

By providing your email address, digitalmusicpool, you agree that your email address will be shared with the author of this download and that you may receive emails digitalmusicpool the author and Hypeddit. You can withdraw this consent from Hypeddit or the author of this content by unsubscribing from any emails received, digitalmusicpool.

You have a ginormous stash of edits, remixes and transitions; you anxiously await New Music Friday on iTunes; or you scour Soundcloud daily during the week while you wait for New Music Friday. Enter digital music pools, the updated version of old school record pools. For those unaware of this resource, a record pool in the vinyl-only DJing days was a select group of club, mobile and mixshow DJs, program and music directors, and radio personalities that directly connected with music labels and promoters to promote new and upcoming tracks. Now that DJing practically requires a computer, digital music pools have taken the place of older record pools, with a few changes here and there. If you are a qualifying professional, it might just be the ticket to freshening up your crates regularly. Your time, budget and business will ultimately determine if joining a digital music pool is right for you.



Because of the limited selections, digitalmusicpool, the cost of joining a music pool may not be worth it for your business. Digitalmusicpool for an oldie but goodie?


New music for DJs. Every day, directly from labels, artists, and producers. The latest trending tracks always up to date. Every file is perfectly tagged for artist, title, version and genre. All tracks are high-quality with kbps and cue points.


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If you are a qualifying professional, it might just be the ticket to freshening up your crates regularly. Chances are your music pool subscription fee may not cover that. Because many pools deal with major and independent distributors, a music pool can be a great way to discover new artists before the masses. Now that DJing practically requires a computer, digital music pools have taken the place of older record pools, with a few changes here and there. Receive Our Newsletter. JammText version 1. Ever want to spin that song people love, but it starts weird and ends abruptly? Enter digital music pools, the updated version of old school record pools. File Quality. Are you used to DJing with better sounding, high quality files? KueIt version 3. Get the latest articles sent to your inbox! These can be crucial for perfecting your blends and mixes between songs or mixes. Music files in digital pools can come from various, unfamiliar sources.


A good number of digital music pools are sourced by other mixing-savvy professionals, so it will come as no surprise that many of the music files will come set with usable cue points and file metadata already embedded in the file. Sign Up. Rate tracks: Rate each title to jump to the next. Early Music Discovery. Value for Services. What genre do you want to play? Because many pools deal with major and independent distributors, a music pool can be a great way to discover new artists before the masses. File formats vary greatly per service, so if your standard is kbps and higher, make sure the potential service offers more than or kbps files. Get free downloads: Open your hot list by clicking the gray center-button. You can withdraw this consent from Hypeddit or the author of this content by unsubscribing from any emails received. About Mixcity Inc Mixcity Inc was founded in with the mission of creating innovative software solutions and engagement tools for the working DJ. Chances are your music pool subscription fee may not cover that. Play tracks: Click the SoundCloud Play button to start the game.

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