discord from my little pony

Discord from my little pony

Discord, voiced by John de Lancie, is a draconequus, symbolizing chaos and mischief in the magical land of Equestria. He later evolves from a trickster to a complex character who learns the values of friendship.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! He is the nigh-omnipotent spirit of chaos and disharmony who once desired to turn all of Equestria into a chaotic wasteland without rules or logic.

Discord from my little pony

Discord is a male draconequus and former antagonist introduced in the season two premiere. Princess Celestia explains that Discord is the spirit of chaos and disharmony who once ruled over Equestria in a state of unrest and unhappiness until she and Princess Luna used the Elements of Harmony to imprison him in stone. However, after the sisters lost their connection to the Elements, the spell was broken and Discord broke free. Later in the series , Princess Celestia decides that Discord should be reformed so his magic can be used for good. Jayson Thiessen , the show's director, stated that the character Discord was "straight off Lauren [Faust]'s pen" and was inspired by John de Lancie 's popular character Q from the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. De Lancie mentioned that his voice recordings of Discord are sped up and lose their deep bass sound. Discord appears with a bright white flash, and the two even share some mannerisms, including a fondness for "games" and snapping his fingers to use his powers. During a Las Pegasus Unicon panel with John de Lancie on February 23, , he mentioned that he had just done a recording "a couple of days ago" of something that rhymes with "Guy Whittle Stony". I don't think that would be realistic. No matter how hard you try, some people or evil alicorns just aren't going to change their ways. But for a character like Discord, 'reforming' him allows us to tell more stories with his character. He gets to be the not-always-reliable ally instead of the known enemy. I heard is because he is a spirit of chaos even in human world"[ sic ], and replied, "It would be difficult to translate his character into a normal human form On Twitter in mid-December , IDW comics writer Jeremy Whitley was told, "I liked that finally, some writer noticed the most obvious thing like Fluttershy having Discord, the demigod at her disposal. He can just not feel like helping.

He learns from this mistake and while disguised as Grogar, he brushes off King Sombra's own overconfidence and ego. In Crusaders of the Lost Markhe is mentioned by Diamond Tiara when she mentions that Twist wished to fix a window that Discord broke.


A fan-made song about a villain from the cartoon series "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" has been growing in popularity on TikTok over the past month, but users on the app are questioning if those participating in dance challenges or jamming to the song are aware of its origins. The song "Discord," which was created by a fan and based on a villain from the cartoon series "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" frequently abbreviated as "MLP" , began circulating on TikTok months ago. Originally released in by a Eurobeat artist known as Eurobeat Brony, the most well-known version of the song online is a remix released in by The Living Tombstone. Over the course of the series' run on Discovery Family from to , fans called "bronies" — adult men who loved the show — became known for producing original music, fanfiction, and fan art some of it not safe for work , and for hosting events like "Bronycon" each year. The song's latest resurgence on TikTok is part of the fandom's legacy, but it's divorced the song from its original "My Little Pony" and "brony" context. I feel dumb greenscreen discord mylittlepony livingtombstone foryoupage foru fyp. The villain character Discord is what's called a "draconequus" in the world of "My Little Pony" — a chimera-like species based primarily on dragons and horses — who first appears as an antagonist in the show's second season. As his name suggests, he's known for sowing discord and chaos, upending the way of life in Equestria the realm in which "Friendship is Magic" takes place. One of the pivotal figures of the "My Little Pony" fan music scene, she released the original version of "Discord" on October 6, , according to the description on the YouTube upload of the song. To date, the video has over 5.

Discord from my little pony

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! When disguised as Grogar , he is voiced by Doc Harris. Discord is an ancient entity of unknown age and origin. His earliest known status was as a wrathful and cruel tyrant who ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unhappiness. This all changed when Princesses Celestia and Luna stood against him with the Elements of Harmony, his literal opposite force.

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The main reason why the writers decided to have Discord be Grogar all along is that they wanted Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow to be the final antagonists of the series, as they have a more personal connection to the main characters. For Discord's secret identity in season nine , see Grogar. Cheerilee takes her students on a tour of the garden during a field trip and shows them the draconequus statue. At the end of the second episode, it shows that Discord made friends even from Celestia and Luna - his formal nemeses. A trading card was released of Discord in Later, Discord is still enjoying himself using Gummy as a nail file and even watches Cherry Berry and Comet Tail getting squeezed by vines, up until Twilight Sparkle arrives to scold him, and demand he help, which he does by getting rid of said vine. What are some things that Discord has done? Underneath the statue is an inscription that reads "Our Hero". Interestingly enough, John de Lancie confirmed that his voice was sped up and pitched a bit higher in the series. Throughout the evening, Discord tries to gain Fluttershy's attention while at the same time disregarding the Smooze. Discord, voiced by John de Lancie, is a draconequus, symbolizing chaos and mischief in the magical land of Equestria. Version 1 Version 2 Discord turned to stone for the first time Discord turned to stone for the second time. Seems I possess a magic that gives me quite an important role in Equestria.

Discord is a male draconequus and former antagonist introduced in the season two premiere.

I am an admin of this site. View history Talk 0. December 06, TikTok voice generator. The main reason why the writers decided to have Discord be Grogar all along is that they wanted Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow to be the final antagonists of the series, as they have a more personal connection to the main characters. Pinkie Pie travels through the portal and is affected by the dimension, eventually taking control of it. Interaction with Other Mythical Creatures Discord interacts with various Equestrian creatures like alicorns, pegasi, earth ponies, and changelings, adding depth to the world-building of MLP. Until the moment, Fluttershy had shown to see Discord as more than a monster but as a true "sweetheart" he hadn't realized how alone he was. Inexplicably, things begin acting irregularly, such as clouds made out of cotton candy and chocolate milk rain. His head is horse-like, much different from other ponies ' head styles, though Cheerilee describes it as a "head of a pony". The others, unamused at Discord's antics, no longer laugh at his inside jokes, and even make one of their own with Twilight.

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