Doran martell game of thrones

He is the older brother of Oberyn Martell and Elia Martell.

Unlike his sickly and pensive brother, Oberyn is notorious for both his dangerous and unpredictable nature and his affinity for poisons, for which he earned his nickname. Since his brother is sickly, he travels to King's Landing in order to claim the Dornish seat on the small council, as well as to seek vengeance for his sister Elia Martell's death at the hands of Ser Gregor Clegane , whom he suspects acted directly on orders from Tywin Lannister. Oberyn Martell is the younger brother of Prince Doran Martell , the ruler of the southern principality of Dorne. He is a hotheaded, forceful, and lustful man with a quick wit and a barbed tongue. He is a formidable fighter whose "legend was fearsome" and is nicknamed the "Red Viper" due to his preference for red clothing, as well as the rumor of his use of poisoned weapons in duels. Tywin Lannister described Oberyn as "always been half-mad"; Oberyn's brother Doran has described him as "ever the viper", "deadly, dangerous, unpredictable", and "no man dared tread on him", and Oberyn himself admitted being a "bloodthirsty man". Oberyn was also responsible for the crippling of Willas Tyrell , the heir of House Tyrell of Highgarden, during a joust , though Willas never blamed Oberyn for the accident and the two remained friends.

Doran martell game of thrones

He was murdered along with his heir, Trystane, by Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes in an act of retaliation for his inaction against House Lannister for their crimes against Dorne. He suffered from a severe case of gout, which mostly prevented him from walking and restricted him to a wheelchair. Unlike his more hotheaded and aggressive brother, Oberyn, Doran was a pensive, calculating, and patient man who always waited and observed before making his next move. Despite their different personalities, the two brothers were very close. While Oberyn could indulge in the wayward Dornish ways, challenging whomever he liked regardless of the consequences, Doran was raised to be more responsible as the heir to the Dornish throne. He truly cared for both his people and his family, and would never make a decision that would go against their interests. However, this was often against their wishes, and this resulted in his becoming an unpopular ruler. Doran had also been a witness to war and was deeply marked by its consequences. As such, he often tried to find a solution that avoided waging war, even if the honor of House Martell had been offended. This, along with his physical weakness, gave some people the impression that he was weak-willed and easily dominated, but this was misleading; Doran was just as ruthless and decisive as any other member of House Martell. He was simply better at hiding it - until the moment that he struck. Tyrion , the acting Hand of the King , proposes a marriage alliance to Prince Doran, offering the hand of Princess Myrcella Baratheon to be wedded to Doran's son when both come of age.

Although Mellario was high born enough to become his wife, most marriages between nobles in Westeros are political marriages and a love match is very uncommon. He weighs the consequences of every action before he makes them, but whatever action he ultimately takes is therefore very deliberate, doran martell game of thrones. Doran was furious about the way Elia had been treated by Rhaegar, and as a consequence was slow to lend any aid to the Targaryens.

In the television adaptation Game of Thrones, he is played by Alexander Siddig. In his early fifties, Doran is a cautious, pensive, and subtle man. He is prone to think long on the matters before him, weighing every word and every action. He has a bad case of gout which has recently left him unable to walk, instead having to rely on his wheeled chair, or a palanquin, to move around. He appears to be much older than he is in truth.

Ellaria Sand was the paramour of Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne and a bastard , carrying the bastard surname "Sand" like all bastards in Dorne. After Oberyn's death while defending Tyrion Lannister in a trial by combat , Ellaria pushes for House Martell to go to war with House Lannister, but is refused by Oberyn's older brother, Doran Martell. She is sentenced to life in the Black Cells for Myrcella's murder, and is forced to watch as Cersei fatally poisons Tyene, with the same poison Ellaria used to murder Myrcella. Ellaria's current status is unknown, though it is very unlikely that she survived Daenerys's devastation of King's Landing. Ellaria is the mother of four of Prince Oberyn Martell 's eight bastard daughters. Like Oberyn, Ellaria is attracted to both men and women.

Doran martell game of thrones

He is best known for his role as Dr. Alexander Siddig was a popular fan-casting choice to be Doran Martell since Season 1. One of the TV producers told Siddig about this when he was later cast for Season 5, and he said he was astonished:. Siddig described the challenges of playing the role, in which his character is confined to a wheelchair with painful gout in his feet:.

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Doran loves his family, mourning Elia, Lewyn, her children and Oberyn, but has also proven kind to the bastard children of his brother , and cares completely for all three of his own children, even though Arianne believes that she has disappointed him. Start a Wiki. Following her departure, Quentyn attempts to steal the dragons, and it costs his life. Ellaria Sand : " Your brother was murdered, and you sit here in the Water Gardens, staring at the sky and doing nothing! But I've seen war. I was the grass. He is prone to think long on the matters before him, weighing every word and every action. Nymeria claims that if Oberyn was alive and Doran was dead, Oberyn would have not waited even one moment before leading his banners north, and the spears would have been raining upon the marches. Loreza Sand [d]. As she was born one month premature, Doran was convinced that his sister too would die, as their brothers had done before, but she lived. In his early fifties, Doran is a cautious, pensive, and subtle man. Tywin Lannister himself warns that Doran's patience and insistence on long-term planning should not be mistaken for indecision or laziness, and considers him a genuine threat.

Areo Hotah was the captain of the Martell guard and the personal bodyguard of Prince Doran Martell , the ruler of Dorne. Areo Hotah is originally from Norvos , one of the northern Free Cities. He has been a trusted servant of the Martells for many years, and is renowned for his skill with his halberd.

While Doran takes some small solace in knowing that Tywin died a cruel death at the hands of his hateful son, thousands more will soon be joining Tywin, if Arianne's folly turns to war. Episode 8. For years, he was an only child, as his mother had several miscarriages. Arianne speaks coldly to her father and cites her belief that he is weak and overcautious, and Doran hints repeatedly that Arianne has risked destroying carefully-woven plans he has made. Article Talk. He hides his disability so as to not appear weak to his potential enemies. Fire to fire. We Light the Way 6. She had two young children by Rhaegar, Rhaenys and Aegon. As a consequence, Doran's brother Oberyn attempts to raise a rebellion for Viserys during the year after the rebellion, but the new Hand of the King, Lord Jon Arryn, travels to Sunspear to return Prince Lewyn's bones, speaks with Doran, and ends all talks of rebellion. I don't believe in third chances. The Black Queen. Ser Willem never told Viserys and Daenerys about the pact, and Doran chose to keep the pact a secret, fearing that if Robert knew of that, he would smash Sunspear and all the Martells. Oberyn Martell is the younger brother of Prince Doran Martell , the ruler of the southern principality of Dorne.

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