elfen lied characters lucy

Elfen lied characters lucy

The so-called 'Queen' DicloniusLucy, was an individual difficult to pin down by any standard of "good" or "evil" societal mores.

Return to main character page. In the manga her hair is bright pink, but the anime has it as a notably darker shade of pink. Also, in the manga she has green eyes, while the anime gives her red ones. Animal Motifs : Bovines. Additionally, during her childhood, the bullies would call her an ox due to her horns. It's also worth noting that that Satan is typically depicted as having red skin and bovine features, and is also the patron demon of the Sin of Wrath, which its representative animal is the bull. Betty and Veronica : Veronica darker, dangerously unstable, and telekinetic mutant to Yuka's Betty lighter, sane, and normal human.

Elfen lied characters lucy

The plot and characters are described, below, using in-universe tone. Elfen Lied takes place in Kamakura , Japan, where a fictional mutant human sub-species, with violent telekinetic powers, has been discovered. Known as a Diclonius, any person showing signs of the mutation have either been contained in the Diclonius research facility or exterminated. She is assumed to be fifteen but never explicitly stated eighteen in the anime. However, she can be swift and lethal within that range, and will use any nearby objects as high-velocity projectiles to kill at greater distances. She is also capable of stopping or deflecting most standard ammunition when she concentrates on the task. Lucy hates humans mainly because of how she was abused by her human peers as a child, several of whom she eventually killed after they captured a puppy which Lucy had been caring for and beat it to death in front of her; which led to her brutally murdering them out of revenge. Consequently, she discounts non-diclonii, claiming they are not real people, to the point of telling Nana that she has "not killed one of her own yet". She is incredibly sadistic , severing limbs and blinding foes, leaving them to bleed to death rather than killing them outright. Despite this lack of concern for human life she will not harm Kouta, and cries and apologizes for killing his family in a fit of jealousy; she loves Kouta, but due to her actions in the past, she believes he will be content without her existence. As such, she refrains from killing in his presence, except at the series' end, when she kills an entire Special Assault Team unit in front of him. However, Lucy still is not above acts of jealousy, once using her vectors to shove Yuka when she saw her holding hands with Kouta. As the series progresses she develops a wider vocabulary; by the halfway point she is able to speak perfectly normal. Nyu is innocent and incapable of violent acts, a foil to the normally cold and sadistic Lucy; she is the manifestation of her "good side".

While burying her dog in the mountains, Kaede made the decision to go on the run, but was stopped by Koutaa young boy on vacation who went into the hills to draw.

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The so-called 'Queen' Diclonius , Lucy, was an individual difficult to pin down by any standard of "good" or "evil" societal mores. She was both ruthlessly tormented and was also a sadistic tormentor to others, driven to a mental breakdown at an early age by the cruelty that surrounded her. Though she never expected to receive any form of love and acceptance from others, occasionally she got the chance to see that such things were, indeed, possible for someone like her. Her great love was Kouta , a boy she met when they were both children and again when they were young adults. Kaede was the first of the diclonii , a human sub-species that emerged in the late s and noted by their horns and ability to kill using high-vibrating arms called " vectors ", which are invisible to normal human sight.

Elfen lied characters lucy

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While waiting for their clothes to dry, Lucy remarked it was the best day of her entire life, even mildly embarrassing Kouta when she showed no modesty. Deranged and lost at this point, Lucy's old enemy Kurama finds his way there and cradles the dying Cynthia, thinking she was his late daughter Mariko. Tortured Monster : Yes, she's a bitter, mass murdering bulldozer, but she went through some serious tragedy in her life that she'd done nothing to deserve. One is the grim queen of the Diclonius, seeking redemption for killing innocent people in her childhood. She also has the exclusive ability to temporarily disable another Diclonius' vectors by having her vectors go through their pineal gland. In order to gain info she is servile and submissive to Director Kakuzawa, allowing him to molest and sexually humiliate her. After learning of her mother's death, she killed her brother and Kakuzawa both but didn't grieve long for her mother due to her wish to leave the island to return home. The Atoner : In the anime, as she starts seeing more of Lucy's memories, she feels great regret for her other self's actions. Aiko too, was lonely, dealing with an abusive father and hoping to reunite with the mother who abandoned her. In summary, Lucy and her true identity are a level deeper than some people realize, what with three personalities, and biological instincts pushing her toward violence and antagonism. However, then Mariko's murderous instincts kick in, and when she sees Saito's face for the first time, she says that this person is not her mother. Defrosting Ice Queen : Most of her arc in the anime. Lucy attempts to kill him, but Mariko sacrifices herself to save her father.

In the Kamakura province, a young girl named Kaede was found alone after being seemingly abandoned by her parents. While a local orphanage took her in, she faced discrimination due to the two horn-like appendages present on her head; the staff avoided interacting with her while the other children demanded that she leave and harassed her repeatedly to enforce this message.

She made her way to the exit, and as she peered over the cliffside, Kurama had a sniper use a. It cannot be confirmed from evidence in the series whether or not this personality, supposedly the voice of Lucy's Diclonius DNA, really existed or was merely the embodiment of Kaede's intense alienation and pain. The Unfettered : She has no reservations about doing anything in her considerable amount of power to kill all the humans and replace them with her species. Despite this lack of concern for human life she will not harm Kouta, as he was her only childhood friend. A class the trio attended had as its instructor the dismissive, arrogant Professor Kakuzawa , son of the man who ran the Institute that Lucy escaped. In Japanese, she was voiced by Sanae Kobayashi. She is only having fun, seeing killing as a game, and the pleasure she gets from it is equivalent to a child ripping the wings off of an insect or burning ants with a magnifying glass. Partially to end the threat he recognizes that she poses to the world, but also because Lucy is paying him back in blood for Aiko's death, killing his secretary, dismembering and almost killing his adopted daughter, and in the manga being the reason for Mariko's death, and then directly killing two of her clones in front of him. Is Serious Business : Whenever Nyuu speaks in coherent sentences, it usually indicates something far more serious is going on. Satanic Archetype : She was considered a social outcast, having been abandoned by her parents since birth and born a diclonius and subsequently ostracized by many because of it, not unlike Lucifer being cast from the heavens. Before parting ways, Lucy cautiously asked Kouta whether his cousin was a boy or a girl. Godiva Hair : Her hair is sometimes depicted this way. However, they decide not to ask questions. Tragic Bigot : Lucy strongly believes Humans Are the Real Monsters , and considering all she'd been through because of humans' cruelty, one can't honestly blame her.

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