die hard 3 actors

Die hard 3 actors

Sign In. Bruce Willis John McClane.

I look Puerto Rican to you? He said, "Hey, Zeus! John McClane : Zeus? Zeus : Yeah, Zeus! As in, father of Apollo?

Die hard 3 actors

Bruce Willis John McClane. Samuel L. Jackson Zeus Carver. Larry Bryggman Chief Walter Cobb. Graham Greene Joe Lambert. Anthony Peck Ricky Walsh. Nicholas Wyman Mathias Targo. Kevin Chamberlin Charles Weiss. Colleen Camp Connie Kowalski. Michael Alexander Jackson Dexter. Sharon Washington Officer Jane. Stephen Pearlman Dr. Fred Schiller. Mischa Hausserman Mischa. Edwin Hodge Dexter's Friend.

Principal Martinez. Rolling Stone.

All five films revolve around the main character of John McClane , a police detective who continually finds himself in the middle of a crisis where he is the only hope against disaster. Holly, who now has her own career, lives with their two children and uses her maiden name. At Nakatomi Plaza, West German terrorists break in and take the celebrants hostage. McClane escapes detection and hides throughout the building. In the finale, McClane shoots the terrorist leader, Hans Gruber Alan Rickman , out of the window to fall thirty stories. The second film takes place two years after the first, again on Christmas Eve of

Stuart was hired by 20th Century Fox to adapt Thorp's novel in His first draft was greenlit immediately, as the studio was eager for a summer blockbuster the following year. The role of McClane was turned down by a host of the decade's most popular actors, including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. The deal was seen as a poor investment by industry professionals and attracted significant controversy towards the film prior to its release. Expectations for Die Hard were low; some marketing materials omitted Willis's image, ostensibly because the publicity team determined that the setting was as important as McClane. Upon its release in July , initial reviews were mixed: criticism focused on its violence, plot, and Willis's performance, while McTiernan's direction and Rickman's charismatic portrayal of the villain Hans Gruber were praised.

Die hard 3 actors

There was a time when the James Bond movies started with one sensational stunt sequence, and we were grateful for it. Now there are movies that are essentially nothing but sensational stunt sequences, one after another, each one a feat of staging, until we're reeling in our seats from input overload. The movie, third in the " Die Hard " series, stars Bruce Willis as detective John McClane, this time on the New York police force - or, more accurately, suspended from it. There's a scene where the chief takes out McClane's badge and shoves it across the desk, and McClane asks, "Does this mean I'm back on active duty? After the frighteningly realistic bombing of a Manhattan department store, McClane gets a call from a mad bomber named Simon Jeremy Irons , ordering him to stand on a Harlem street corner wearing a sandwich board bearing a motto that one would particularly hope not to be wearing in Harlem. McClane's life is saved by a local store owner named Zeus Samuel L. Jackson , who is then included in Simon's strange game of cat and mouse. The pattern of the movie is particularly suited to a series of stunts and violent action sequences. Simon, who seems to be everywhere and see everything, sends McClane and Zeus hurtling around Manhattan on one death-defying mission after another at one point piloting a cab down the sidewalks of Central Park.

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Release date May 19, United States. Die Hard with a Vengeance. Read Edit View history. Rob Sedgwick. Retrieved January 10, Sharon Washington Officer Jane. Jim Wilkey Stunts. The rest of Simon's men are quickly apprehended by law enforcement personnel, though Simon and his girlfriend Katya attempt to escape in a helicopter, attacking McClane. Jackson as Zeus Carver , Willis' reluctant partner. Carver arrives at the station before McClane finds the bomb and throws it on the tracks just as it explodes.

Like many projects in pre-production, the casting process can be extensive and can sometimes go through many rounds of consideration just to cast only one character. Picking the actor to play McClane certainly included a considerable list of top names in Hollywood at that time.

Robert Lawrence Executive Producer. Retrieved October 7, Jeremy Irons Simon. Jackson Zeus Carver. This involves a form of Russian Roulette with a small Chinese rocket launcher with the sights removed, meaning it cannot be determined which end is which. Kyle Koromaldi Businessman at Subway Station uncredited. Carver arrives at the station before McClane finds the bomb and throws it on the tracks just as it explodes. Michael Luggio Teacher uncredited. Archived from the original on November 23, Stunts 6 Credits. Simon blows up a cofferdam to flood the tunnel, but McClane escapes and reunites with Carver.

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