discotecas barcelona gay

Discotecas barcelona gay

Metro Disco ies uno de los clubes pioneros en Barcelona. Para facilitar tu estancia en Barcelona : estos son algunos servicios o ideas de cosas para ver, discotecas barcelona gay, hacer, descubrir Tenga una buena estancia! Hola buenas noches!

Toggle navigation. What's up gorgeous people! I am back with another blog for our amazing Gay Barcelona - Series! These series is all about giving you the ins and outs of the not-so-hidden gay scene in Barcelona. And this blog will be about where are the best gay clubs in Barcelona, but the places will be less..

Discotecas barcelona gay

Gay clubs in Barcelona usually don't get busy within the first hours of their regular opening hours, then they are often crowded and packed till closing. Note for budget travellers: Entrance fees often include 1 drink of your choice. To save money you could use the voucher for the more expensive drink you plan to have during the night. Gay Barcelona. Other cities. Gay Clubs, Parties and Events in Barcelona Gay clubs in Barcelona usually don't get busy within the first hours of their regular opening hours, then they are often crowded and packed till closing. Friday, 1 March , — Popular monthly gay party. Mixed ages, bears- and fur-friendly. Pop hits, Disco Divas and House. Safari C. Sunday, 17 March , from International queer party with performances, drag shows, dancers and DJ sets. Apolo C.

Bus turistico Barcelona Un solo billete, 3 rutas y 45 paradas! Dance club for lesbians and friends. Popular music video bar with dancefloor.

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La zona cerca de la Catedral de Barcelona, en particular, cuenta con algunos locales populares. A post shared by EL Cangrejo Raval elcangrejoraval. El Cangrejo , ubicado en Carrer de Montserrat, 9, en El Raval, es un bar gay especial conocido por sus shows de drag queens. Horario: De Domingo a Jueves de Este bar es un lugar popular para los locales y los turistas por igual, y es conocido por su ambiente amigable y acogedor. Horario : De lunes a jueves de Domingo, de

Discotecas barcelona gay

Metro Disco ies uno de los clubes pioneros en Barcelona. Hola buenas noches! Hola ay alguna disco hay q abra domingo??? Gentuza especializada en robar en los cuartos oscuros o en cualquier lugar puede hundirte la fiesta.

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Love to party, house music, Eivissa etc The new big club by Grupo Arena for gays and friends in the center of Barcelona. Well the 'unofficial' gay room is the one where the most pop music is being played. Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! Guia de la ciudad Gay Barcelona Clubs. Arena Xperience. Safari C. Tenga una buena estancia! Friday — Next party: 23 February Isn't that what gay clubs are for?


Resident DJ: Enrico Arghentini. Ronda Sant Pere Barcelona All the Arena clubs have a 6 euro entrance fee on fridays and a 12 euro fee on saturdays, but once paid, you can switch between all the Arena clubs. In my honest, humble opinion, the bottom floor has more of a partying vibe than the top one. The shows feature both established artists from the scene and up-and-coming talents, all in a hilarious atmosphere where humor rules. So if you are up for a challenge for trying to hit on someone, try this one out. Head to the Wild Room for the queer disco of your dreams. And you can get a free drink with the entrance card. Mixed ages, bears- and fur-friendly. Fecha y hora confirmadas.

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