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By providing your information, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. We use vendors that may also process your information to help provide our services. Before the shock of seeing — it should be reiterated, Oscar-winning actress — Stone nude wears off, the grossness of the situation takes over. The embarrassment and mortification of no clothes in the middle of the largest city in the U. And the sketch does dive into the squick: Yang rubs up against a bedbug-ridden mattress, Sarah Sherman squats down to pick up rats with her bare hands, and Stone steps in a mystery liquid that appears to be mostly creamed corn…? Fortunately, Marcello Hernandez, Chloe Troast, Andrew Dismukes, Punkie Johnson and Chloe Fineman have it a little easier, working slightly less dirty jobs and helping out with a little dance number. To be fair, there are some clothes involved. Talk smart about TV!

Emma_nyc nudes

The skit involves Stone and Yang, along with other cast members, breaking out in song in their nude bodysuits while riding on a garbage truck, tossing trash bags and working construction. The three minute and second video includes multiple shots of the Upper West Side, including the east side of West 68th Street and Broadway and a stretch of blocks adjacent to Riverside South in the West 60s. The Department of Sanitation also got into the fun, using the skit which aired on Saturday night to promote its new trash containerization push. Containerization is coming. The Adams Administration has pushed to get piles of trash bags off the sidewalk by implementing stricter commercial containerization rules and guidelines. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. It was a bold move which I can appreciate. Sometimes SNL is hysterical.


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