one another in the church today? Every article is powerful in Word, articulate, and wise.

Flag for inappropriate content. I pray for him and I encourage you to pray as well.


Send feedback. Articles by Desiring God. Available episodes. David Mathis Seeming revivals come and go, but genuine, God-wrought awakenings share one vital ingredient: they are centered on the word of God. Mar 9, Marshall Segal When the Holy Spirit fills a person, he brings supernatural, countercultural joy: joy that submits, joy that endures, joy that spreads, and joy that waits. Mar 6, Mar 2, Jon Bloom Why do earnest Christians long for revival?

Desiring god articles

John Piper: God wakened me from spiritual death when I was a child under the faith-filled instruction and example of my happy, Spirit-filled, mentally healthy, fundamentalist parents. I am told I professed faith in Jesus as my Savior when I was six. I don't remember it. So the reason I know I am alive is because I am breathing, not because I can recall the moment of my birth. TT: Please describe your call to ministry. Did you always know that God wanted you to be a pastor?

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Matthew — Ligonier Ministries Positions Prayer R. Flag for inappropriate content. Mike Schmitz. But calling on him as Lord did not sufficient for eternal open the kingdom of heaven to them. Unfortunately, Piper's lack of obedience to God's word in 1 Corinthians "Do not be deceived: 'Bad company ruins good morals. Thank you. He and his wife, Abigail, live in St. Abbreviations of Sigla Abbreviations of Sigla. To plunge thoughtlessly into the next life is one horror; to play the saint, and still be deceived, is another. The upshot of this entire post is this: As God's holy and dearly beloved children, be obedient to God's Word, test everything against it, and never put any man for none are infallible, except for Christ when He was here on a pedestal, and lackadaisically assume popularity, size of ministry, etc. Sometimes, the painful word is best, even if it incites offense. They knew the Scriptures, the books to read, and which or doctrines is not podcasts to follow.

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Who Is God? The Gospel Coalition. Ligonier Ministries Positions Prayer R. Greg Morse Politeness and niceness are not the only categories of godly speech. What defines you? Article by Greg Morse Staff writer, desiringGod. Matthew — They performed visible, effective works for others. Did you find this document useful? Apple Podcasts Preview. It reaches into our homes, our work, our world, doing business in every crevice of our hearts, and having implications for all of our lives. Having decided to no longer be a Jonah or Moses when they were first called by God, I was hungry for the truth as I was coming to terms with the spiritual gifts God has given me Faith, Exhortation, and Teaching. They heard the word of God — in the gospel message and in the written Scriptures — but they did not obey it. The Splitting of the Adam: It's time to Awaken!

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