effie hunger games actress

Effie hunger games actress

The following is the complete filmography of American actress and filmmaker Elizabeth Banks. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk.

Elizabeth Banks started her career in the s with a small soap opera role and has since become a master of hats as both an actress and filmmaker. The actress has recently returned to the director's chair for the upcoming outrageous comedy, Cocaine Bear starring Ray Liotta and Keri Russell. Joy is an all-American housewife in the s who is overjoyed when she becomes pregnant with her second child, but her happiness is cruelly extinguished when the pregnancy becomes a threat to her own life. With no other options available to her, Joy comes across the Janes, an underground network of women who risk providing women with abortions. Banks brilliantly portrays her character's devastating conflict while also highlighting the extreme physical and emotional lengths women were forced to endure. Watch on Hulu. As punishment for a failed revolt, each of Panem's 12 districts must select two tributes, a boy and a girl, to fight to the death in the annual Hunger Games.

Effie hunger games actress

Effie Trinket : [gasps] That is mahogany! Katniss Everdeen : I volunteer! I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute! Effie Trinket : [pause] Uh I believe we have a volunteer. Effie Trinket : Manners! Effie Trinket : District 12's very first volunteer! Haymitch Abernathy : [about Cato] He's a Career. You know what that is? Katniss Everdeen : From District 1. Haymitch Abernathy : And 2. They train in a special academy until they're eighteen, then they volunteer. By that point, they're pretty lethal. Effie Trinket : But they don't receive any special treatment.

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Banks founded the film and television production company Brownstone Productions in with her husband, Max Handelman. Banks made her film debut in the low-budget independent film Surrender Dorothy She also had recurring roles on the comedy series Scrubs — and Modern Family — , the latter of which earned her a third Primetime Emmy Award nomination. She was in Little League when she broke her leg sliding into third base. She then tried out for the school play, which was her start in acting.

Despite appearing as an eclectic individual who could pass off as another brainwashed soul from District 1, this is far from the truth. Effie is known for her wild fashion taste and for her genuine emotional depth and growth across the series. She is the escort for District 12 and the person who actually initially calls Prim and Peeta's names in the drawing. Over the franchise, we see Effie's character growth. Here are a few fun facts about the character you might not know. Effie is known for her role as host to announcing the many tributes for the Hunger Games but she was also a notable fashionista in the Capitol. One of the first things we notice about her is her eccentric outfits and vibrant wigs.

Effie hunger games actress

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New York Daily News. Elizabeth Banks. Years later, Wilson John Cusack has found himself under the supervision of a controlling therapist Paul Giamatti and with the support of his girlfriend, finds hope and strength to reclaim his life. She stated that the worst part of playing the part of Effie was the long fingernails as she could not do anything, even go to the bathroom on her own while wearing them. Women's Health. Effie Trinket : [pause] Uh June Spider-Man 2. Fangoria Chainsaw Awards. Foreign Relations … Producer. Archived from the original on May 31,

Banks founded the film and television production company Brownstone Productions in with her husband, Max Handelman. Banks made her film debut in the low-budget independent film Surrender Dorothy She also had recurring roles on the comedy series Scrubs — and Modern Family — , the latter of which earned her a third Primetime Emmy Award nomination.

Choice Movie: Female Scene Stealer. Role Models as Beth. Charlie's Angels … Screenplay. After auditioning in New York, she was offered a role on the soap opera Santa Barbara. Lovely, Still as Alex. Resident Advisors 7 episodes … Executive Producer. Retrieved December 28, May 13, She was the first in her family to graduate from college. America 9 episodes as Jill Ruckelshaus. Effie Trinket : I just love that! March 26,

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