Domino squad

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Once the article contains more information, this template will be removed. Domino Squad was a group of clone cadets in training who were under the surveillance of bounty hunter Bric. Domino squad was jokingly given their name because of their tendency to fall in training sessions one by one. However, as they progressed, the team managed to become a coordinated unit when they were given a re-take for their final training exercise in which they put to use their ingenuity to complete the task. They were then deployed to a listening post on the Rishi Moon, where a droid attack took the lives of Droidbait, Cutup, and Hevy, leaving only Fives and Echo.

Domino squad

It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that clone troopers are one of the most beloved aspects of the Star Wars universe. At the core of the appeal, however, is the more in-depth side of the clones. Their personalities, stories, and camaraderie with one another bring them to life. Shows like Star Wars: The Clone Wars have excelled at expanding upon the clones beyond the surface level, getting viewers attached to those who have become some of the most instantly recognizable Star Wars characters. Among these characters are a group of clones known as the Domino Squad, who from the very earliest points in the Clone Wars were serving in the Grand Army of the Republic. Since their introduction in the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars , they appeared in numerous story arcs, developing their story and legacy as a unit. This development has turned the squad as a whole, and certain members in particular, into iconic Star Wars characters. Understanding the history of the Domino Squad is crucial to getting more familiar with the lore of the Clone Wars as a whole. The Domino Squad started off the same as any other clone squadron, going through various training sessions on Kamino, where they struggled to work as a unit. At their inception, the full squad consisted of clone troopers Hevy, Cutup, Droidbait, Echo, and Fives.

Designated Squad Numbers.

In the Star Wars world currently being built outside of the movies by Dave Filoni, there are a lot of interconnecting threads. The build-up for one story may start years earlier during another, even when fans have no idea that it's going on. A civilization of cloners, the Kaminoans' entire economy seemed to hinge on this one process. As such, they took it all extremely seriously. When a group of Clone Troopers didn't make the cut , they were usually left off the front lines, often ending up working sanitation on Kamino. This is what happened to a clone named He was severely deformed due to issues in the cloning process.

One of the major backbones of the Star Wars universe are the untold number of sentient beings that put their lives on the line for the Galactic Republic, the Empire and First Order, and the various Rebellions and Resistances. But not all ground troops are created equal. The Rebellion and the Resistance were made up of volunteers; people ready to fight back against tyranny and oppression on a galactic scale. The Empire conscripted people both voluntarily and against their will, as well as establishing family dynasties for officers and other important officials. The First Order kidnapped children and molded them into loyal soldiers. The difference between the two sides is morally stark. But then there are the Clone Troopers.

Domino squad

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Fives and the surviving members for the rescue team were forced to fall back from the airfield, and all they saw of Echo was his destroyed helmet. Like 99, it's quite probable that the Bad Batchers would have stayed on Kamino as janitors and maintenance workers. He approached Kix in the refresher and told him that he is being framed and the Jedi are in danger due a conspiracy that went right to the top, giving him co-ordinates to pass to Rex and Anakin Skywalker. Palpatine ordered the tumour to be sent to the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant, but during further arguments with Nala Se, Fives noticed a droid swap the case the tumour is in for another one. Shows like Star Wars: The Clone Wars have excelled at expanding upon the clones beyond the surface level, getting viewers attached to those who have become some of the most instantly recognizable Star Wars characters. Sign me up. Arriving on Kamino, Fives was also quarantined as the early belief is that Tup had caught a virus, which Fives may have caught too. Welcome to Character Histories. Current Wiki. The group managed to defeat the droids and take control of the outpost, however the commando droids had disabled the mechanism to warn the Republic of the Separatist invasion, which they can see massing overhead and sending down more reinforcements to secure the outpost. This led Ahsoka to realise that the chips were causing the clones to attack her, and she managed to subdue Rex and remove the chip. Published by Tim Etheridge.

In the Star Wars world currently being built outside of the movies by Dave Filoni, there are a lot of interconnecting threads.

The Bad Batch. This article is a stub. Published by Tim Etheridge. But the actions of Domino Squad made the Kaminoans and the Republic see the value in irregular clones. Though he could not hold off his programming for long, he managed to tell Ahsoka to find Fives. At some point following his capture, Echo was fitted with cybernetic replacements for his lower torso and legs, while his missing right arm was replaced with a scomp link as he was transformed into a cyborg and sold to the Techno Union, who intended to use him for counterintelligence purposes. The Domino Squad started off the same as any other clone squadron, going through various training sessions on Kamino, where they struggled to work as a unit. After telling Fives of a recurring nightmare of a mission, Tup declared himself free and passed away. Start a Wiki. Traps in the Citadel, and Separatist attacks, began to take a toll on the rescue group and the escaped prisoners. At their inception, the full squad consisted of clone troopers Hevy, Cutup, Droidbait, Echo, and Fives. After escaping the planet with the help of his old friend Rex, Echo was in need of serious rehabilitation. While the show and its characters keep hinting Echo will eventually return to the fold, The Bad Batch season 2, episode 9 gives his departure a sense of finality. He approached Kix in the refresher and told him that he is being framed and the Jedi are in danger due a conspiracy that went right to the top, giving him co-ordinates to pass to Rex and Anakin Skywalker. In this series, I will look at the whole story of a character or group of characters from the Star Wars canon and try to give the main events.

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