Donna douglas in the nude

Wiki User.

She was the mother of Michael and Joel Douglas. In , Douglas began her career as an actress and appeared in more than 50 films. She retired from acting in Douglas was born on January 22, , in Devonshire , Bermuda. John Neilson.

Donna douglas in the nude

As beloved as "The Twilight Zone" is , it often gets made fun of for its occasionally shoddy twists. Sometimes the twist is so obvious everyone could see it coming from a mile away, and sometimes the twist feels random and arbitrary. There's a balancing act to making a plot twist both well-foreshadowed yet still surprising, and not all of the series' episodes managed to pull it off. Then there are the revered episodes like "Eye of the Beholder," which manages a twist that's obvious in hindsight, yet somehow still a total shock on first viewing. The episode follows a bunch of doctors who try to "fix" an ugly patient whose face is bandaged up for the whole first half. There's so much build-up to what we'll see when the bandages are taken off, so much emphasis on how ugly this woman supposedly is, it's easy not to notice that the camera isn't showing us any of the nurses' or doctors' faces. They certainly sound like normal, sympathetic people, so the assumption is that they are. It's only once Janet's bandages are taken off, revealing her as a beautiful woman by the audience's standards, that we get to see what the hospital staff look like. By our standards, these doctors and nurses are hideous, but those are not the standards Janet Donna Douglas is used to. For director Douglas Heyes, the casting of all the doctors and nurses was done without even looking at them: "I kept my back to them until after I'd heard them, because what I wanted from the doctors and the nurses were the most sympathetic voices that I could hear. Making sure the actors sounded like what you'd expect beautiful people to sound like would further cement the assumption that the patient was the ugly one, not them. He chose Stuart "because her voice did not suggest a beautiful girl — it suggested a strong, harsh, realistic woman, and therefore the unveiling would be a surprise. Although Heyes claimed that it was difficult to "find a great beauty who is that great an actress," he remarked that Douglas managed to be both.

Douglas, Diana Career history Accolades.

Following her acting career, Douglas became a real estate agent, gospel singer , inspirational speaker, and author of books for children and adults. Douglas attended St. Gerard Catholic High School , [4] where she played softball and basketball, [4] and was a member of the school's first graduating class. Douglas moved to New York City to pursue a career in show business, and started as an illustration model for toothpaste advertisements. Douglas appeared in a episode of The Phil Silvers Show "Bilko and the Crosbys" credited as Doris Bourgeois, her given name and her married name from her first marriage.

Jethro, worried that his diner the Hungry Gizzard has no customers, has a wonderful idea. He busts in on Mr. Drysdale trying to impress the wealthy Vanderponts, announcing the restaurant is Read all Jethro, worried that his diner the Hungry Gizzard has no customers, has a wonderful idea. Drysdale trying to impress the wealthy Vanderponts, announcing the restaurant is going topless. Confusion ensues. Jethro Bodine : How do you like my accent? Milburn Drysdale : It's atrocious.

Donna douglas in the nude

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Donna Douglas Actress Soundtrack. Play trailer Frankie and Johnny She got married soon after high school, had a son, divorced and won a couple of beauty contests, all within the span of a few years. She moved to New York and soon appeared on television series, including a well-remembered guest-star shot on The Twilight Zone in one of the series' most famous episodes, Eye of the Beholder , in which she plays a woman who tries to undergo a series of experimental treatments to make her beautiful, only for the treatments to fail. The twist was she was beautiful, at least to the viewers, but considered hideous to the pig people of the planet, she was on. She immediately won the character role of "Elly May Clampett" on one of the greatest situation comedies of all time, The Beverly Hillbillies

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Tommy Jackson. Tools Tools. She is a wonderful little door opener for me because people love her, and they love the Hillbillies. Wikimedia Commons. For the People. Douglas moved to New York City to pursue a career in show business, and started as an illustration model for toothpaste advertisements. Archived from the original on January 3, Find more answers. Most of my scenes were with Buddy, and most of Max's with Irene. In addition to her frequent traveling for celebrity appearances and speeches, Douglas enjoyed gardening, spending time with friends and family, and answering her fan mail. Archived from the original on September 18, Visiting at St. Kenny Laird. The Paper Chase. Armstrong Circle Theatre.

Wow, she is more stunning and sultry than Marilyn Monroe! Just beautiful! Born as Doris Ione Smith, American actress and singer Donna Douglas moved to New York City to pursue a career in show business and started as an illustration model for toothpaste advertisements.

Toledo, Ohio. In addition to her frequent traveling for celebrity appearances and speeches, Douglas enjoyed gardening, spending time with friends and family, and answering her fan mail. Best Answer. What is Donna Douglas's occupation? January 1, aged 82 Zachary, Louisiana , U. The New York Times. The judge found in favor of Walt Disney Pictures and the other defendants. General Electric Theater. The book included Bible stories featuring animals combined with a coloring book. Love Is a Many Splendored Thing. Publishers Weekly. Michael Douglas. West Point. September 27,

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