
The translation has been generated automatically elia. Elhuyar dictionary Become an Elhuyar member Who we are Services Artificial intelligence and language technologies Equality, participation and transformation Language services and Basque plans Scientific Outreach and Education, eluyhar. We apply state-of-the-art knowledge in Basque society Elhuyar ezagutuz aldatzea play See video, eluyhar. Teknopolis TV eluyhar turns 25 March

The translation has been generated automatically elia. We are a nonprofit private organization. We were born in , with the objective of bringing together science and Euskera. We took the first steps as a cultural association, and in we became a foundation. Although science and Euskera remain very important pillars, we are currently an organization that offers services for the application of advanced knowledge.



We work in the fields of science, artificial intelligence, languages, social improvement Elhuyar group eluyhar.


Euskararen tresnak. Kultura eta Hizkuntza Politika Saila. Elhuyar Hiztegia ren bertsio hau hiztegi berritua duzu, Euskaltzaindiaren Hiztegi Batuaren eta gomendioen arabera moldatua. Hauxe da edukia:. Lehenik, hiztegiaren zein ataletan bilatu nahi den aukeratu behar da, euskara - gaztelania eu - es edo gaztelania - euskara es - eu. Ondoren, sarrera osoa, karaktere bat edo karaktere-multzo bat idatzi horretarako dagoen laukian. Idatzitako karaktereekin hasten diren sarrerak edo azpisarrerak izango dira bilaketaren emaitza. Adibidez, buru-z hasten diren sarrera guztiak ikusi nahi izanez gero, nahikoa da bilaketa-laukian buru idatzi eta Bilatu botoia edo Intro tekla sakatzea. Bilaketa-baldintzak betetzen dituzten sarrerez edo azpisarrerez osatutako zerrenda da bilaketaren emaitza.


The translation has been generated automatically elia. Elhuyar dictionary Become an Elhuyar member Who we are Services Artificial intelligence and language technologies Equality, participation and transformation Language services and Basque plans Scientific Outreach and Education. We apply state-of-the-art knowledge in Basque society Elhuyar ezagutuz aldatzea play See video. Teknopolis TV programme turns 25 March The colloquium cycle "In the light of women scientists" will address Alzheimer's, the philosophy of science and ecology March Orai, an artificial intelligence technology centre.

Feliz fin de semana buenos días

We were born in , with the objective of bringing together science and Euskera. We seek knowledge and quality. The Elhuyar Environmental Communication Decalogue is presented to professionals and students in the field of science and communication February Elhuyar dictionary Become an Elhuyar member Who we are Services Artificial intelligence and language technologies Equality, participation and transformation Language services and Basque plans Scientific Outreach and Education. Teknopolis TV programme turns 25 March We apply state-of-the-art knowledge in Basque society Elhuyar ezagutuz aldatzea play See video. Fortaleza We have a long trajectory, and our spine is a trained team with extensive experience. Elhuyar Group 2nd Equality Plan. Our relations are based on respect for people and mutual trust. We work in the fields of science, artificial intelligence, languages, social improvement We took the first steps as a cultural association, and in we became a foundation.

The translation has been generated automatically elia. Elhuyar's multilingual automatic translator has now reached one year and nearly , users have already done so. In total, the system has translated almost million words.

Elhuyar dictionary Become an Elhuyar member Who we are Services Artificial intelligence and language technologies Equality, participation and transformation Language services and Basque plans Scientific Outreach and Education. March We were born in , with the objective of bringing together science and Euskera. We move forward without fear of exploring new areas. June The Elhuyar Dictionary exceeds 60 million consultations February We work as a team both internally and externally, sharing knowledge. Annual report for We give priority to accountability to society and our goal is social transformation. We have a long trajectory, and our spine is a trained team with extensive experience. Elhuyar group values. Our relations are based on respect for people and mutual trust.

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