dutch swearing phrases

Dutch swearing phrases

The Dutch are quite creative when it comes to swearing.

When embarking on the adventure that is trying to learn a brand new language, you find that often the first words you'll pick up are funny or rude insults or slang words. With this in mind - for those out there trying to improve their Dutch skills but bored of memorising all the generic vocab and grammar rules - here are some of the funniest and most commonly used Dutch swear words. Brace yourself, some of them might be a bit surprising. One rather unusual habit in the Netherlands is to use the name of diseases or illnesses as swear words or insults. Here are some examples.

Dutch swearing phrases

At first, I hesitated to write this blog. The first words you learned were Dutch swear words. Disclaimer: be aware all the words in this text are swear words, so be very careful if you think of using one of them in everyday life. Both can be used as an expression of anger or pain. Godverdomme literally translates to the English goddamnit. Kut sounds like the c-word in English. But again, it is still a word my mother would forbid you to use. The way people use asshole in English, is klootzak in Dutch. The female versions would be kutwijf or the English loanword bitch. What makes swearing in Dutch stand out from other languages is the free use of diseases. In fact, most of the diseases used are pretty old-fashioned words. And nowadays the word you, unfortunately, hear more and more is kanker cancer.

Retrieved 12 July Are you my mother, and do you want to berate me for all these Dutch swear words? The meaning of this word can be compared to "wimp", "dork", or " schlemiel ", dutch swearing phrases.

If you are curious what Dutch swear words mean and how to swear in Dutch, you can check out the list below. If you want to use some of the words, tread very, very carefully. Especially in Amsterdam, swearing comes naturally for the locals and is often done with a tongue-in-cheek style that can be easy to miss and even more difficult to imitate. Use this list with caution and drive safely! Godverdomme is probably the first Dutch swear word any Dutch person will teach you.

Dutch profanity can be divided into several categories. Often, the words used in profanity by speakers of Dutch are based around various names for diseases. In many cases, these words have evolved into slang , and many euphemisms for diseases are in common use. Additionally, a substantial number of curse words in the Dutch language are references to sexual acts, genitalia, or bodily functions. Religious curse words also make up a considerable part of the Dutch profanity vocabulary. Aside from these categories, the Dutch language has many words that are only used for animals; these words are insulting when applied to people.

Dutch swearing phrases

Is that the case for you? However, did the Dutch cross a line? Are you ready to get angry? Then do it well and do it Dutch-style—direct and honest. This way, you learn Dutch swear words and phrases that you can use in all situations. This information will give you the tools you need to manage a heated situation in the Netherlands.

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Culture In need of a giggle? On its own, flikker is a pretty offensive swear word used to refer to gay men, but combined flikker op is a rather rude way to tell someone to go away - you'll probably be able to guess what the English equivalent is hint: it also starts with "f". It is pannenkoek and it is a pancake. Swear words based on illnesses One rather unusual habit in the Netherlands is to use the name of diseases or illnesses as swear words or insults. I have no idea how the words were spelled in Dutch, and my parents would never tell us what it meant, not even as adults. Koekert or koekwaus means "crazy person". At first, I hesitated to write this blog. May 4. As we have seen, lijer is sufferer, so someone who is kapsoneslijer is suffering from kapsones , a typically Amsterdam slang word. Amsterdam: AU. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies.

If you are curious what Dutch swear words mean and how to swear in Dutch, you can check out the list below. If you want to use some of the words, tread very, very carefully. Especially in Amsterdam, swearing comes naturally for the locals and is often done with a tongue-in-cheek style that can be easy to miss and even more difficult to imitate.

Poes literally: "puss", "cat" is a word for the vagina. Archived from the original on 5 March The term is an abbreviation of "lollepot", a firepot which women in the 16th and 17th century placed under their skirts to warm up their lower body and legs. Etymologisch woordenboek van het Nederlands. Its etymology is unclear, but an explanation is that it is a corruption of the English asshole. When to use these: Someone eats the last bitterbal at the borrel or double-dips said bitterbal in the mustard cup. Non-necessary Non-necessary. Now Swarta Pete? You cannot keep quiet, eh, you babbelkont! To wish a disease upon someone, the words krijg de

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